Fan Fiction!

May 20, 2010 01:58


The next morning Reid wakes up and sees Luke is gone.

He smells coffee and heads to the kitchen to grab a mug. There are cinnamon rolls sitting on the counter with a note from Luke saying he had a golf fundraiser for his foundation.

He grabs a roll and flops on the living room couch. A month ago, he’d be out there with Luke playing a few rounds.

He sits down and turns the television to a low volume.

After about an hour of watching some talk show, he hears Katie in Jacob’s nursery talking to him.

He walks into the nursery to see Katie rocking Jacob,

“Hey Katie, did I wake you?”
“Oh no. I just got up a few minutes ago and I could hear Jacob cooing. I thought I’d get some quiet time in with him.”

“Oh, that’s good. I know how busy you’ve been lately with the studio.”
“Yeah, it’s hard leaving him every morning to go to work.”

Reid just smiles and starts to leave,

“Hey Reid, I just want you to know that I’m proud of you.”
Reid turned around flabbergasted,

“Proud of me? For what?”

“For not pushing me or Luke away during this time. I’m just so happy and honored to call you a friend.”

Katie was beaming at him with one of her brilliant smiles and Reid felt a lump in his throat.

If he was honest with himself, he was grateful to the friendship Katie provided him from the first day he arrived in Oakdale. He’d never really had close friends before and Katie was different.

“Me too, Katie.”

He closed the door behind him and headed to take a shower.

After his shower, he decided he needed to get out of the house. So headed to Old Town.

He headed to the bookstore and looked in the medical section.

He was just about halfway through a book on the nervous system when he heard someone saying his name.

He looked up to see Nurse Stewart and blonde haired boy talking.

He was a bit peeved. Why in the world would his name be on their lips?
“Did you need something Nurse Stewart?”
“It’s Alison, actually. No, we were just surprised to see you here without Luke that’s all.”
“And why is it any of your business if I am with or without anyone?”

The blonde haired kid stepped forward then.

“I’m Casey, by the way. Ali and I are really good friends of Luke and Noah. Luke is basically my best friend.”

Casey shoved his hand in Reid’s face, and Reid couldn’t help but shake it, just to get Casey to get out of his face.

“I’m Dr. Oliver.”

“We know who you are. Luke told me about your date at the Lakeview. We sat with him for the first few days you were in the coma. We’re glad to see you are doing better.”

Casey smiled then and Reid tried to determine whether or not he was being sincere. He could tell by Nurse Stewart’s grimaces and faces, that she didn’t quite feel the same way about him.

“Well, I couldn’t give anyone the satisfaction of thinking I’d died.”

Casey smiled at this,

“So, what are you into besides brains?”

“Umm, being left alone is pretty high on my list actually.”

Alison scoffed at this and looked highly offended and nearly said something before Casey cut her off,

“That’s cool. I get the being alone thing. Just curious if you were into baseball. I have two extra tickets to the White Sox versus Cubs game next week. Just wanted to know if you and Luke wanted to come along. I’m meeting our friend Will there.

Reid loved baseball actually, but wasn’t sure if he wanted to spend an entire evening with Luke’s two straight best friends.

“I’ll have to ask, Luke.”
“Don’t worry, I already told him too. Just wanted to make sure you knew about it too. Just let me know!”

Casey walked away then and dragged Alison away who was shooting beams of hate at Reid as they exited the bookstore.

Reid went back to the book, but wasn’t paying attention anymore. He kept thinking about the baseball game. He did want to go, but he wasn’t sure that it would be a good idea, he still wasn’t sure how Casey felt about him and if his other friend Will would be one of the many Noah supporters and Reid haters.

I guess the only way he’d find out is to spend a few hours with them at a baseball game.

Four hours later, he was back at home, pacing back and forth when Luke walked through the door dragging his golf clubs.

“Hey, how was golf?”

“Not bad, I made par. Pretty happy with it actually.”

Reid smiled and gently kissed Luke who put the clubs in the hall closet.

“How was your day?”

“Not bad. I went to Old Town today and did some reading at the bookstore.”

“Oh, did you find anything good?”

“Yeah. I bought a book on the nervous system. Very interesting.”

Luke wrinkled his nose then and grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

“Sounds enthralling.”

“Actually something even more interesting happened today.”

“What’s that?”

“I met your friend Casey today.”

Luke looked up and smiled then,

“Really? What did you think of him?”

“Not bad. He actually invited us to a baseball game next weekend in Chicago.”

“Oh yeah. He mentioned something to me last week.”

“So were you going to tell me?”

“I just figured you were still in your bad place and wouldn’t want to hear about something fun.”

“Well actually, I’m doing just fine and I’d like to go.”

“Really? You actually want to go to Chicago with me and my two straight best friends for a baseball game?”

“Yeah.  I actually like baseball and I’d love to see Chicago.”

“That’s the only reason?”

Time for honesty, thought Reid.

“Well, no. The other reason I’d love to go away with you for a weekend is that it will be far away from Noah and maybe for a few days I won’t have to worry about you having to go talk to him or see him through his latest crises.”

Luke put his water down then,

“I’d love to go to Chicago with you for a weekend. How about this? I’ll get us a room on the waterfront that has a Jacuzzi, and we’ll spend the entire weekend doing whatever we want with no distractions and then end it with a baseball game?”

“That sounds perfect, Luke. “


Luke kissed Reid then,

“Come on. I smell like old men and old money. Come make me smell like something else.”

Reid laughed then heartily and let Luke drag him to their bedroom.

The next week flew by and before they knew it, it was Friday and both men were looking forward to their getaway.

Reid walked out of the hospital after informing Bob he was off for the weekend and to page someone else for emergencies. Bob only smiled and said,

“Have fun, Reid. You deserve it.”

Reid smiled and drove to Katie’s house.

When he arrived he saw an unfamiliar car parked in the driveway.

He entered the house to see the back of a strange man in house.

“Excuse me, who are you?”
The man turned around he saw it was Richard”

“Hey Reid! I was just waiting for Luke and Noah.”

“Didn’t you know?”

“Know what?”
“Oh well, at the last minute Casey called and said that Will had been given two tickets from a client and so Will thought of Noah. So we’re going with you guys!”

Reid wanted to punch a wall at that moment.

Fuck my life.

Luke came out of the bedroom then and saw Reid. He pleaded with Reid with his eyes to calm down.

Reid just stalked into the bedroom to get his bags. He wasn’t going to let Noah and Richard ruin his weekend. He and Luke were still going to have their romantic weekend, even if they had to do it in front of them.

!author|artist: gwennylou, fan fiction

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