Title: Luke Snyder and The Mirror of Erised
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3942
Summary/Prompt: Luke discovers something important about himself in the Mirror of Erised. Luke and Reid's relationship changes drastically.Author's note: sorry for the epically long wait. this chapter is dedicated to everybody who sent
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Comments 14
You're going to fix it right? Like... right now?
Hehe, I love these fics, I was jumping for joy when I saw this one... and then I read and and was like, "No!!! Luke, come back!!!"
Great job!!!!!
You have to fix it! He couldn't have just asked him, right? Ugh...boys!
Oh. The sex was hot and sweet. *fans self*
Oh, Reid. Oh no. What the fuck. Why would he do that? NOOOOOOOO! *cries*
this was brilliant. :)
Oh Reid. Why couldn't you have just asked him....or if you didn't think he would tell you the truth, then why didn't you tell him that you loved him and wanted to go public. He wouldn't have lied afterward.
Oh boys.
Please fix soon. It hurts my heart! :(
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