(no subject)

May 18, 2010 22:17

Title: The Wedding, FINAL CHAPTER, 11
Author: SERipley
Original Posting: FanFiction.net [pleeeease leave reviews on this site as well for me!]
Rating: G/K
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, gosh darnit.
Summary: Luke and Reid hit a bump in the road on a day that should be full of happiness.
Notes: This is it, guys, the final chapter, I guess you could say the epilogue. I really hope you enjoy it <3

Even though they didn't have to be there early they still knew they had to get going and barely resisted the urge to wander off to the bedroom. They held hands the entire drive to Al's and walked in the same way, which brought a smile to just about everyone's face. Even though Katie was the only one present that knew any details about their blow out the day before, Luke's parents and family hadn't been blind to the fact that something was going on. While no one really mentioned it, they were still very happy to see Luke and Reid seemed to be patching things up.

"If he tries to call us even once while you're gone, throw his phone overboard," joked Holden from across the table, speaking to Reid. Luke stared down his dad with a grin and Reid insisted that both of their phones were being left behind on this trip. The table was packed with people the Luke had loved all his life, people that Reid had learned to call his family as well. As he looked around the table he thought back to that picture at Emma's, he realized just how true that was. Luke had given him more than just a lover and a friend, he'd introduced him to a group of people that, although sometimes drove Reid insane, also reminded him of what a family was supposed to be and that it was alright to depend on other people.

"Alright! I have presents for the Newly Weds before they talk off, so just sit tight. Reid, can you help me with them?" asked Katie. Everyone was so busy chatting that they simply nodded, but Reid knew instantly that Katie was up to something. He pushed out his chair and gave Luke's shoulder a squeeze before following his best friend out into the parking lot.

Reid crossed his arms, grinning as Katie unlocked the trunk. He saw a single small bag sitting there on top of some of Jacob's toys. "C'mon, Katie. I know you're a woman and all, but even you can handle that much on your own," he teased. Katie smirked at him, pulling the bag out and closing the trunk.

"Don't try to avoid the subject," said Katie happily.

"What subject? We weren't talking about anything."

"Don't be a smart ass, you know what I mean. That cruise is sweet, and I think it will do you two a lot of good, but don't think that means you can get away with dropping the original plan," she said, hitting him in the arm.

"Ouch," faked Reid, rubbing the spot where Katie had hit him as though it actually hurt. Katie just stared at him.

"Alright, alright," Reid sighed. "But I'm not doing it now. We haven't even had a chance to go out…" he began, but Katie cut him off.

"I don't care! We'll go out tomorrow, or maybe you two can go out together, but you're not using that as an excuse, Reid."

"His whole family is in there, Katie!" exclaimed Reid.

"Exactly," smiled Katie. Reid narrowed his eyes.

"You're a monster," he said, only half-joking, and Katie smiled innocently.

"Yeah, well, someone's gotta be tough enough to force your butt into gear."

Katie and Reid returned a few minutes later and Katie handed Lily and Holden their gift. She sat back down between Jack and Chris while everyone watched with amusement as the couple opened the bag. They pulled off the tissue paper that covered whatever was sticking out of the top and the first thing everyone saw was something red and lacey. Lily blushed and Holden laughed as his wife covered the bag back up with the tissue paper. A few people clapped and laughed as well. Katie managed to calm down long enough to talk.

"It's not what you think! Open it!" she cried. Lily was smiling, completely red in the face. Luke and Reid laughed along with everyone as they pulled the entire gift out of the bag. It was a bottle of wine wrapped in a mini version of a red lacey teddy bear gown. The newly weds immediately realized that it was designed to cause exactly the sort of commotion that was obnoxiously filling the room and laughed along.

"That's genius, Katie," laughed Jack beside her. The jokes continued for a while, loud chatter and laughing filling the table, and the entire establishment for that matter. Katie eyed Reid from across the table. He gulped a little, before turning to Luke. He knew that Katie would kill him for not waiting for things to die down, but he refused to do this with everyone watching. So, he took advantage of the fact that everyone was too distracted by their own conversations to reach for Luke's hands, pulling them into their own little world and drowning out everyone else.

He began talking quietly. Katie strained to hear, but it was to no avail. She was shushing Jack and Holden when Luke suddenly gasped.

"What?" he said loudly, his voice completely breathless. This seemed to do the trick and everyone was suddenly staring at the couple, listening in. Reid gulped again, but tried to ignore their stares. He took a deep breath, squeezing Luke's hands.

"I said, marry me. I don't have a box with a ring in it or some… corny line about true love, but I know what I want, Luke. I want you to marry me."

A few more gasps filled the air. Lily, Emma and Meg were all covering their mouths in shock. The men were all smiling like fools.

"I know that this is just a speed bump for us, I don't have a single doubt that we can make this work. I was going to do this later, after I had a chance to go ring shopping with Katie," he said, glaring at Katie for a moment, who just smiled even brighter in return, "but I can't wait."

Luke was staring with glazed eyes at Reid, completely unaware of everyone else at the table. He was choking on air and couldn't seem to find words.

"This is when you say yes," whispered Chris, leaning across the table.

"For once I agree with Doogie Hughes," Reid laughed nervously, wishing Luke would hurry up and say something.

Luke shook his head, blinking a few times as reality hit him and he bounced back. His smile grew and he wasn't sure he could contain his happiness much longer.

"Yes!" he shouted. "God, yes," he said breathlessly, practically collapsing against Reid, his arms desperately clinging to him. Everyone started clapping and Jack let out a loud whistle. Lily started to cry and Holden hugged her, beaming at his son. Luke and Reid sat back a bit, staring at each other with pure bliss. Luke cupped Reid's face, just staring with smiling eyes at him before kissing him hard on the mouth. Meg and Katie at about the same time gave a teasing cat call, which caused laughter to erupt again. Luke and Reid pulled away, laughing along. Luke was biting down on his lip, hand tightly locked with Reid's.

The large group continued to celebrate, toasting with orange juice and coffee to the newly weds and the newly engaged. Al's was filled with hope and anticipation, love and laughter. A true sense of belonging and family fell over them all as the past was set aside, looking only to the promise of love and happiness in the future.

!author|artist: sripley, fan fiction

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