Science and Faith (7/?)

Aug 03, 2011 21:35

Title: Science and Faith
Rating: PG-13 moving onto NC-17
Warnings: Angst, AU and a mention of Noah
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Character/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Other Characters, very brief Luke/OC and other character couples.
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys, I only wish I did! The title of the fic comes from a gorgeous song of the same title by The Script.
Summary: Luke is happy, or so he thinks, his life seems to be perfect barring one thing. Reid Oliver has everything he needs and wants, he's happy with his work and saving people and everything else takes second place...until he meets a certain blonde that is. When these two meet will they both find what they need?

A/N: Thank you to the wonderful traciamc for the beta! Feedback would be loved! Hope you guys enjoy! :)

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six


"Are you hard of hearing? I am going to New York," he enunciated slowly so that she understood clearly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I’ve been busy trying to re-schedule appointments.”

"Why the fudge are you going in the first place?"


Grace sighed, "My in-laws are in the next room and they’ve come round for dinner! I'm hardly going to be swearing, am I? Plus I've got Ava right here."

Reid laughed softly, "I never thought you'd tone down your language for anyone. Marriage sure has changed you."

"Shut your trap and don't try and change the subject. Why are you going New York?"

"Luke found some guy who's willing to give me some money so we're going to meet him."

"‘We're off to meet him?’ Who the hell is ‘we’?" As realisation hit her, she gasped, "You're going with Luke?"

"Errr, yeah..."

Reid could literally hear Grace grinning through the phone, and before she said anything more, he tried to clarify the situation, "We're in separate rooms, staying two nights and he's just a weirdly helpful guy helping me get some funding, that is all."

"Jesus, Reid...what do you take me for? You’re a decent-ish guy and Luke means nothing to you, I get it! I was just going to say one thing and one thing only."

"And that is?"

"Shave and get rid of that beard, Santa. Christmas isn't for another ten months. If you don't, I'm coming over to your apartment right now."

“Christ, yes, I will shave, just...don’t come over. Do you want photographic evidence or something?” he asked sarcastically.

“Yes please.”

“Shut up, go and impress your in-laws and let me finish packing. I need to leave in ten minutes.”

“Okay, fine! Calm down and make sure you call me when you get there and you had better bring me and Ava something back and have fuuuun,” she said in a sing song voice.

“Bye, Grace.”

“Bastard,” Reid heard Grace whisper harshly into the phone just as he snapped it shut. He quickly packed the last of his things and zipped it up. He sat down on his bed rubbing a hand over his face realising just how much he needed a shave, maybe it was the time for a change. He hoped that this little trip was over and done with as soon as possible.


“Honey, you sure you have everything you need?”

“Caro, I’m only going for two nights.”

“Are you meeting Reid at the airport then?” she asked, watching Luke frantically stuff a few books and his laptop in his bag.

Luke quickly zipped it up and slung the bag over his shoulder taking a deep breath, “Nope, I think he’s meeting me here and then we’re driving over together.”

Caro smiled and nodded, “I see you have all this planned out, that’s nice.”

Luke narrowed his eyes in suspicion, knowing exactly what Caro was thinking, “Nothing is going to happen, he is just a friend and I am helping him out. We’re in separate rooms and the only reason we’re staying both nights is because the actual meeting is the next day and we need to prep.”

Caro raised her hands in surrender, grinning, “No need to clarify with me, honey. I get it, Reid is just a friend and you’re just a very nice guy.”

“Good,” Luke nodded. “As long as we got that cleared up.” He had another quick glance around his room and saw Caro looking at him with her eyebrows raised. “What?” he asked, slightly confused.

“Nothing, sweetie,” she answered, trying to school her expression into something more normal. “Let’s go down. Dr. Sexy...I mean Reid might be waiting for you downstairs.”

Luke rolled his eyes at the Dr. Sexy reference and the wink that Caro sent along with it, and let Caro lead him downstairs. As soon as they’d made it downstairs, Luke felt someone cling to his legs. He scooped her up into his arms as she tightened her small arms around his neck.

“Bella, I’m only going for two nights,” he laughed.

She pulled back and pouted, “You had better miss me ‘cause I will.”

“Of course I’ll miss you,” he grinned.

But before Bella could say anymore, the bell jingled at the door and she twisted around. “Dr. Ollie!” she shouted with glee.

Luke dropped Bella to the floor before facing Reid, and if he had to be honest he was somewhat taken aback. Reid looked, different...but a good different. Clean-shaven was a good look on him, his eyes blue, blue eyes seemed to stand out more and his jaw line was more pronounced. For a few moments, he was pretty sure his mouth was hanging open. Luke snapped his mouth shut and licked his lips, smiling instead seeing Bella touching his face in awe, turning it from side to side, whilst Caro looked on in amusement. He took a deep breath and moved closer to them.

“You look way better Dr. Ollie. Like a movie star!”

“Why thank you, Bella. I’ll make sure to cast you as my leading lady in my new movie,” replied Reid with a smirk. He glanced up and met Luke’s eyes, sending him a smile in greeting.

“What about me then? Would I be the one fighting for her affection?” challenged Luke, his eyebrows raised.

“Yup, and you’d lose because I’m way better than you,” replied Reid.

Luke mock gasped as Bella giggled and Caro laughed, “Bella, make sure you pick me, okay?” he insisted.

Bella pursed her lips, tapping her finger on her chin, “I’ll have to think about it,” she finally said.

All of them laughed and Luke pressed a kiss to her forehead, “Okay, we’d better head off now.”

“Just give me call once you get there, okay?”

Luke squeezed Caro in a side hug and kissed her temple, “You worry too much.”

“It’s only because you’re such a troublemaker,” she retorted.

Reid quirked an eyebrow in Luke’s direction and he sought to clarify himself, “I am not a troublemaker, Caro. I’m far from that.”

“Sure you are,” laughed Caro, patting his back. “Go on...go...I don’t want you to be late on my account.”

Both Luke and Reid said their goodbyes and headed towards Luke’s car.

“I hope having this meeting hasn’t caused you too much hassle?” asked Luke as he unlocked his car.

“It’s nothing that couldn’t be changed or swapped around,” he replied putting his bag in the backseat. “I thought you had an assignment or something due in?”

“How did you know?” asked Luke a little puzzled.

Reid cleared his throat wondering why the hell he remembered and why he had to ask in the first place, “Errr, you mentioned it the other day...?”

Luke smiled hesitantly and nodded, running a hand through his hair, wondering how Reid remembered, “Yeah, I got it done yesterday and turned it in, but I do have some reading to catch up on.”

“Nerd,” said Reid with a smirk, getting into the passenger seat. Luke got into the car, buckled himself up and narrowed his eyes at him. “I’m the nerd when you’re apparently the world’s best neurosurgeon? Something doesn’t add up here.”

“Get rid of the word ‘apparently’ and then it will all add up.”

Luke sent Reid a childish look, which Reid countered with a sarcastic smile.


“Jesus Christ, you have a private plane?” asked Reid as he stepped on, noticing the big plush leather seats with the TV’s in backs of the chairs. There also seemed to be a private room in the back and one side of the plane had an in built sofa.

Luke moved past Reid and put his bag in one of the over head compartments, gesturing for Reid’s, “Well, it’s not mine but yeah, this was the only free one.”

“Wait...there’s another one?”

Luke laughed putting Reid’s bag into the compartment, “Yes, there is another one but that’s being used by my Grandmother, this is the Grimaldi one.”


“Don’t ask, it’s a long story. And you have a lot of questions, Dr. Oliver.”

“You’re a mysterious guy Mr. Snyder...I should’ve googled you. You might be trying to kidnap me or something.”

Luke raised an eyebrow on the verge of laughing, “What would I gain by kidnapping you?”

“My very extensive, valuable knowledge and expertise in Neurosurgery? You might make me do surgery on some criminal, not that I would care. As long as I got paid, I’d be happy.”

Luke laughed, rolling his eyes and dropped down into his seat, “You don’t ask for much, do you?”

“Nope, not really,” said Reid, sitting down next to him. “I’m a very simple guy.”

“Simple, huh? Is your taste in food just as simple?”

“What? We’re getting no in-flight catering with caviar and other rich people food?”

“Are you serious? Because no, we’re not having ‘rich people food’, that isn’t my style,” he said, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “I did get someone to get us some pizza, that’s only if you’re interested. If not then caviar and fancy bread rolls it is...”

Reid sent him an incredulous look, “Are you kidding me? I said I’m a simple guy, didn’t I?”

Luke smirked, “Good, then pizza it is.”

Just then the pilot announced that they were about to leave and asked them to buckle their seatbelts and they did just that. Reid grabbed a magazine from the rack in front of him and started reading it. Luke didn’t feel like disturbing him and so he rested his head on the headrest and twisted round to look out the window as they lifted off. Evening had lent itself to night by the time they had made their ascent, and all that he could see of Dallas were the twinkling night lights mapping the land like stars. He thought about his last conversation with his Mom and his siblings when she had asked him about what his plans for the future were. Even though Luke thought himself to be organised, he still hadn’t figured out what he wanted to do. He knew he wanted to keep running the foundation but Grimaldi Shipping wasn’t something he wanted to ever be in control of. Sure Damian was still in charge and he wanted to pass it down to him but right in this moment, it wasn’t his passion. Luke knew he would be disappointed but...he didn’t want to think about things that were still a couple of months away. He wanted to live his own life before he got bogged down with family responsibilities again. He wanted time to himself to do the things he wanted before things got out of control, as they normally did in his life.

The signal allowing them to unbuckle their seatbelts flashed and beeped, bringing Luke out from his thoughts. Luke unbuckled his seatbelt and turned in his seat and noticed out the corner of his eye that Reid seemed a little too still. He faced him fully and saw that his hands were gripping the armrests tightly, his knuckles almost white. Reid’s eyes were closed, there was a sheen of sweat glistening on his face and he was mumbling something under his breath as if he was trying to calm himself down.

“Reid...hey Reid,” said Luke, resting his hand on his arm. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he said hurriedly, frowning, licking his lips and wiping his brow, both actions negating his statement.

“Reid, come on. Open your eyes and look at me.” Luke moved his hand onto Reid’s prying it off the armrest and holding it in his. He noticed Reid’s breathing rate increase exponentially and asked him to look at him again.

“Come on Reid, just open your eyes and look at me.” Reid opened his eyes slowly and focused on Luke’s as he smiled softly at him. “Just breathe with me,” said Luke holding on tightly to his hand, rubbing his thumb soothingly over the back of his hand and kept eye contact with him as he breathed with him.

Once Luke noticed that his breathing rate was relatively back to normal, “Are you claustrophobic?” he asked softly, wanting to confirm his suspicions.

Reid rolled his eyes, feeling utterly exposed, “Err, yeah,” he rubbed his free hand over his face before looking at Luke, “I try not to travel in planes if possible.”

Luke frowned and tilted his head, “I’m so sorry. If I’d have known we could’ve gone to New York another way.”

Reid waved a hand in dismissal, “It’s okay, how would you have known?” He took a breath before he spoke again. “I’m sure that this will make for a great story wherever you go, a doctor who cracks up in confined spaces,” he said laughing wryly.

“I won’t tell anyone.”

Reid looked at Luke with surprise, how much more was he going to do for him. He’d never been so indebted to anyone in his life and this situation was embarrassing enough. For some reason these thoughts again pushed him towards a panic attack.

“Hey, Reid...don’t freak out again. Just look at me.” Luke wracked his brain for something that could help Reid and came up with a possible solution. He continued gripping Reid’s hand tightly in his and coaxed him to meet his eyes.

“Reid,” he said once he was looking at him, “Think of someplace that makes you feel safe and happy, can you do that for me?”

“Where did you pick up this load of crap? From the magazines at your dentist’s office?” he snapped.

Luke chuckled softly, “Ahhh, there’s the Reid I know. Well, does it matter if it works?”

“Yeah, well it’s just bogus pop psychology," Reid answered.

“Have you got anything better to do? We can’t exactly land anywhere now.”

Reid squeezed his eyes shut pinching the bridge of his nose, sighing in defeat, “Okay, okay, I have a place.”

“What is it?”

Reid opened one eye, hesitating slightly before he spoke, “Uhh...I-it’s the brain.”

“The brain,” he laughed. “That figures.”

Reid exhaled noisily, wiping his brow again, “If I had told you it was this green meadow with tadpoles and dancing cows, you wouldn’t have believed me, so...”

“Fine, okay...tell me about it,” he urged, his thumb rubbing soothingly over his knuckles.

“Brains?” asked Reid and Luke nodded with small smile, encouragingly. “Brains...” he started, “...each one is different...they’re all amazing though. It’s this tangled mass of grey spaghetti, it’s totally alien, it’s so much to look at with the naked eye but it makes us walk and talk, think, remember, smell.” Reid paused and took a breath, “...they make us produced the Sistine Chapel, chocolate, theory of relativity, Godfather Parts one and two, not so sure about three, but...what?” Reid hadn’t realised he’d been babbling so much until he looked over at Luke who was smiling widely at him.

“What?” Reid asked again.

Luke grinned, his dimples in full force, “It’s working, and you seem calmer.”

Reid took note of the fact that he wasn’t sweating so much, his pulse seemed to be normal and that his breathing rate had stabilised. He ran a hand through his hair, “Yeah, okay...I feel better,” he smiled in gratitude. Something he only just noticed though was the fact that Luke still had a tight grip on his hand, his thumb rubbing across the back of it, comforting and gentle, and maybe...just maybe it felt good, but he knew better.

“Luke? Can I have my hand back?”

Luke’s mouth dropped open as he looked at their hands still joined together, “Oh shit, I’m sorry,” he let go of his hand, laughing nervously. Reid flexed it, smiling softly, before undoing a few top buttons of his shirt.

“Do you want me to get you some water?” Luke asked, moving to get up off his seat.

“No, thank you,” Reid placed a hand Luke’s thigh reassuringly, “Just direct me to the bathroom.”

“Uh, yeah, just that first door on the left.”

Reid nodded his thanks as he unbuckled his seatbelt and Luke watched as he left, raking his hand through his auburn curls and rolling his neck to rid himself of the kinks. One thing he couldn’t ignore was the tingling sensation he could still feel where Reid had touched his thigh. ‘Get a grip of yourself’, thought Luke taking a deep breath. He was just relieved that Reid was feeling better.

Reid however was feeling out of sorts. Never had he felt so vulnerable and on the verge of having a panic attack this bad. If anything, he was glad that Luke knew what to do, even though it sounded a little dubious and had still helped him. He pulled his shirt out of his jeans and splashed some water on his face, trying to cool himself down. ‘Right’, he thought, ‘food...I need food’.

When he finally made his way out of the bathroom and was assaulted with a myriad of smells.

“What happened to there just being pizza?” asked Reid once he got closer and saw not just pizza but other food too.

“I thought that knowing you, pizza would never be enough and I took the liberty of making sure we had something else available, too,” grinned Luke as he handed him a plate.

Reid took a seat on the couch area and sighed happily, “You know me very well Mr. Snyder,” he said before he started eating.

Luke rolled his eyes and passed him a bottle of beer and settled down next to him. “You don’t want one, too?” Reid asked seeing Luke holding a soda can. “Nope, don’t drink,” replied Luke. Reid frowned, didn’t question it but filed away that remark away for future reference. They ate in a comfortable silence and although Luke had seen Reid eat a few times he was always in awe and amused at the rapid rate he would eat and the amount he would eat, too.

“Seems like you’re feeling better?” asked Luke whilst he took Reid’s empty plate from his hand and placed both in a secure cupboard from where the food had been kept.

“Much better,” said Reid, spreading his arms across the back of the couch, closing his eyes.

“I’m glad because you kinda freaked me out earlier,” he said quietly.

Reid’s eyes snapped open, “I had you freaked out? You didn’t look it.”

“I have a good poker face,” smiled Luke, taking his seat next to him.

“Oh,” Reid sat up a bit straighter and turned to face him, leaning his head on his hand. “Thank you for that though, you didn’t have to--”

“I didn’t have to, what? Don’t be stupid, Reid. I wasn’t going to leave you to have a panic attack.”

“Regardless of that, thank you.”

Both men locked eyes for a moment, unable to look away as blue met brown, making the both of them feel unexplainable things.

“You don’t have to thank me,” Luke said softly, breaking the spell, knowing that once again the staring had gone on too long. Luke turned away slightly and licked his lips, “How about once we get to the hotel we can go over your plans for the research so we know what to tell Mr. Collins?”

Reid sighed exasperatedly, “I know my research ideas back to front. I don’t need to go over them.”

“Yes, but Reid, you’re a doctor and he isn’t. You can’t throw random medical terms in there because it will just confuse him. We have to explain it at his level and be more human in our approach.”

“And how do you suggest we do that?”

Luke sighed, “We have to relate it to the wider world and the impact that this research would have if you did manage to have breakthrough. Like I said, we have to relate to him on a human level so that he’ll be more willing to give us, I mean you the money.”

Reid quirked an eyebrow, “So manipulate him? I could get on board with that.”

Luke snorted, “It’s not manipulation but just...more of a nudge.”

“You are a shrewd businessman Mr. Snyder, I think I kinda like that.”

Luke laughed that stupid laugh again, making Reid smile in return, “Thank you, Dr. Oliver. I aim to please.”

They landed a couple of hours later and made it to their hotel in a taxi late that night. As promised Luke helped Reid or actually Reid helped Luke to understand what exactly the research project entailed. Although some medical terms flew right over his head, Luke diluted them down to a more basic level, conferring with Reid as to whether he’d understood correctly. After two hours of trying to make Reid explain the project simply, Luke gave up knowing that there just wasn’t enough time and if Mr. Collins was interested he would pay out accepting Reid the way he was and if he wasn’t, well...Luke was still there to work it out. He wasn’t going to fail Reid in this, and he had no intention of letting this opportunity go to waste.

“Right, I’ve had enough,” Reid grunted pushing the files onto the bedside table.

“Good,” Luke got up off the chair near the end of the bed where Reid was sitting, “I’ve had enough’re a hopeless case.”

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t deny it, Reid. You know’re just lucky you have me.”

“All hail Luke Snyder,” said Reid flatly, scowling at him.

Luke wasn’t deterred and swatted his knee, “Say that more often, it definitely helps boost my ego.”

Reid rolled his eyes whilst Luke chuckled, grabbing his coat moving towards the door, “I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow morning, around eight-thirty?”

Reid nodded and got to his feet, leaning against the open door where Luke was standing. “Don’t disturb my beauty sleep and if somehow I manage to oversleep and not attend this stupid meeting, can you go for me?”

Luke eyed him skeptically, “First of all, I will make sure you’re up because you are not missing this meeting and secondly, I will definitely make sure you get your beauty sleep,” Luke’s eyes travelled over his face for a few seconds and he frowned, “You need it,” he confirmed sadly.

Before Reid could get a word in and argue, Luke had moved away laughing to his door, on the opposite side of Reid’s.

“I’ll get you for that, Snyder,” was the only answer Reid could come up with.

Luke opened his door and turned around grinning stupidly, “Good night, Reid,” he winked and walked inside his room closing the door slowly. Reid stood there for a few moments, dazed, but the smile that had stretched across his lips didn’t fade. He took a deep breath and closed his own door leaning against it, ‘What the hell am I getting myself into?’


Reid awoke early the next morning, not used to sleeping in till late and being in a different bed...he shuddered as he’d changed the sheets himself. He hated hotels but he wasn’t going to complain since Luke was doing so much for him. He quickly had a shower, got changed into his suit, even though he despised the way he felt in one, feeling too constricted. He wanted to leave the confines of the hotel and so went out onto the streets in search of some good coffee. It was still early morning, and if Reid had to be honest, this was the best time of the day when it was quiet and too early for people to function, but Reid, this is when he was in his element. He couldn’t explain why that was but if anything, he was grateful for it when he had the graveyard shift at the hospital. On his walk, not far from the hotel, he finally came across a decent coffee place and before he could stop himself, he ordered two of the same coffees not knowing whether Luke would even like it, this was the least he could do for him.

He made his way back to the hotel and hoping that Luke was awake by now, it was nearly eight -thirty and so he knocked on his door. There was no answer for a few seconds and Reid tried again, knocking a little harder this time. The door swung open revealing a half naked and wet Luke with a towel wrapped low around his waist and Reid honest to God gulped, out loud.

Luke was just as shocked and it took him a few seconds to get his thoughts together and move the towel that was currently drying his hair around his shoulders, “Umm,” he looked down at his feet, anywhere but at Reid, “I thought you were room service.”

“Umm, I thought you’d be dressed by now,” Reid kept his gaze up, his eyes on Luke’s face and nowhere else, “Here’s some coffee...maybe this will get your butt in gear.” He handed Luke the coffee which took with a grateful smile. He ushered Reid in with a tilt of his head and placed his coffee cup on the table by the television.

“Just stay here and I’ll be back in bit.” Luke quickly darted into the bathroom leaving Reid thinking thoughts he shouldn’t be thinking, and drank more of his coffee instead, ridding that image of Luke from his mind.

Luke emerged from the bathroom a few moments later, dressed in his shirt and pants and saw Reid flipping through a magazine. He grabbed the coffee Reid had left for him and took a sip, marvelling at the taste.

“Where did you find this coffee? I’m sure the hotel doesn’t make anything like this.”

Reid looked up at him, “I went out, needed to get out of the hotel.”

“Oh well, thank you, I think I might become addicted to this.”

Reid smirked up at him and dropped the magazine back on the table, “You ready to go yet?”

Luke quickly finished off the rest of his coffee, threw it in the trash and grabbed his socks, “Jeez, just because you managed to wake up early, doesn’t mean the rest of us did.”

“You’re the one who said eight-thirty.”

Luke sent him a scowl and set about finding his tie and putting it on. He finally grabbed his suit jacket and pulled it on, slipped his shoes on, giving himself a quick glance in the mirror.

“Okay, I’m done,” grinned Luke as he got his room key and wallet.

“You take longer than a girl,” sighed Reid, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Luke moved closer to Reid who’d gotten to his feet, “Hey, you feeling okay?”

Reid opened his eyes, a little unnerved by the fact that Luke was standing so close to him, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Are you nervous or something?” Luke asked hesitantly.

“No, not at all. It’s not like I’m going to court.”

“That’s the perfect attitude, my friend. You’re going to be fine.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I’m going to be there, that’s why,” he chuckled. “You only have one thing to remember though, consider it your...mantra.”

“What’s that?”

“Don’t be an ass.”

Reid dropped his head, laughing heartily and then met his eyes, “I kinda like that. Maybe I should get that tattooed on my hand. I know Grace would love it.”

Luke patted his shoulder, “Okay then, Dr. Oliver...let’s go and kick Mr. Collins’ ass.”

“What? You’re serious? I didn’t know you resorted to violence to get what you want, Mr. Snyder.”

Luke turned around and faced him suppressing a smile, “Shut up and let’s go. I don’t want to be late.”

“Neither do I, the quicker this is over with the better.”

“I agree,” Luke let Reid walk past him, making his way towards the door, but stopped him short when he noticed something. “Wait, your tie is crooked.”

Luke placed his hands on Reid’s shoulders turning him around fully to face him as he fixed his tie.

“Better now?” asked Reid, once Luke’s hands had fallen by his sides giving him a once over.

Luke looked up at him, the proximity between them not going amiss, “Much better.”

Reid took a breath and stepped back, running a hand through his hair, “Good, now let’s go and metaphorically kick Mr. Collins’ ass.”


“Reid! You were amazing!”

“Did you think anything less of me? I’m hurt.”

Luke nudged Reid with his shoulder playfully as they walked out of the office building out into the sun, “You had me worried for a moment. He seemed pretty impressed with you.”

“What else did you expect?”

“I expected worse and I only had to step on your foot once to stop you from saying anything untoward, which I think was a miracle.”

“You have very little faith in me. I am awesome, you know.”

Luke laughed, “I know, I know...I’m not going to argue with that. So, how about we go and get some very overdue breakfast?”

“That sounds great, lead the way, Snyder.”

Luke wasn’t sure exactly where to take Reid but a small coffee place a couple of blocks down looked like the perfect place. He was sure Reid wouldn’t be fussed, knowing him, any food, wherever it came from was enough for him. Luke opened the door, the smell of freshly ground coffee permeating through the air, the murmur of voices from the customers already there, sharing morning coffee and gossip over newspapers and magazines.

Reid’s stomach, of its own volition, starting rumbling in anticipation, he was indeed very hungry. However as soon as Reid had step foot inside, Luke spun around, suddenly facing him.

“Can we get out of here?”

Reid frowned at the look on Luke’s face, his face ashen and he noticed his hands were shaking, unable to meet his eyes.

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Can you stop with the questions and can we just get out of here?” Luke snapped angrily pushing past him, heading for the door.

“Wait,” Reid grasped a hold of Luke’s arm pulling him back towards wondering what the hell was wrong with him, but when Luke turned around this time, instead of anger simmering in his eyes there were tears.

“Luke? Is that you?”

Luke sighed heavily, closing his eyes knowing that he’d been seen and swallowed hard as he looked over Reid’s shoulder at the person who’d said his name. Reid turned around and was met with a tall brunette walking towards them. Not knowing what came over him; he slipped his hand down Luke’s arm, threaded his fingers with Luke’s and pulled him closer. Luke instinctively tightened his hand in Reid’s and finally lifted his eyes to meet the man who’d called out his name.


rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: bhumimak, atwt, fan fiction

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