Title: Help Me (Sequel to Save Me and Rescue Me)
slayerkittyGenre: Angst, AU
Warnings: None.
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For
Save Me, and
Rescue Me the first two stories in the series, which you need to read to understand this one.
Characters: Luke/Reid, Casey, Katie, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc Characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Help, I need somebody. Help, not just anybody. Help, you know I need someone, help.
Previous Chapters:
1 Author's Note: Thanks to respiratorygirl on LRO for the prompt. If you're confused about anything in this story, be sure to re-read the epilogue to to Rescue Me, as this more or less picks up where it left off. Basically, Luke and Reid are married now, and have moved in with Katie to help out now that Brad has been killed. Unlike the other two stories in this series, this fic is completely AU. :D Summary is song lyrics from Help! by the Beatles.
Hoping to update Thursday or Friday, just so you know. :D
“Here!” Luke shouted over the noise of the crowd, handing Katie a beer. He set his club soda with lemon down on the table in front of him.
“Thanks!” She called back, smiling. “It’s a shame that Reid had to leave.”
“Yeah, but it’s all part of being a doctor.”
“Awwww.” She teased. “You two are really adorable, you know that?” Luke laughed as his friends came and sat back down, breathless from dancing.
“I think I’m gonna head home.” Katie said, after a moment. “I’m so glad Jacob is staying with Margo tonight.”
“Stay.” Luke begged her. “You’ve barely been out since…”
“I know.” She smiled sadly. “But I think I should take this opportunity to catch up on some much needed sleep.”
“You sure?” She nodded, kissing him on the cheek. “You boys keep it down when Reid gets home.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” Luke replied, turning red.
“Good, because I haven’t bought earplugs yet.” With that, she rose and headed out of the bar.
“You’re not really loud enough to wake her, are you?” Jade couldn’t help but ask.
“It was just the once.” Luke muttered. “We didn’t know the headboard was loose, and Reid has this thing he does with his tongue…” He buried his head in his hands when he realized what he was saying. “Okay, yeah, that was too much information.”
Casey and Noah both looked like they’d rather be talking about something else, so to break up the tension, Luke changed the subject.
“What’s next for our movie?” He looked at Noah.
“I turned in the final script to my adviser.” Noah said. “He loved it. He said we need to do a few edits, but it’s really promising and we should be able to start shooting really soon.”
“That’s amazing.” Jade put her hand on Luke’s arm. “I can’t believe you wrote the whole thing.”
“Oh, I can.” Maddie replied, giving Jade a little attitude. The two of them still didn’t get a long very well. “Luke’s ‘Invisible Girl’ script was just heartbreaking.”
“Well, that’s because it was based on personal experience.” Luke pointed out. “And since this is too, I was really able to pour all of that into the script.” Noah pulled his camera back out, turning it on and started to film again. Luke chuckled.
“I’m going to get one more drink, and then I’m headed home.” He told the group, even as they groaned in protest.
Luke went up to the bar, ordering another club soda as soon as the bartender was available. He felt a pair of eyes on him, and turned his head to the right a little. Sure enough, a guy farther down the bar was eying him. He smiled a little.
It was weird, but not uncommon. The bartender put his drink down, and Luke indicated he wanted to close out his tab. He handed over his card and waited for the bartender to come back.
“Hi.” A male voice said to his right. Luke turned his head again. The guy had actually come over to speak with him. Luke smiled politely.
“Hi.” The bartender came back with Luke’s card.
“Just sign at the bottom, Mr. Snyder.”
“Thanks, Lou.” Luke replied, signing, and giving the guy a big tip.
“Mr. Snyder, huh?” The unknown guy hadn’t gone away.
“Yep.” Luke replied, putting a hand on his glass. “If you’ll excuse me…”
“I’ve been unable to stop looking at you all night.” The guy said, and Luke met his gaze with a startled expression.
Was this guy for real?
“Then you saw me with my husband.” Luke lifted his left hand off his glass and held it up to show the guy his wedding ring. “And you would know that I’m not interested.”
“Just one dance?” The guy put his hand on Luke’s arm.
“I’m sorry.” Luke told him, shaking the guy off. “But no thank you.”
“Your loss.” The guy stalked off, and Luke shook his head, taking his drink back to the table and sitting down.
“Was that guy hitting on you?” Casey asked.
“Yeah. He was really weird, too.” Luke glanced around to see where the guy had gone, but didn’t see him anywhere. He forced himself to forget about him, focusing on the conversation at hand and sipping his drink.
The sooner he finished it, the sooner he could get home and wait for Reid.