Fic: Coming Home 24/?

Feb 14, 2011 11:51

Author: PABWECG (aka Patricia)

Title: Coming Home

Genre/Type: Romance

Rating: PG-13 to NC-17

Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah, Lily/Holden, Katie, Casey, Bob, assorted little people, possibly others

Warnings: None really, except some Nuke intimacy
Disclaimers: I don’t own any of them, zilch, nada…

Summary: Luke and Noah moved to L.A. in the Summer of 2009 for Noah to do his last year of school with an internship of sorts (no Mason, no blindness, etc. Everything else in their history has happened). Reid arrived, temporarily, at Memorial in August 2010.
It’s now the Fall.

Thank you Slayerkitty, my terrific beta!

Previous Chapters: 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/

Chapter 24

“Open.” Reid quietly commanded.

Luke did as he was told and Reid put the bread in his mouth. Luke hummed his approval.

“It’s good, isn't it?”

“If I do say so myself.” Luke broke off a chunk, dipped it in the seasoned olive oil and held it up to Reid's mouth. Your turn, his eyes said. And he fed the piece to Reid.

They had finished their lasagna this way, having given up on the more conventional way of eating. Reid had been suspicious - for half a moment - about this, knowing he could definitely feed himself more quickly. However, his hunger had lost out to his other senses, which were enjoying this process immensely.

“So.” Reid pulled off another chunk of bread. “This novel that you’re working on.” He dipped it in the oil, fed it to Luke, and Luke’s tongue snaked out to lick the drips from his lips. “What’s it about?”

Luke kept his eyes on Reid's and swallowed. “Um, it’s about a man…name Louis, who goes to Haiti.” He fed Reid a slice of tomato and watched him suck it into his mouth, not losing any of the seeds. His brown eyes grew bigger, as he lost his train of thought.

The corner of Reid's lips turned up into an almost-smile. “Tell me more.”

“He falls in love.” Luke said before Reid placed a tomato in his mouth. Luke wasn’t quick enough to catch it all, and Reid leaned in to wipe the juice off his bottom lip.

“With a woman?”

“Yeah, um…her name is Suzanne, she’s a doctor…they’re both from the states doing work there…in the capital.”

“Is he also a doctor?”

“Oh no…he’s there building houses, but he’s actually a musician…I mean that’s what he loves. And that’s how they meet.” Reid raised an eyebrow quizzically. “You see… he hasn’t really shared his music, because he thought he should be doing something more practical…something the Haitian people really need.” Reid was enjoying watching Luke come to life. He leaned closer and took one of his hands. “So, he’s making music one night in Port-au-Prince, and that’s where he meets her. And anyway they fall in love, but it’s more than that. He discovers that what he thought was impractical really wasn’t. The people…who are desperately poor…end up needing to share music and stories just as much as they need houses.”

“So, he discovers something about himself as well, that his gift really was useful.” He ran his left hand down the side of Luke’s face.

“Yeah.” Luke said excitedly. “But it’s more than that even. He discovers that he needs them as much as they need him, if not more. He needs to learn how to really enjoy life; and the people there - as poor as they are - know how to do that. They’ve had to learn to enjoy life, even amidst lots of suffering, in order to survive. Whereas he, with all his material wealth, has yet to really learn how to enjoy the present…fully.”

Luke’s eyes were shining, and he was sort of far off, immersed in his story for a moment. Reid watched him with a smile. “Sounds like it’s going to be good.”

Luke’s eyes met his. “I think it might.” He paused. “But really I’m just so happy to be writing again.”

“I can see that.” He leaned over and gave Luke a soft kiss. “I’m glad.”

They were silent for a few moments, holding hands, caressing fingers, studying each others eyes and lips.

“Thanks for listening.” Reid gave a small, silent nod. His eyes seemed fixated on Luke’s lips. Luke could feel it - Reid’s eyes studying his lips. He licked them and his mouth fell open as he watched Reid’s expression. Luke took a slice of pear off the plate and leaned toward Reid. Reid opened his mouth and Luke ran it over Reid’s bottom lip, letting him taste the juice before allowing him to take a bite of it.

Reid chewed it slowly, swallowed, and licked his lips. “That’s good.” He said quietly, eyes on Luke’s. Luke just breathed in and out quickly, then fed Reid the rest of the slice, watching him swallow it this time.

“Um…it’s pear season…so, they’re really sweet.” Luke rambled, his eyes hungrily traveling all over Reid’s face. “And juicy…ripe.”

“Yes, they are.” Reid was looking at him intensely. “Come here.” He said.

Luke swallowed. “I am here.”

Reid’s eyes darkened. “Come here.” He said again, slowly. Luke traveled the few, short inches to stand in front of him, again swallowing, breathing quickly. Reid’s eyes took in the view of Luke’s torso and hips and crotch. “Sit.” Reid said softly, and Luke’s breath quickly hitched. Luke was very aroused, just by the sound of Reid’s voice, the heated look in Reid’s eyes, the way Reid was looking at him. He straddled Reid’s lap, sitting and facing him, panting ever so quietly, his brown eyes wide with desire. Reid’s hand landed gently but confidently on his ass. Luke was frozen as Reid reached his head up to kiss Luke’s mouth. Luke panted back into Reid’s mouth, moaning softly.

Reid ended the kiss and took a pear off the plate. Luke’s mouth dropped open and his eyes fell to half-mast. Jesus fucking Christ…eating had never been this good before. Reid placed the pear slice in Luke’s mouth, on his tongue, and Luke didn’t bite it. He simply licked it, tasting it, and then he sucked it gently, eyes on Reid.

Reid’s eyes were on Luke’s mouth, and he began to quietly pant. “Fuck” he said. Luke bit the end of the tender pear slice, so tender it hardly needed his teeth; he swallowed and opened his mouth for the rest, which Reid just barely managed to have the ability to feed him, his eyes fixated on that mouth.

Staring and panting, faces inches apart, Luke looked down at Reid. He could feel Reid’s cock throbbing, growing more hard, pressed against his inner thigh. His own was tightly encased in his jeans and he pressed it against Reid’s abdomen, Reid’s hand on his ass encouraging the motion. “Luke.” He moaned. “So good, Luke.” He pulled Luke’s mouth down to his and they kissed, hot and wet. His tongue snaked into Luke’s mouth, tasting the pear, the Luke…sucking on his tongue. Reid’s mouth left Luke’s, trailing across his jaw and down to his neck. He was at the perfect spot to latch onto Luke’s neck, and so he did, his tongue licking as his mouth sucked, both hands now on Luke’s ass. They rocked against each other, Luke’s head thrown back, giving Reid greater access to his neck.

Luke’s hands gripped Reid’s head, pressing Reid’s mouth closer to his neck. “Yes, yes…God yes.” He brought Reid’s mouth to his and captured it, kissing Reid strongly, savoring the feel, the taste of his lips, swallowing the moans that escape Reid’s lips. Reid’s hands traveled up to the back of Luke’s neck and tangled into Luke’s hair, and finding Luke’s earlobe - licking it, sucking it - he got the response he hoped from Luke. “Fuck Reid.” He pressed further into Reid. “Jesus.”

Reid’s hands left Luke’s neck, but his lips stayed at Luke’s ear - licking softly, panting quietly; he unbuttoned Luke’s jeans, and Luke began to pant in earnest, his zipper coming down. “Oh, oh…” he moaned in anticipation. Reid’s hand wrapped around him. “Fuck.” Luke breathed. “Yes.”

Reid unbuttoned, unzipped his own pants. “Luke.” He said, savoring the vowel. “Touch me…” Luke’s big, warm hand wrapped around his cock. They both breathed heavily, foreheads pressed together, alternately looking into each others eyes and at the hands wrapped around their dicks, stroking. It was hot - the sight, the sounds, the feel. The stroking began to speed up, their breathing matching pace, the drops leaking from their cocks slicking them just enough. Luke’s hand tentatively reached around to encompass both. “Luke…fuck, that’s hot.” Reid was watching Luke’s hand - Reid’s words giving him the encouragement he needed to stroke more confidently. “Jesus.” Both their dicks slid through Luke’s skilled hand, rubbing against one another.

Luke and Reid gazed intensely at each other, until suddenly Luke’s eyes widened, his mouth dropped open, and then he bit his lower lip. “Fuck.” He said quietly. Reid saw the intense arousal on Luke’s face. “What, Luke?”

“I was just thinking…” he began, biting his lip again, hesitating, still rocking into his own hand, keeping time with Reid’s thrusts. “Reid…it is so fucking hot watching our cocks together, in my hand…so fucking hot…”

“Ungh, Luke…” They were both close and yet wanted to stretch out the delicious torture. He panted. “I’m close Luke…so close.”

Luke’s eyes widened again, his tongue pressed up against his teeth. “Reid, you’re so fucking hot…so fucking hot…”

“What were you thinking, Luke?” Reid managed to grunt out.

Luke looked hesitant, but Reid’s fiery-hot expression gave him the courage to speak. “ I was imagining you inside me, right here…on this chair…” he bit his lip. “Riding you…riding your…”

“My cock?” Reid whispered huskily.

“Oh shit, Reid…yes…” Luke’s eyes looked to Reid again, unsure. Any words that want to fall from your lips, Luke. “Riding your cock.” Luke whispered.

“Luke…you’re so sexy…so fucking sexy…”

“Thrusting up into me” Luke panted, his hand quickly bringing them both closer and closer. “Buried in my ass…Fuck.” He squeaked. “I’m com…Oh God, Reid…I’m coming…” And he did, moaning, sighing these beautiful high-pitched sighs that brought Reid right along after him, silently clinging to Luke’s neck.

Luke, resting in his lap, held onto Reid, and Reid held Luke, arms around his waist, head on his shoulder, both of their breathing slowly, slowly returning to normal.

Thirty minutes later, they sat in bed with slices of pie. Reid was in heaven - post orgasm, eating one of the best pieces of apple pie he’d ever tasted.

Luke was in heaven, watching Reid eat. Reid’s lips closed around the fork and slowly drew it out. His eyes were closed and he let the bite linger in his mouth, tasting the sweetness, the spices, the delicious crust; and a smile graced the corners of his mouth and eyes. Luke had seen him do this exact same thing with the last three bites. “Oh my God…this is so good. I could die a happy man, right now.” He mumbled around the mouthful of pie.

Luke smiled at him and reached one hand out to brush through the curls at the edge of Reid’s temple. Reid opened an eye briefly before closing it again with a look of contentment.

“Where did you learn to cook?” Reid asked, his attention almost completely riveted still on the pie.

Luke’s body was turned towards Reid, and he let his hand rest on Reid’s chest, clad in one of those soft, snug undershirts. “Lots of places, I guess. I took a course in Asian Cuisine last spring in L.A. and a few scattered classes here in Oakdale. But mostly I learned from my grandma. Everything I made today, I learned in her kitchen.”

“Are you gonna finish that?” Reid eyed Luke’s pie with his fork. Luke smiled and handed him his plate. “I assume we’re talking about Emma here.”

Luke laughed, his hand beginning to make caressing circles. “Um, yeah. Lucinda’s really good at some things, and cooking is definitely not one of them.”

“You really like to cook, don’t you?” Luke nodded his head, distracted by the way Reid’s perky nipples showed through the tight shirt. “Did you spend a lot of your time at the farm growing up?”

“Um, yeah…well, it was back and forth a lot. But I always felt more at home there, and with my grandma. She’s not a big talker and it was always so comforting to just be with her, cook with her. It felt like one of the…steady, dependable things in my life.” His hand was now absent-mindedly brushing back and forth across one of Reid’s nipples. Reid let out a quiet moan that got Luke’s attention.

He looked at Reid, with the two now-empty plates in hand, his eyes closed, his lips parted. Luke took the plates from Reid’s hands and, leaning over him, put them on the bedside table. Eyes still closed, Reid reached his arms around Luke, preventing him from returning to his spot beside Reid; Luke didn’t resist, but lay on top of him. Reid’s hands trailed up and down over Luke’s back and his ass and his thighs. Luke sighed. God it felt good.

He kissed Reid’s closed eyes, his eyebrows, his cheekbones, trailing his tongue down until he reached Reid’s mouth, which opened; Reid’s tongue began to caress Luke’s, and they stayed just like that, mouths open, breathing quietly, tongues dancing together, occasionally one claiming the others mouth for a moment. Their hips joined into the dance; Luke’s weight was on his elbows, his hands beside Reid’s face, thumbs brushing his cheeks. Reid’s hands were more free to explore - and they did - Luke’s hair and neck, his shoulders and strong biceps, his lower back and hips, his thighs, his ass.

Making their way back up Luke’s body, Reid’s hands slipped under his t-shirt, feeling the warm skin, the firm muscles of Luke’s stomach, not stopping until one hand reached a nipple, brushing, rolling and pinching it. Luke moaned and his lips found that perfect spot on the side of Reid’s neck, and began to suck softly. Reid’s other hand slipped under the elastic of Luke’s boxers, caressing his hip, his lower back, as he pressed his hardening cock up into Luke’s pelvis. One of Luke’s hands quickly made its way down to Reid’s hip, pulling him closer.

Luke was noticeably almost-silent, the only things escaping his lips being moans and sighs and breath. His desire had gone to a place without words. He needed to see Reid, to feel him, to taste him; sitting back on his knees he pushed Reid’s shirt up to under his arms, and then he looked. His eyes traveled over Reid’s torso, his smooth chest, his softer belly, the hair above the elastic of his boxers. He ran his hands over Reid’s belly, up across his chest, pinching both nipples - hearing Reid’s sharp inhale - and then he leaned in to lick and suck hard on the right one. Reid’s hand went to the back of his head and held Luke there. Luke could feel Reid’s strong hand, his fingers caressing Luke’s scalp, encouraging him to continue, and Luke sucked harder, nipping with his lips and teeth. Reid’s other hand found Luke’s hip and held on firmly. Luke gave the same attention to the other nipple and Reid’s hand tightened in his hair, pressing his chest up towards Luke’s mouth.

Luke's mouth left Reid’s nipple and kissed him again. Reid’s hand traveled from Luke’s hip, pushed his boxers down to his thighs and ran his hand over Luke’s ass until it hand reached his opening, lightly brushing over and near it. Their eyes met, and silent questions were asked, and answers were unsure, but it was okay. They would stay in the moment, and keep on asking and answering. Luke, still on all fours above Reid, lingered in the feeling of Reid’s fingers brushing across his hole, teasing. He rocked his hips, enjoying the sensation, sighing, his mouth lightly capturing Reid’s.

“Reid.” He sighed. “…feels good.”

Reid hummed.

“So good.”

Reid’s mouth brushed his lips. “I can’t wait to taste you again, Mr. Snyder.”

Luke growled and his heated gaze met Reid’s. “I love it when you call me that.”

“Really…” Reid half-smiled.


“Well, Mr. Snyder.” Reid breathed in his ear. “I want my tongue in your ass again.”

“Fuck.” Luke moaned. “How am I supposed to not come right now when you talk like that?”

Reid smirked.

“Besides…seconds? When I haven’t yet had firsts?” Luke gave him a tsk-tsk look. “I couldn’t allow that to happen.”

“Oh, really?” Reid’s tongue traced Luke’s lips softly. “Are you sure about that?”

Luke moaned again. “Oh, fuck.” Looking at Reid, he saw a teasing and challenging face, so he grabbed Reid’s hands and pinned them to the bed by his side. Looking at him with a determined and very sexy expression, he kissed Reid hard on the mouth. Reid smiled as those rough kisses trailed down his neck and torso, and then he gasped when Luke took his cock in his mouth, bringing him in deep right away.

Luke was good at giving head - very good, Reid was discovering. He quickly had Reid panting and swearing, his hands grabbing the sheets. Luke brought him close - he was fully hard and beginning to thrust up through Luke’s lips, when Luke pulled off. Reid lifted his head off the pillow and stared at Luke in protest.

Luke was eyeing Reid’s opening, licking his lips; he appeared very turned on and a bit unsure. Luke was unsure - unsure about whether he’d do it well enough; Reid saw this and gave him a look that plainly said why do you worry about being a disappointment? Can’t you see how much I want you?

Luke was emboldened by the obvious desire in Reid’s eyes. As he lowered his head and parted Reid’s cheeks, Reid lifted his knees up and held them apart and close to his chest. His head was off the pillow and his eyes were on Luke, waiting…anticipating. Luke licked a wide, warm, wet path near Reid’s hole, then over it. Reid moaned, and Luke’s worries flew out the window, and he moved on instinct. He lapped at Reid, and he was entranced and curious about the texture, the taste, the smell of Reid from here. This was so new, and so…God, he’d never done this…Noah never would have…even the mention of it would bring a look of disgust.

But Luke didn’t want to think about Noah. Reid moaned again, spreading his legs wider. God, he’s beautiful; the way he looks, the way he tastes, the way he sounds…the way he lies here open for me. Luke closed his eyes, and closed his mind to everything else but right here, and right now…this, him. His wet tongue took and gave enjoyment. “Luke, Luke.” Reid whispered. The tip of his tongue explored the edges of Reid’s opening, before it dipped inside; and it was exquisite, the feeling of Reid surrounding his tongue. Reid’s hips rocked slightly upward towards Luke’s face and Luke went deeper and deeper until he was as deep as he could go. He pulled out and his lips and tongue gave wet kisses before he plunged back in. “Yes, Luke.” Reid sighed. He repeated that several more times, before finding a steady rhythm, tongue-fucking Reid’s ass over and over, listening to the beautiful soft sounds that Reid was making.

Reid was getting close, oh so close; Luke reached up to wrap his hand around Reid’s cock, when Reid pulled him up and into his arms. They were face-to-face, side by side and Reid held Luke’s face in his hands. He kissed Luke passionately. “Jesus, Luke…I’m so close.”

“I know.” Luke panted. “Reid…was it okay?”

“God yes.” He rolled on top of Luke and quickly and firmly kissed his stomach and nipples, before roughly capturing Luke’s mouth. “God…yes.” His hands tangled in Luke’s hair, sucking Luke’s tongue into his mouth, moaning.

Their cocks rubbed against one another, pressed in between their two bodies. Luke’s hands were on Reid’s ass. “Luke, Luke…Jesus…I…” and crying out, his lips almost touching Luke’s, Reid came. Luke followed almost immediately, his head thrown back, with a moaning yes falling from his lips.

They breathed and breathed, Reid looking down into Luke’s eyes, Luke almost smiling back. “Reid…Reid…” he panted out. “I’ve never…it’s never been like…every time, Reid….I’ve never.”

Reid laughed quietly, brushing the hair out of Luke’s eyes. “I know.” Reid said.

Luke wasn’t sure if Reid knew exactly what he was thinking, but it was okay. It was okay. They rested together, Reid half-sprawled on top of Luke for several quiet minutes.

next part /

!author|artist: pabwecg

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