Fic: Rescue Me (50/60?)

Jan 30, 2011 21:05

Title: Rescue Me (sequel to Save Me)
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: Attempted Rape (Special Hell, here I come)
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For Save Me, the first story in the series, which you need to read to understand this one.
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc Characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Come and rescue me, only you can set me free

Previous Chapters: P/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14-15/ 16/ 17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32/33/34/35/36/37/38/39/40/41/42/43/44/45/46/47/48/49/

Author's Note: Many thanks to stl29tide for being an awesome beta. You rock! Also many thanks to alissablue for once again helping me out with totally EPIC research. :D Nearly two months have passed since the end of Save Me (Save Me ended at the end of January - it's the middle of March now). Luke and Reid are still living together, but still adjusting to their relationship. Luke's life seems to have settled down, until he and and Lily do a TV interview that sets of a chain reaction of events no one could have predicted.

OMG, you guys, chapter 50. Also, Chris Colfer did not win a SAG and therefore I am not a happy girl. *sigh* Also, this chapter is kind of short, because it hates me.

Reid lunged at her - how the hell did he get free? - tackling her to the floor with a grunt. Zoe screamed as he held her down. Zac came bursting in, Damian at gun point. Damian took one look, and then wrestled the gun away from Zac.

“Over there.” Damian shoved Zac toward the corner. “Move away from them.” He ordered Zoe.

“No!” She exclaimed. “I’m not done!”

“Yes, you are.” Damian said. “Away!” Zoe moved back from Reid, who was lying on the floor on his back now, gasping for air. “Are you two okay?”

“Fine.” Reid gasped.

“No, no you’re not.” Luke contradicted. “You’re bleeding again.”

“Did they hurt you?” Damian asked.

“He’s been shot.” Luke answered, panicked now at the blood coming from Reid’s wound.

“We’ll get him to the hospital.”

“I told you, I’m fine.” With that, Reid’s eyes rolled up into his head.

“Reid!” Luke cried.

“Untie my son.” Damian ordered Zac. He moved towards Luke and untied him, and then backed up again. Luke crawled over to Reid, putting Reid’s head in his lap.

“Reid, please.” Luke whispered. He could hear Damian talking to Zac and Zoe, but he tuned it out. All that mattered was Reid. Sirens wailed in the distance, and Luke prayed for them to hurry.

Reid was running out of time.


The ambulance came quickly, as Margo had promised when she’d arrived right after they’d gotten free. An EMT was working on his face, but Luke only had eyes for an unconscious Reid while the other EMT worked on him. They made it to the hospital quickly, lights and sirens tearing through the otherwise quiet night.

They pulled up quickly to the hospital, and the EMT’s rushed Reid quickly inside. Luke followed behind, watching as Bob realized the situation, and took over - ordering everyone around, and putting Reid in a room.

“Come on, Luke.” Luke looked to see Alison’s mother standing near him. “Let’s get you looked at.”

“I need to stay with Reid.” Luke told her.

“Let’s get you looked at first.” She put an arm around his shoulders. “Dr. Oliver is in good hands.”


“Luke!” He heard his name called and looked up from his seat in the waiting room. His parents were headed his way, and then Luke was enveloped in a double hug.

He’d never felt anything so good in his life.

“Oh, Luke.” Lily cupped her hand under his chin. The whole left side was covered in gauze.

“A couple of hairline fractures and ten stitches.” He told her. “I’m not allowed to talk too much.”

“How’s Dr. Oliver?” Holden asked.

“Still in surgery.” Luke replied. “Bob came out and told me they needed to remove the bullet, and clean out some of the infection.”

“Oh, Honey.” Lily pulled Luke into another hug.

“The waiting is driving me crazy.”

“We’ll wait with you.” Lily said,

“What about the kids?” Lily smoothed back his hair as Luke talked.

“Jade’s watching them.” Holden replied. “We’re under strict instructions to call with regular updates.”

The three of them sat down. Time passed, but all Luke could think about was Reid.

He couldn’t lose him.

Not this time.

A throat cleared in the doorway, and Luke raised his head to see Bob standing. There.

“Bob.” Luke said, getting up. His hands were clammy, his pulse was racing and he thought he might throw up. Lily and Holden stood up too. “How is he?”

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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