A Best Friends Valentine

Feb 14, 2011 19:30

Title: A Best Friends Valentine

Author: Cas74

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I don’t own Luke or Reid, sigh.

Warnings:  None

Summary: Luke is twelve, Reid fifteen. The boys have been best friends all their lives, suddenly they realize that maybe they feel more than just friendship for each other. Set two years before the start of Best Friends. I wrote up a recap and put it behind the cut for those of you who need it.

A/N: This is my Valentine gift to broncotvgirl. She is my LuRe love; my Reid. She wanted a one-shot where the boys both realize that they are in love on Valentine’s Day…hope this is close to what you wanted!

If you haven’t watched it yet, she made me, and you all an AMAZING LuRe love video.


Extra special thank you to schum for being the most amazing beta a girl could have! I love you P!


It’s been almost six months since I finished Best Friends so I thought I’d give a little recap for you guys. Luke and Reid’s mothers have been best friends since childhood. They dreamed of raising their children together; Sally (Reid’s mother) got pregnant first and by the time Lily had Luke, Reid was three. Reid was there the day Lily brought Luke home from the hospital and from that day on Reid made it his duty to protect Luke and to always try and keep him happy. They grew up together, the families sharing holidays and summer trips, until Reid’s father got a job offer when Reid was fourteen (Luke eleven) that took his family over a thousand miles away from Luke. The boys stayed in touch with phone calls, but it just wasn’t the same. This one-shot is set during the year that Reid moved away, it happens the February before the boys have their falling out after a trip to the Snyder’s cabin when Luke overhears Reid telling his dad that the only reason he spends so much time with Luke is because Sally makes him. When Luke hears that, he cuts off all communication with Reid and its two years before they talk to or see each other again on a family camping trip which is where Best Friends starts.

So yeah, that was probably the most confusing recap ever, lol. Anyways this one-shot is set on Valentine’s Day; Luke is twelve, Reid fifteen. Reid and his family come to Oakdale for a visit…

A Best Friend’s Valentine

Junior High sucks when you’re the only one who doesn’t have a date for the Valentine’s Dance.  Not that he couldn’t have found a girl to go with him, in fact five had actually invited him, but each time Luke had used the same excuse, “My family’s going out of town that weekend.” Luke wasn’t sure why he’d lied, but he just didn’t feel like explaining that he had no interest in going. It was beginning to make him feel like he wasn’t normal; like there was something wrong with him because he didn’t get nervous or act like an idiot around girls the way his friends did.

At least Valentine’s Day was on a Saturday this year; he’d managed to get through school on Friday with only minimal contact with girls bearing candy shaped hearts and pink balloons. He felt bad each time he received a card or token from some hopeful looking girl with a sweet smile only to see their faces fall when he had nothing to give them in return. He was seriously missing the days of shoe box Valentine holders on every desk and non-descript Power Rangers cards. Why was such a wonderful system cast aside for the painful custom of singling out the person you’re interested in and making a fool of yourself if your sentiments aren’t returned?

Shaking his head to clear the confusion this ridiculous day seemed to be creating Luke glanced at the clock. His mom had told him that they’d be having company for dinner tonight but when he’d asked her who was coming she avoided answering, which most likely meant it’d be no one he had any interest in. With a sigh he decided that no matter who was coming he should probably take a shower since he’d spent most of the day out at the farm helping his grandma with the horses.


Reid likes boys; this is a fact that he’s known since he hit puberty and realized that his penis was capable of having spontaneous reactions after watching the other boys change in the locker room after gym. He’s not ashamed of it; he is who he is and if anyone has a problem with it, they can go fuck themselves. It shouldn’t matter to anyone else who stars in his fantasies as he jacks off at night.

It’s not a secret that Reid is gay, the kids at school know, but he’s never been harassed. He’s sure it’s because of his winning personality and charm… or maybe the fact that he’d kick anyone’s ass who even dared to think let alone utter the word faggot in his presence.

His mother knows and he’s sure his father suspects, but Reid’s found his sexuality is a subject that he’s better off not discussing at home. That works for him though; he’s a private person and talking about feelings isn’t something that’s ever come easily for him. Not that he’s ever actually had feelings for another boy; he’s had hard-on’s, he is a teenage boy, but he’s never felt nervous or gotten butterflies around anyone else, not that he would ever feel those things, nerves are a sign of weakness, and Reid is not weak.

He tries very hard not to show his weaknesses anyways, and therefore he would never admit that yeah, maybe there is one person who does make him kind of nervous, and okay he might just be sweating a little bit as they get closer to Oakdale. He’d tried to get out of this last minute weekend visit, it’s been six months since he’s seen Luke, and while he’s missed him so much, the reason he’d wanted to move away in the first place still existed. Every time he thought of Luke he’d smile; every time he’d touch himself, Luke was who he saw. Reid felt sick about the physical attraction he’d started to feel towards Luke, he knew it was wrong, but he just couldn’t control it and that’s why he’d agreed to move a thousand miles away from him, he’d hoped the distance would clear his system of any inappropriate feelings. Sometimes it seemed to be working, but as the city limits of Oakdale came into view, and Reid felt his heart start to pound in anticipation, he feared that nothing had changed…


Luke knew he was stalling; he’d stayed in the shower until the water ran cold, he took ten minutes to choose a pair of socks, and now he was staring at three pairs of identical jeans trying to decide which one to put on. It’s not like it mattered how he looked; the company wouldn’t have any interest in what he was wearing…he just couldn’t seem to calm his nerves. He was feeling anxious and he wasn’t sure why.

He chose a pair of jeans, and then went to work on his hair. He’d recently started trying out different styles just for fun. He was trying to get a stubborn piece of hair into place when he heard a soft knock on his door.

“Sorry mom, I’m almost ready. I’ll be down in a minute.”

Luke sighed when he heard his door opening, “Mom! I’m still getting ready, give me a minute.” He didn’t mean to sound so bitchy, but if it were up to him he would be in his sweats right now, lying in bed with the covers over his head. The stress of worrying about Valentine’s Day was getting to him; he was just ready to go back to not being interested in girls in peace.

When his mother didn’t answer he stuck his head out of his bathroom to check if she’d actually come into the room. Who he saw standing there instead took his breath away.


The first thing Reid did after arriving at the Snyder’s was to ask where Luke was; he’d never even considered the idea that Luke wouldn’t be home. For a brief second Reid worried that Luke hadn’t wanted to see him, that maybe he’d had plans for Valentine’s Day that didn’t include visiting with Reid. He told himself that the awful churn his stomach made at that thought wasn’t because Reid cared if Luke had other plans…no, not at all. Luckily Reid didn’t have to contemplate the cause of his discomfort for long because Lily informed him that Luke was upstairs in his room, and that he was more than welcome to go on up.

He stood outside of Luke’s door for a couple of minutes trying to slow down his heart beat; this is ridiculous, he shouldn’t be nervous…this is just Luke. They’re best friends, there’s no reason for Reid’s hand to be shaking as he reached up and knocked on the door.

He heard Luke call out thinking that his mom was the one knocking so he did the only thing he could and walked into the room. Luke was in his bathroom so Reid just stood there taking in the changes that had been made since the last time he’d been in here. He was just about to let Luke know he was in the room when Luke came rushing out of the bathroom in a huff, “Mom! I’m still getting ready, give me a minute.”

Reid could only smile as he took Luke in; he’d grown taller, more muscular, and God help him, Luke was even more beautiful; how the hell was that even possible?

“Hi,” Reid managed when it was obvious Luke wasn’t going to say anything.

Luke opened and closed his mouth a few times before he managed, “I…you…Reid?”

“As good with your words as ever I see.”

Luke’s eyes narrowed but the effect was ruined by the blinding smile that burst from his lips as he charged at Reid and pulled him into a hug, “Oh my God, I can’t believe you’re here!”

Laughing, Reid managed to pull out of the hug before Luke felt the instantaneous physical effect he had on Reid. Shit and of course he smells good too!

Reid cleared his throat, “You didn’t know we were coming for a visit?”

Running a hand through his hair Luke shook his head, “No, my mom just said we were having company for dinner, I had no idea you were coming.”

Glancing down at his hands Reid said, “I hope you’re not disappointed.”

He looked up when Luke started to laugh, “Are you kidding me? I was sure this was going to be the worst Valentine’s Day in history…but now it might just turn out to be one of the best.”

And yeah, with the smile Luke was giving Reid and the way his eyes were shining and damn, the way he looked so much older than the last time Reid had seen him, Reid had to agree that maybe this would be a good Valentine’s Day after all.


Luke spent dinner trying very hard not to stare at Reid, but oh my God he was beautiful! Why had Luke never noticed that before? He knew that Reid was smart, funny, loyal, and well, amazing…but how could he have missed how gorgeous he was? And, why the hell was Luke even having thoughts like that about another guy? This can’t be normal; this isn’t right…but, his smile is just so...perfect.

When their parents moved to the living room after dinner, Luke asked Reid if he wanted to go back up to his room; he had a television and video games in there; it was a completely harmless offer. So why were his palms sweating as they walked side by side up the stairs? Reid’s been in his room hundreds of times, why did this somehow feel different?

“What do you want to do?” Luke asked shyly as they both sat on the bed.

“It doesn’t matter to me, I’m good with just talking…I’ve missed you Luke; a lot.”

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Why did my stomach just do a little flip? And oh my God why is my…thing throbbing? What the hell is happening to me?

“Um, I’ve missed you a lot too Reid,” Luke said softly and then he had to look down when the blue in Reid’s eyes started to feel like a magnetic field pulling him forward. With his head still down Luke glanced up through his lashes, “What do you want to talk about?”

“I don’t know Luke…we talk every week but I miss knowing everything that’s going on in your life. For example, it’s Valentine’s Day, is there anyone you have your eye on?”

“No…I’m not really interested in any of the girls at school or anything.” Luke took a deep breath, this is Reid…he will be honest with me; I know I can trust him. “Do you think there’s something wrong with me because I don’t get all stupid over the girls like the other boys do?”

Luke watched as Reid took his bottom lip between his teeth and gently shook his head, “No Luke, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. Everyone matures at their own pace, just because the other boys are already interested in girls that doesn’t mean you have to be too.”

Luke put his head in his hands, “I hate feeling like I’m different.”

“Hey now,” Reid said as he put his hands on Luke’s wrists, encouraging him to lift his face. “There’s nothing wrong with being different. You wouldn’t want to be just like everyone else; that’d be boring, and Luke…you are anything but boring.”

Luke was trying hard to concentrate on the words that Reid was saying, but the feeling that shot through his body from Reid’s touch was making it near impossible to breathe. Slowly Luke lowered his hands, eyes locked with Reid’s. He expected Reid to let go of his wrists, but he didn’t…and Luke hoped he never would. What did that mean about him? Why didn’t he ever feel like this with any of the girls who seemed to like him? They were pretty, he could see that…so why is it that the only person he’s ever had this reaction to is a boy, and not just any boy, but Reid.

Luke couldn’t help but wonder if this meant that he’s…gay? Maybe it’s just Reid; he’s loved Reid all of his life, there’s never been a time when the thought of Reid hadn’t made him smile. But, he’s never felt all tingly just from a touch; does this mean that he has feelings for Reid?

Luke looked at Reid; really looked at him and tried to figure out what it was that he was feeling. He was the same boy who’d protected Luke, taught him how to play chess, spent hours with at the pond laughing. But somehow when Luke looked at him now he saw more; the red in his hair, the tiny space between his teeth, the lovely blue of his eyes…the soft look of his lips. Oh my God, I think I’m in love with Reid!


Reid was trying to keep the hope that was building in his chest down. Just because Luke wasn’t interested in any girls right now, didn’t mean that he was gay. He needed to focus; he needed to make sure that Luke knew there was nothing wrong with him, either way. That was all he should be thinking about, and yet…the possibility that he might actually one day have a chance with Luke hit Reid like a blow to the head. He knew he was attracted to Luke; he knew that he loved Luke, that he would do anything to keep him safe and happy. But was it possible that what he felt for Luke went even deeper?

Reid shook his head to clear his mind and Luke was just looking at him with those big, beautiful brown eyes.  “Um…Luke, did you hear me?”

Reid watched Luke glance down and then back up again with a soft smile…and for the love of all that is holy, please let him stop licking his lips!

“I heard you Reid; I promise I’ll try not to worry too much about being different. I mean, if you don’t think there’s anything wrong with me, than I shouldn’t care what anyone else thinks; you’ve always mattered the most to me…you always will.”

If Reid had any doubt about whether or not he had feelings for Luke they all disappeared in that instant. He knew that it didn’t matter how long he had to wait, or how wrong some people might think it was, including himself… because he was head over heels in love with Luke Snyder.

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: cas74, luke/reid, atwt, fan fiction

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