Title: Reid and Luke Host Natalie’s 13th Birthday Party
Pairing: Luke and Reid
Other Characters: Natalie, Megan, school friend’s of Natalie’s and Sally the hairdresser.
Summary: Lily was unavailable to host Natalie’s birthday party so Luke stepped up and dragged Reid into this mess. This story takes place in the same verse as Luke and Reid Go to a Cheer Competition. You don’t need to read the first one to make sense of this.
Disclaimer: These are not my characters. All belong to ATWT and its parent company(ies). All mistakes are mine.
Rating: PG
A/N: I’m Canadian and where I’m from the bags that you give out at the end of the party are called “goodie” bags. I’m not sure if this is the term used in the States or not. Sorry for any terminology confusion.
Happy Birthday Natalie