Title: Rumors
slayerkittyGenre: Romance, Angst, AU
Warnings: Noah/Ameera pairing
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Nope.
Characters: Luke/Reid, Noah/Ameera, Casey/?, Katie, Henry, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc Characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Don't believe everything you hear...
Previous Chapters:
4 Author's Note: This fic is dedicated to a
alissablue and
lemondrop34 who helped me fine tune the plot on this thing. Thanks also to my lovely wife,
stl29tide for reading it and telling me it was good. :D You ladies are awesome. This fic is the product of a bizarre turn of events which led to me getting my tooth removed by, and I'm not kidding, a dentist named Dr. Bang. It is not related to any of my other fics. This one stands alone. Oh, and before anyone asks - Chris Hughes does not exist in this fic. Any Hughes mentions will most likely be Bob or Casey. :D
Thanks for the well wishes, things are getting a little better (but still crazy around here). I will be going out of town next weekend (Twilight convention! Don't judge me.) and I'm planning to update at least once before I go. After I get back, I will be working on my BB fics, so I'm not sure when the updates will be after that.
Reid had no time for hospital gossip. He had patients to treat and lives to save. He had brains to explore and miracles to perform. So needless to say, the nurses had been especially annoying this morning, gathered in clusters, and talking quietly.
He wondered if he was paranoid in thinking they were talking about him. It seemed like they were spending an awful lot of time staring at him. He decided to let it go. So what if they were talking about him - he didn’t have time for their petty bullshit.
“Ready for the meeting Doctor?” Reid turned at the sound of Bob Hughes’ voice.
“Of course,” Reid replied. “I’ve got a new list of suggestions for the Neuro wing, and I’m requesting some modifications to the budget.”
“I’m sure that we’ll be able to get everything approved.”
“Hope so,” Reid muttered.
“How’s Noah Mayer doing?” Bob asked as they walked to the conference room.
“As well as can be expected,” Reid replied. “We should be able to do the surgery after he’s gone through a few rounds of treatment.”
“Good, good.”
“Why are you so invested in his case?”
“He’s a friend of the family,” Bob told him.
“Isn’t everyone in this town?” Reid snarked.
They walked into the conference room, and Reid nearly came to a dead stop. There, sitting at the table with all of the rest of the stuffed shirts, was one Luke Snyder.
Just fucking great.
Reid’s glare was tangible. Luke swallowed back his nervousness. He could do this. He gave the doctor a once over, and reaffirmed his decision.
He was willing to have one night of meaningless sex with Reid Oliver.
Very willing.
So he’d spent the rest of his afternoon devising a plan.
Step one: Be more visible in Reid’s life.
And that’s why he was here, taking up his neglected seat on the board. He’d been happy enough to toss money at the new wing (it was in Brad’s memory, after all, and so Noah could get his eyesight back), but he’d left most of the day-to-day running to Bob and the staff at memorial.
By taking his place on the board, he would be involved nearly daily with Dr - Reid…and a lot of that could be one-on-one time, if he chose.
Luke was sure other things would come up as well, other opportunities, and he was going to milk every one.
Step two: Somehow let Reid know he was interested without coming over as too easy.
The second step would be harder. He had no idea how to act around Reid, except antagonistically. For all he knew though, maybe Reid got off on that. Or maybe it wouldn’t take much effort at all - the nurses seemed to think that all it took for “Dr. Bang” was someone male and breathing.
Step three: Sex.
The last one was obvious, and the thought of it both thrilled and terrified Luke to no end. He’d never wanted someone the way he found himself wanting Reid (not even Noah). He refused to let himself think about how it would be after, and whether he’d hate himself for not waiting.
He just wanted someone to want him, even if it was for one night only.
It was a good plan. A sound plan. An insane, crazy, probably had no chance of working ever plan.
Because there was one thing Luke forgot to factor into his plan, if the look on Reid’s face was anything to go by - Reid Oliver hated his guts.
Reid sighed as he listened to Luke speak. It hadn’t even occurred to him that that “Mr. Snyder” always referred to in the meetings would turn out to be Luke. After all, Luke could barely be in his twenties - why would he be running a multi-billion dollar foundation?
That was the only reason the jolt that went down his spine when he’d seen Luke sitting at the end of the conference table.
He wasn’t sure what was more annoying - the fact that Luke was at the meeting or the fact that everyone on the board was pandering to him and telling him how great his ideas were.
What irritated Reid the most was that Luke’s ideas were actually pretty good.
He actually found himself nodding along with several of them before catching himself, and saying something slightly caustic.
But it seemed that Luke was onto him, because Reid kept catching Luke staring at him, a knowing smirk on his face.
The problem was, that smirk made Reid think all kinds of things - things he did not want to be thinking about Luke Snyder.