Title: Help Me (Sequel to Save Me and Rescue Me) Author: slayerkitty Genre: Angst, AU Warnings: None. Rating: NC-17 Spoilers: For Save Me, and Rescue Me the first two stories in the series, which you need to read to understand this one
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Once again love to see the group together and Luke just being his carefree happy self separate and apart from Reid but then this guy appears and it's sending chills through me now. Just who is this guy and I am hoping Luke has company to his car when heading out cause I see abduction heading his way.
Not liking the guy who hit on Luke. I have a feeling he's bad news and is going to to do something to Luke for brushing him off. Please, tell me I'm wrong with this feeling?
Hi! I re-read Save Me over the weekend and today, and have started re-reading Rescue Me. Love this. Ur writing just draws me in and I don't mind the re-wind with ur other fics. I love them, and have enjoyed them for a second time. I feel Luke's temptation here, and I know u r weaving a great plot. Hugs
The sooner he finished it, the sooner he could get home and wait for Reid.
Do not like that phrase okay? DO NOT LIKE. Hoping you'll tell me I'm being silly and nothing bad is going to happen to Luke on his way home.
And jeez, can't the guy take a hint? What else does he needs, to see Reid stick his tongue down Luke's throat? Actually, that's not such a bad thing to see... :D
Same here. I want to wrap Luke in bubble wrap and keep him in a padded cell. (that didn't sound creepy at all)
He really has - dealing with his addiction and falling for Reid, and then being kidnapped and Reid nearly died, and then they got married, and all the Brad and Holden stuff that happened off screen.
Comments 36
Great chapter
Heee. Rampant speculation begins. :D
I really don't want to give anything away, LOL (though by refusing to answer, I probably did).
Hmm, temptation? Which part are you referring to?
That's okay. Thanks!
Do not like that phrase okay? DO NOT LIKE. Hoping you'll tell me I'm being silly and nothing bad is going to happen to Luke on his way home.
And jeez, can't the guy take a hint? What else does he needs, to see Reid stick his tongue down Luke's throat? Actually, that's not such a bad thing to see... :D
Heh - he saw Reid stick his tongue down Luke's throat.
Thanks! :D
Same here. I want to wrap Luke in bubble wrap and keep him in a padded cell. (that didn't sound creepy at all)
He really has - dealing with his addiction and falling for Reid, and then being kidnapped and Reid nearly died, and then they got married, and all the Brad and Holden stuff that happened off screen.
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