Oaktail: A Town of Fucking Fiction (1/14)

Feb 14, 2011 06:26

Title: Oaktail: A Town of Fucking Fiction
Authors: slayerkitty &stl29tide 
Rating: NC-17
Fic Summary: It's fourteen days of smut. You're welcome!
Notes: We have to thank tonje90 for writing the epicness that is her fic 'Trust Me'. It's there on Chapter 13 in the comments section that we started this idea. It started out as talking about how Luke and Reid could have sex all over the farm, to a private AIM conversation about how they could have sex all over town. Then we thought to ourselves 'someone should write that' and then it became 'well why don't we just do it, I'm surprised we haven't already' and by the end of the night our fic was born!

Here's the Link to Tonje's page where it all started: tonje90.livejournal.com/5371.html

So we've been working on this as a side project for the past few months. Each chapter title is named like a porn movie might be named......so badly, lol. But, it was fun and it's now finally time to upload, so we hope you all enjoy!

This chapter was written by: stl29tide 

Table Topping

Reid had just gotten off the night shift at the hospital. One of the many incompetent doctors on staff wasn’t feeling well. Reid decided to be nice, so he went in to work and told Doogie he could go home. Now, he was done and all he wanted was a hot shower, a sandwich, and eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. And if Luke decided that a little snuggle time was in order, then who was he to disagree!

Reid opened the door to his and Luke’s apartment, expecting to see his little snuggle bunny all wrapped up and warm; willing and waiting to be ravished, but instead, there he was……sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee. He looked up and smiled that smile at Reid as he walked through the door.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hi,” Reid warily replied. “What are you doing up this early?”

He set his stuff down on the coffee table and walked into the kitchen, bending down to give Luke a kiss.

“I just wanted to see you, that’s all. You haven’t had to work a night shift in a long time. I missed you.”

Reid nodded and shrugged. He turned to open the refrigerator door and when he did, a thing of beauty caught his eye.

“Oh yeah,” Luke said, “I made you a sandwich.”

Reid pulled the sandwich out of the refrigerator. He looked down at the plate, back up at Luke, and back down at the plate. He kept turning it around in his hands, unsure what to make of the situation. Luke never makes him sandwiches. He’s constantly telling Reid how one of these days, his love for meat is going to kill him. Reid always comes back with a witty remark about Luke’s “meat”, which leads to Reid cupping Luke through his pants, which in turn, leads to one of them flat on their back with the other riding them like their life depended on it. Reid glances back up and notices Luke looking slightly worried and nervous. Luke’s eyes tend to give everything away, not to mention he’s doing that thing where he bites his lower lip. It’s starting to make Reid a little nervous now. He chances a glance back at the item in his hand and looks at Luke one last time.

“Did you cheat on me?” he whispered.

“What!? Reid!!!” he exclaimed. “How could you…….Why would you…..”

“You made me a sandwich,” he replied, like it was the most logical thing in the world. Luke rolled his eyes.

“I didn’t cheat on you, you idiot.” Reid finally took a breath for the first time in what seemed like forever. “I was just trying to butter you up.”

“Why?” he asked tentatively, taking a seat across from Luke.

“Well, you know my dad’s out of town for the next two days.”

“Yeah, and?” Reid said mouth full of sandwich.

“Well,” Luke looked away, “Grandma Emma called all worried because she was having to go down to Ethan’s school for a baked good auction thing they’re doing.” Luke shook his hand in the air. “Anyway, there’s stuff that needs to get done around the farm and no one to do it,” he said looking at Reid waiting for him to catch up.

“Oh! Oh no. Luke. No!”

“Reid, please.”

“Why can’t she just do the chores when she gets back?” he asked.

“Reid!” Luke scolded. “My grandmother. My sweet, ever so innocent grandma; the one that feeds you and pinches your little cheeks,” Reid rolled his eyes, but Luke carried on, “and hugs you and sends you home with leftovers, not to mention the fact that she’s old and frail…..”

Reid scoffed. “That woman is hardly frail. She has more strength than I do!”

“The point is, she asked for my help.”

“Well then fine,” he said putting his plate in the dishwasher. “Have fun today.”

“Oh, no, no, no.”

“Luke,” Reid said sternly.

“Reid,” he replied just as forcefully.

“I’m not going.”

“Oh. You’re coming,” he said walking in to their bedroom.

“Apparently, not the way I’d like to be,” he yelled after him. He heard the door shut and sighed. “Damn it.”


“I still can’t believe we had to come here,” Reid complained.

“Do you really have to whine? Really Reid?”

“I just finished working eight of Doogie’s ten hour shift. Of course I’m going to complain. Did you honestly think I wouldn’t?”

“Fine. Whatever. Will you at least help out a little?” Luke looked at him pleadingly and Reid sighed.

“Fine, but I’m not doing anything that requires hard labor. You know I have to protect….”

“Your hands,” Luke finished for him. “I know. Everyone knows,” he said rolling his eyes. “Here’s the list of everything Grandma needs done around the house. I expect you to be able to handle it.”

“Yes Master Snyder,” he replied as they walked through the door of Emma’s kitchen. Reid abruptly stopped and smelled the sweet aroma infiltrating the air. His eyes immediately landed on a pie that rest in the corner of the counter.


“Reid. You touch that pie and I’ll make you pay.”

“Seriously, are you just determined to suck the fun out of everything today?” he asked bewildered.

“That is Grandma Emma’s pie. When I come back in here, if there is any of it missing, I swear I’ll drown you out in the pond. Got it!?”


Luke slapped his ass and winked walking out the door in the direction of the barn. Reid looked over the list that Luke left him and let out a frustrated sigh. ‘This should be fun.’


Reid had finished his work much earlier than Luke. He wasn’t really surprised seeing as Luke did take all of the hard work. He was sitting at the kitchen table staring intently at the pie in front of him. He knew Luke had told him not to touch it and technically he hadn’t; just the pan. His hands were starting to get antsy and just as he was about to reach for it, the door swung open revealing a disheveled and sweaty Luke. ‘Hello Gorgeous!’

“You can not believe how many barrels of hay needed to be moved. It’s like no one’s done it in a week, I……” he stopped in mid-sentence when he noticed Reid was staring at him with a look of hunger in his eyes. He then happened to notice the pie on the table. ‘That explains it.’ “Reid, what did I tell you about the pie? I know you want some, but you can’t have any.”

Reid started making his way towards Luke. His blonde hair matted down, clothes stuck tightly to his body, hugging him in all the right places; little droplets of sweat that were begging to be caught by Reid’s tongue. Luke eyed him curiously, unaware what to make of Reid’s sudden change.

“Reid…what…..” Before Luke could finish, Reid grabbed the back of his head and crashed their lips together. He forcefully pushed his tongue forward causing Luke to separate his lips and moan; a sound that went straight to Reid’s hardening cock. They broke apart, foreheads resting against each other, neither moving.

“Did I ever tell you how hot you are like this?” he whispered.

“You mean sweaty and gross,” he said. “Yes. I can see why that would be such a turn on.”

“You’re like a hot stable boy,” he replied ignoring Luke’s sarcasm. He lifted his hand up to the waistband of Luke’s jeans; the back of his hand resting against Luke’s stomach. He slipped in the four fingers of his right hand and pulled him forward until they were connected groin to groin. Luke could feel Reid’s hardness and felt his own cock twitch in return.

“And what happens when the stable boy comes inside from all his hard work?” he asked breathlessly.

Reid smirked. “He gets pie.”


Reid and Luke have been together for a little over nine months, they’ve been having sex for about seven of those months, and have been living together for approximately two months. They quit using condoms when they moved in together, both of them knowing that they were it for each other. The sex has always been amazing. The best sex Reid has ever had by miles and definitely the best sex Luke’s ever had. It’s always different and always mind-numbingly hot. Over time they’ve slowly introduced small kinks in to the relationship, but despite the vast array of things they’ve introduced in to the bedroom….or kitchen….bathroom….living room…..car…..(you get the idea), the one thing they surprisingly haven’t introduced, is food.

Until Now.

Reid had Luke on his back, pinned on the kitchen table. He was ravishing his neck, marking him like he often did. It was a possessive habit, but Reid couldn’t help it. He loved making sure everyone knew that Luke was taken; that Luke was his. Reid had stripped Luke of his T-shirt almost immediately and Luke followed with Reid’s shortly after. Their bare chests were pressed against each other and Luke was writhing beneath him. Reid briefly disconnected himself from Luke and made quick work of Luke’s pants, leaving him completely naked, ass pressed against the wooden table below. He slowly raked his hands down Luke’s chest and abdomen making him arch up in response. He ran his tongue down Luke’s stomach and sucked in his belly button causing Luke to squirm. He trailed his tongue down even further, along the full length of his cock before taking him in his mouth fully. He went to work, combining short sucks with long, hard ones. He earned several groans from Luke and just when Luke’s hand made to tangle itself in Reid’s hair, did he pull off with a distinct ‘pop’. He stood there, eyes fixed with Luke’s and slowly unbuttoned his own jeans, teasing him in the process. Luke licked his lips at the sight. He loved when he had that effect on Luke. He loved seeing his eyes half open and glazed over, pupil’s blown with lust; silently begging for it. Begging to be fucked and God help Reid if he didn’t feel compelled to deliver each and every time.

Reid was now standing in front of Luke, completely naked. He smirked as he saw him grow harder and simultaneously blush at the same time. He reached to the side of him and dragged the pie plate closer to where Luke was lying.

“Reid. I already told you……”

“Well then it looks like you might just have to drown me in that pond after all.”

“This isn’t an American Pie movie Reid.”

“I wouldn’t want it to be,” he said slowly lowering two fingers into the center of the pie. “He just gets to fuck the pie.” He brought his two fingers up and rubbed a little over Luke’s lips before bending down and giving him a light kiss. “I get to fuck you,” he whispered.

“Reid,” Luke panted out.

Reid moved his fingers down and smeared some of the pie filling on the head of Luke’s cock. He bent down to suck on the tip and hummed getting a pleasant reaction from Luke. Reid reached over to motion for Luke to roll over. His stomach was now flat against the table, perky ass hanging off, and luscious hole staring back at Reid, waiting to be filled. He had to take a second to compose himself at the sight. He leaned forward to kiss Luke on the back of his neck while he slipped his hand in the sweet treat again. “I love you,” he said kissing at Luke’s neck again and planting kisses down his spine. “You have no idea how much.” He placed his fingers in between Luke’s cheeks and moved downward. “The things you do to me.” Luke was breathing heavily. He felt two of Reid’s fingers enter him and he gasped at the stretching sensation and the feel of the thick filling inside of him. Reid pulled out his fingers after a few seconds. “No one, but you,” he said as he spread Luke out with his hands and began feasting on his ass. His tongue darted in and out, lingering whenever he pushed in and basking in the taste of the sweet apple pie and his even sweeter tasting Luke. Luke for his part was torn between rubbing harder against the kitchen table, desperate for friction, or pushing his ass back so Reid’s tongue could plunge deeper inside. Thinking about Reid’s tongue, he decided to go with the latter. The sensation of Reid eating him like he was his last meal on earth, was almost too much. He could already feel the burning when Reid suddenly pulled away.

“Reid,” Luke whimpered.

Before Luke could say his name again, Reid was already pushing himself in Luke.

“Jesus,” Luke breathed out, laying the palms of his hands flat on the table and trying to push himself back to take the rest of Reid in.

Reid moaned as Luke attempted to take him deeper. He was so tight and so hot. Nothing in the world felt better than being inside Luke, not even brain surgery. It was intoxicating and all comprehensible thought always went out the window. Reid dug his fingers into Luke’s hips as he began thrusting in to him, gaining momentum and alternating between shallow strokes and long, deep ones. Luke continually let out a series of grunts and kept the pace of pushing back against Reid. It wasn’t long before Reid hit Luke’s prostate and he cried out in pleasure. He now hit it with every motion turning Luke into an obliterating mess beneath him. Both men were shaking. Reid could feel the coiling in his lower abdomen and knew he was close. He dipped two fingers into the apple pie one last time and brought his hand up to Luke’s wanton face. He eagerly devoured the digits and sucked vigorously, not letting go, until that final thrust when both men climaxed; Reid spilling himself inside Luke and Luke coming all over the table below. Both men laid collapsed and spent. Luke was finding it hard to catch his breath. Reid pulled out and off him, turning him around and sitting him up to where they were facing each other. He cupped Luke’s face with his hands and pulled him in to a slow, lazy kiss.

“You okay?” he breathed.

Luke shook his head furiously. “Reid.”


“I love pie.”


They had just gotten themselves and the kitchen cleaned up when Emma walked through the door.

“Hello boys,” she said greeting each of them with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “How did things go around here today?”

“Good,” they both said in unison.

Emma looked around. “Well, it looks good in here,” she said before her eye caught site of the pie sitting by the sink. The pie that Reid was supposed to have thrown away while Luke was wiping his cum off the table. Luke looked at him panicking and Reid mouthed “I forgot”.

Emma stared down at the baked good before picking it up and glancing at Reid.

“Reid, did you get your hands in my pie?”

Reid coughed lightly and shrugged. “You know me. I love to eat,” he said staring at Luke who started blushing.

“Uh-huh,” Emma replied before shaking away that voice in the back of her head. “Well, you boys look like you got a good work out today. Why don’t you go cool off in the pond.”

Reid nodded and began heading for the door. He turned around to face Luke. “Luke…..are you coming?”

‘Not yet, but I have a feeling I will be.’

Luke gave his grandma a small smile and followed behind Reid. Emma went over to the trashcan and dumped what was left of her pie inside. She sighed and went to the cabinet under the sink. She pulled out some cleaning supplies and started to spray down every surface in the kitchen, sanitizing everything. ‘Just in case’ she thought.

!author|artist: stl29tide, !author|artist: slayerkitty, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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