Market Days

Aug 14, 2011 01:42

Title: Market Days
Author: Hotlen
Rating: PG-13 for swears
Synopsis: Luke makes Reid go to a gay street fair to see Darren Criss play

Authors notes: So I wrote this about my experience today at Market Days in Chicago. It's not that incredibly written, it's meant to be fluff, and maybe some comedy? Anyway, it's what I thought about on the way home from the fair.

"Reid hurry up!”

“For what?” Reid called from his office.

“Market Days, I told you about it a week ago! I even put it on your blackberry!”

“What the hell is Market Days?” Reid sighed, walking into the bedroom where a shirtless Luke stood in tight dark jeans. “If it is anything like that little piggy goes to the market game for kids, only this time THIS little piggy goes wee-wee-wee all the way into your pants, I am up for it.”

“No, it is not. You didn’t have Market Days in Dallas?”

“Clearly not.”

“Well it’s a street festival with booths and food and free stuff and music.”

“Food, go on.”

“And it supports the LGBT community.”


“So we’re going.”

“Because we’re gay?”

“Yes. And…”

“I knew there was more.”

“Darren Criss is going to perform!” Luke squealed.

“Who the hell?”


“Oh Jesus, it’s that damn show again.”

“So hurry up, we’re going to miss the train.”

“Why are we taking the train when you can get your Grandmother’s limo?”

“Because Reid, because!”

“Wow your style of reasoning is so persuasive.”

“Shut up. Now put on this shirt.” Luke tosses Reid a white shirt with bold black letters on it saying

“Likes Boys?” Reid read disgustedly. “I’m not wearing this.”

“Yes you are. Look at mine!” Luke took a navy blue t-shirt out with gold cursive writing on it that said

“Legalize gay?”

“Isn’t it great?”

“Do we really have to be walking billboards for our sexuality?”

“It’s Market Days, Reid! This is what people do! It’s second only to Pride in gay holidays.”

“I didn’t know there was an abundance of gay holidays.”

“Ha ha.” Luke rolled his eyes, pulling his navy “Legalize Gay” T-shirt over his head.

“So what is this?” Reid asked turning the T-shirt over in his hands and inspecting it, “Noah’s left over shirt from last year?”

“No.” Luke grimaced. “I bought it for you when I went to the Glee concert with my family that you refused to go to with me.”

“There’s a reason.”

“Noah and I for your information never went to Market Days together, we never even went to a Pride Parade.”

“Maybe because one half of Nuke was ashamed?”

“But as you know I have a new life now with a super amazing boyfriend who would do anything in the world to see me smile.”

“Who is it? I’m going to break his teeth.”

“Reid! Come on, put the shirt on and come with me, or I’ll be forced to go alone where there will be an abundance of alcohol and hot men in tight or no clothes.”

Reid rolled his eyes. “You can’t blackmail me into coming.”

“But you’re going to come.”

“I better damn well come if I’m going to this stupid street fair.”

Luke grinned knowingly. “Not put on your T-shirt like a good boy and let’s hurry so we don’t miss the train!”


“Suggested donation of $7.” Reid read the sign above the entrance gate. “That’s subtle.”

Luke gazed around him excitedly, pressed between sweaty flesh of men and woman all shapes, sizes, and colors. He held Reid’s hand tightly as he followed behind him, the music already thumping through the streets. “Isn’t this great!”


“Here, give them this!” Luke handed a $100 bill up to Reid who neared the flaming homosexual who was taking donations and wishing everyone a happy Market Day and slapping an “I donated” sticker to their chest, groping woman’s breasts excitedly.

“It says $7. That makes $14 for us, you are $86 over.”

“Your mathematic skills amaze me.” Luke deadpanned. “Give it to them.”

Reid handed the donations’ guy Luke’s $100 bill and was quickly attacked in a hug, the man jumping up and down with Reid in his arms. Luke couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, OK, hug that one, it’s his money.” Reid grumbled, sliding from the excited man’s grasp. Luke gave a small smile and followed Reid into the street.

“What do you want to do first?”

“Eat of course.”

“OK, they have gyro’s over there, or a hot dog, chicken strips? What do you feel like?”

“Everything. What do you want?”

“Not hungry yet, and I know you’ll eat again in an hour, you’re like a baby.”

“I’m getting a hot dog.”

Luke nodded and stepped in line with Reid. He was excited to be able to hold Reid’s hand in front of thousands of people and the only comment he’d get was how they were “so cute”.

“Isn’t this exciting, Reid?” Luke’s eyes traveled through the crowds of men publically displaying their affection in many different forms, from tame hand holding, to making out in only underwear. Music from every angle came at them, blending in to one solid dance beat that had the pavement throbbing. Rainbow flags flittered in the wind and rainbow balloons were tied to every booth.

“It’s amazing.” Reid replied a few minutes later, half a hot dog in his mouth.

“Damn sweetie.” A stranger beside them said, watching Reid inhale his food.

Luke grinned, wrapping his arms around Reid’s waist and snuggling his head on Reid’s shoulder. “I know.” He replied to the stranger.

“Stop man handling me, Luke.” Reid groaned, untangling himself from Luke’s grasp.

“That is what today is all about!”

“Smothering me?”

“Oh chill out.” Luke turned back to the crowds, taking Reid’s hand and pulling him into the mass of people slowly streaming down the street. “Oh, oh Reid look!” Luke pointed to the left where two hard bodied 20-something men wearing only tight speedos were posing for pictures with the public. “Let’s get our picture taken!”

“What!?” Reid hadn’t meant his voice to go that high. “No way, Luke.”

“It’ll be fun!”

“No it will not be -“ Reid’s words were torn from his throat as Luke yanked him across the sea of people to the speed-oed men.

“Can you take our picture?” Luke grinned brightly, pulling his camera from his front pocket and hanging it to one of the workers.

“Sure thing darling.”

“Come on, Reid.”

With feet planted stiffly on the ground Luke dragged Reid to the men. “Put your arms around him boys.” Luke grinned devilishly.

“I’ll get you back for this, Snyder.” Reid hissed through his clenched teeth.

“Oh we got ourselves a grumpy gay!” one of the men teased.

“Excuse me?”

“He’s always grumpy.” Luke added.

“The grumpy ones are always the best in bed.” The man winked at Luke.

“I know.” Luke smiled back.

“On three alright!” The worker said peering into Luke’s camera. The two speed-oed men wrapped their arms on either side of Reid’s waist and thrust their pelvises towards the camera while Luke was on the other side of one of the men, face alight with laughter. Reid scowled as the picture was taken.

“Thank you!” Luke chirped happily, grabbing the camera back and taking a look at the picture. He burst out laughing. “Oh my gosh, Reid look at your face!”

“You will share that with no one, do you understand me?”

“I won’t share it with anyone, I promise. For my eyes only.” He leaned in and kissed Reid quickly. “Let’s go over here, they have handmade cloth bracelets. We should each get one.”


“Because… I don’t know.”

“Once again your reasoning skills have proven devastatingly persuasive.”

“Because it’s fun and we could each have something like the other. Like between a friendship bracelet and a wedding ring.”

“Lead on young Snyder….ohh chili cheese fries.”

“Later, Reid. First bracelets. Then chili cheese fries. Then we go find the stage where Darren is playing.”

Luke pulled Reid into a booth covered in hand made bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, and other accessories. “You pick out one for me and I’ll pick out one for you.”

Reid sighed and thought for once to keep his mouth shut. The promise of chili cheese fries keeping his sharp tongue at bay. Reid scanned the boxes of bracelets, all made from colored string and knitted together. Luke walked away to the other side of the booth and Reid picked up a simple red and gray bracelet. He smiled to himself and paid for it, shoving it into his pocket. Noting that Luke was still busy looking for his bracelet he walked to the next booth to get his chili cheese fries.

“There you are! Did you get one?” Luke asked when he finally found Reid standing on the curb of the sidewalk five minutes later with an empty paper tray save for a few bits of chili, hard ends of fries, and smattering of cheese.

“Yes I did.” Reid said proudly. “But you don’t get it until we are home tonight.”

“Then you don’t get yours yet either.”

Reid decided that somewhere in Luke’s head this must be a threat. “Didn’t you want to find the stage that your idol is going to be on?”

“Darren!” Luke squealed happily. “He’s so sexy. I would let him have sex with me.”

Reid rolled his eyes. “I doubt it - boy who needs courting first.”

“Shush up.”

Reid threw away the empty fry tray and Luke wrapped his arms around Reid’s arm. A soft smile displayed itself over Reid’s face realizing that in this crowd of every gay man in Chicago and the surrounding areas, hanging on his arm was the hottest one of them all.

“You are enjoying yourself!” Luke gloated.

“No, I just feel sorry for everyone here.”

“Why, because they are at a stupid gay street fair?” Luke frowned.

“No.” Reid smirked, pulling Luke in front of him, resting his hands on round of Luke’s ass. “Because they aren’t with you.”

“Stop it.” Luke blushed.

“No.” Reid leaned down and kissed Luke gently. “Come on, Darren awaits us!”


“Oh shit.” Reid groaned as they saw the stage in the distance - the very far distance - and judging by the size of the crowd wouldn’t be getting any closer.

“They’re all straight girls! That’s not fair!”

“What are they supposed to do, check your gay membership card at the gate?”

“No, but.” Luke pouted.

“You’ll still be able to hear him when he plays.”

“I know, but this sucks.”

“Well what do you want to do, honey?”

“Honey?” A tiny crack of a smile appeared on Luke’s glum face.

“I won’t make a habit of it.”

Luke smirked, “He comes on in 15 minutes. We could stay here and listen to a few songs and then go if you’re bored.”

“I saw a sex toy booth over there I want to check out.”


“Oh come on Luke! There are mostly naked men grinding the air you cannot get embarrassed by looking at sex toys. You don’t even want to know the thoughts going through the heads of most of these men when they see you.”

“I don’t care what their thoughts are - unless they’re Darren Criss.” Luke giggled.

Unexpectedly Reid grabbed the back of Luke’s neck and kissed him hard, propping for entrance and sliding his tongue quickly in when he got it.

“What was that for?” Luke asked breathless when Reid finally let go.

“I’ll show that Darren Criss who’s boss.”

Luke smiled as Reid gave him a loving slap on the cheek before thousands of shrieking female and male voices rose up from the masses. “It’s him!”

Reid wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist, holding him close against his chest and swayed slowly to the music. Reid’s eyes for the most part were transfixed onto the beaming joy of Luke’s face, whose eyes were transfixed on the black polo wearing, pink shaded, curly haired kid on stage.

(for the reader’s viewing pleasure, this is what Luke and I got treated to at Chicago Market Days)

Reid swore the screaming of the crowed nearly cost him his ear drums when the curly haired crooner finally exited the stage. “You want to go now?” Reid whispered in Luke’s ear once the pressing crowds diminished.

“I thought you wanted to look at the sex toy booth.”

“Not if you don’t feel comfortable. That’s why God invented the Internet.”

“We can.” Luke tried to suppress his blush, he was trying to get better at things, especially sexual things now that he was with Reid.

“I thought I’d buy you a cock ring.”

“Anything you want, darling. You stood through an hour and fifteen minutes of my teenage fantasy.”

Reid grabbed Luke’s hand and pulled him through the mass of people into the sex toy tent. Brightly colored rubber penises of all sizes filled the tables. Whips and chain hung from the tent ceiling. There were glass display cases of nipple clamps and cock rings.

“Get whatever you want, baby.” Luke said against the back of Reid’s ear as he followed him around the tent.

“How’s that?” Reid pointed to a clear plastic and metal cock ring in the display case.

“Whatever you think. I trust you.”

“Hot. Ring me up!”

Reid walked back out from the tent, bag with his purchase in one hand and Luke’s hand in his other. “You’re going to love it.”

“I know I will. I always do even if I act shy at first.”

“What do you want to do now?” Reid asked, genuinely starting to enjoy himself even after over an hour of standing still.

“We can go home.”


“It’s 5:30 and I only really came here for Darren.”

“So that whole shpeel about being out and proud was a ruse to get me to tag along to your tweeny concert?”

“Sort of?”

“We can’t go yet anyway, I didn’t get my funnel cake.”

Luke snorted in laughter, wrapping his arms around Reid’s neck. “Whatever my baby needs.”

“You do realize after today all this nick name sweet heart talk is over with, right?”

“I’m trying to get my fill now.”

“Oh look!” Reid pulled Luke over to a booth handing out free bags.

“Let’s all remember to practice safe sex!” The girl handing out the bags said.

“We’re very good at that.” Reid smiled, grabbing a bag.

“What’s in there?” Luke reached in and grabbed a string of rainbow condoms.

“Nothing like dressing up your dick for the holidays.” Reid laughed.

“There’s some lube and a pamphlet on STI’s too.”

“Ah look! Funnel cake!” Reid pulled Luke in line.

“That’s so gross. As a doctor how do you put something like that in your stomach?”

“Open your mouth, chew, swallow, digest. Learning how to do that would cost you a fortune in medical school so you got a freebee this time.”

Luke smacked Reid’s ass as he ordered his fried dough and powdered sugar. Reid twisted his fingers in the sticky sugar goo and dropped the first piece of fried dough into his mouth. All of a sudden from behind them in the crowds a scream and gasps rung out, and a circle soon formed around an unconscious victim.

“Is there a doctor here? Someone, we need a doctor!”

“Reid! Go!” Luke grabbed Reid’s “Like’s Boys” T-shirt and pulled him to the scene of the crime.

“Wut mwe?” Reid mumbled over his food.

“Yes, you.” Luke grabbed the funnel cake from Reid’s hands and pushed him to the center of the circle that had now grown bigger. “He’s a doctor!”

Reid wiped his sticky fingers off on his jeans and knelt down beside the unconscious victim feeling for a pulse and looking for his chest to rise with air. Oh shit, he thought when he found all signs of life unresponsive; there goes my fun day off.

“Call 9-1-1.” Reid ordered in his doctor tone, the one he reserved for nurses and idiots.

Friends or lovers of the victim swarmed around Reid begging him to save the man’s life, but of course Reid ignored them and focused on the task at hand. He tilted the man’s head back, pinching his nose, and giving him two slow breaths in before hovering over the victim and compressing his chest rapidly. After a few repetitions Reid checked the man’s pulse again but it remained the same so Reid continued.

“Make way! Paramedics coming through!” The crowd parted like the sea and three EMTs rushed to the scene.

“Give me the IV kit, we need to start a line. “ Reid barked, digging through the EMT’s red medical kits.

“Look sir you can’t do that.”

“It’s doctor, and I can, read The Good Samaritan law some time.” Reid pulled out the needle and felt the man’s arm for a vein. Expertly he hit it and taped up the tube, grabbing another syringe and pushing some medicine through the IV. “Damnit come on, work.” He swore under his breath. The EMT who had taken over CPR stopped for a moment waiting for the medicine to cycle through his blood. “Come on, come on.” The whole fair was quiet in anticipation. Suddenly on the traveling telemetry unit a small bleep appeared, followed slowly by another and then another until a regular rate picked up and the unconscious man moaned quietly. The crowed erupted in applause as Reid stood back up. “Get him in the bus, guys.” He said to the EMTs who had brought a stretcher.

“Thank you, doctor, thank you so much so much!” One of the patient’s friend grabbed Reid’s hand, shaking it hard, tears streaming down his face, threatening to hug him.

“Yeah, yeah.” Reid shrugged him off. “Why don’t you go in the ambulance with him?”

“Thank you so much.” The guy sniffled once more before following the EMTs.

Reid stepped back to the side by Luke as all eyes were still on him. “Where’s my funnel cake?”

“Are you freaking kidding me? You saved that guys life and all you want to know is if your funnel cake is OK?”

“I save people’s lives every day. I only get funnel cake when I go to fairs.”

“Baby you can have whatever the hell you want after that.”

“I have what I want. You, funnel cake, and a brand new toy.”


“May I take this shirt off now?” Reid asked, toeing off his shoes as they entered their apartment after a long train ride home.

“Yes you may. But first you said I couldn’t have my bracelet until we got home and I’m dying to see it.”

Reid smirked and reached into his pocket where he had stuffed the red and gray bracelet. “Here you go.”

Luke took it from Reid’s hands and looked it over, a look of underwhelm and disappointment crossed his face but he tried to mask it. “It’s nice.”

“Pth.” Reid snorted. “You don’t get it do you?”

“Get it?”

“Red and gray. Those are the colors you wore when we got back from Dallas. When I said I thought we were starting something together.”

“Oh… oh!” Luke’s eye softened and his fingers caressed the string in admiration. “Tie it on me.”

Reid took the bracelet and wrapped it around Luke’s outstretched wrist. “Now what about mine.”

Luke reached in to his pocket and pulled out a bracelet with different shades of blue, from light baby blue to deep navy. “For your eyes.”

“Love it.” Reid smiled, holding out his wrist for Luke to tie the bracelet around.

“So did you have a good day?”

“Who knew not working and standing in the heat with thousands of people could be enjoyable?”

“This guy.” Luke said stupidly pointing to himself.

“Well you guy has something to wear for me since I wore his T-shirt.”

“And I will make good on that promise, but there’s one thing first.”


“I love you.”

Reid smiled and the age lines crinkled in his eyes. “I love you. Now, to the bedroom with you boy!” he laughed, spanking Luke’s ass all the way home.


Please feel free to write the second installment - cock ring sex - and post it here. I just can't do it.

luke/reid, !author|artist: hotlen, fan fiction

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