Title: Trust Me, Chapter 27 - The End (for now)
Author: Tonje90
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Poor college student, here. I own nothing!
Authors note: Yes, it has been two months and I am an awful awful person. And I honestly have no other excuse than that inspiration totally left me, and I found it impossible to write anything. I was back home for a couple of weeks, and who knew Norway was that uninspiring?
Anywho, here is 27. And it is the final chapter for now. I appologize for springing this on you, but I think it is time. Now, you are more than welcome to ask for another sequel. I have ideas, and I am very open to hear suggestion from you guys. There is obviously a lot I can still do with this. But I don't want to have another huge break like this one.
And end rambling, Tonje, this is too much... I hope you enjoy this final chapter, and thank you all for your lovely comments that kept me going this long. You guys are awesome <3
Thanks to the amazing Traci for beta-ing for me! :)
Chapter 27