The Seventh Night of Tantra

Jan 21, 2011 10:14

Author: Afiriti

Title: The Seventh Night of Tantra

Characters: Luke and Reid
Warnings: tantric sex, no angst, no fear, no pain
Rating: PG 13 towards NC 17
Disclaimer: I make no profit with this story, it is purely for entertainment purpose for this site and fandom. The idea is based on the book by Ashley Thirleby, in Slovakian translation Lectures of pleasure, probably the one called Tantra in English. Quotes or some techniques used are paraphrased, modified or freely translated from there as well, some stuff based on real experience. Do not attempt without proper guidance ;)

Summary: Luke goes to India because of Grimaldi Shipping business but also to find something else and he succeeds. After a few weeks Reid receives a gift that will take them both on a tantric journey in India.

Author´s note: Basically I am trying my first written piece ever, if people don’t like it, I will finish it nicely and that is it. The story takes place in January and February 2011, Luke and Reid have lived together for two years now. If anyone has major knowledge of this theme, I will be happy for your critique/comments. J
I had to modify for our boys a little in order to give them and us the pleasure they deserve. J Specific terms that are not explained in the text are explained at the end of each chapter. In some parts, music that inspired me is provided in a link to you tube.

Huge thanks to beta experts:   bhumimak, traciamc, bittersweet

Trying cut for the first time hope it works

The seventh night of Tantra

Chapter 1

“There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond us all, beyond the heavens, beyond the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in our heart.”

Chandogya Upanishad, sacred philosophical Hindu literature

What the fuck am I doing here? Reid incredulously gazed at the reflection of his lean naked body in a large mirror, which went all the way from ground to ceiling giving him perfect view.

Not that he wouldn’t like the sight of his body, which he knew could do unbelievable things to Luke … a sudden image of his blonde man writhing under him in endless pleasure sent a wave of sharp sensations through his body and made Reid shiver. And harden.

As his gaze fell sideways, he noticed his profile in the shadow on the wall cast by a candle from the top shelf in their bedroom, revealing his erection towering itself as a majestic lingam that was carved in stone in all Indian temples. Lingam? Fuck!

He couldn’t believe it. He was Dr. Reid Oliver, a knowledgeable scientist, a neurosurgeon, the best of the best in his field. He didn’t do this kind of weird shit he might only have seen in some documentaries on Discovery Channel.

The most eastly thing he had ever done were yoga exercises for the past few years because it kept him in great physical condition considering the not so healthy frequent long nights in hospital and long hours in the operating room combined with the lack of sleep. And all the chaturangas and trikonasanas or whatever the hell that was called, had developed him sexy body shapes and long firm muscles, a flawless chest and a perfect ass that were admired by men and women, gay or straight wherever he went. But this? Damn Luke! What have you done to me? Thinking of Luke in this context Reid felt his erection calling and battling for his attention.

Long gone was the time they hated each other and performed furious cockfights in the streets and other unnamed spaces of Oakdale, calling each other Mr. Snyder and Dr. Oliver, pressing each other to the wall, touching their cheeks, pulling the other’s hair in those stolen heated moments only to run away and hide their true feelings. That once annoying rich blond kid was his Luke now. Yes, everybody heard right, his Luke. Reid was head over heels in love with him, no longer denying his feelings or hiding his affections.

They had been living in their own newly built house for a year now on the outskirts of Oakdale. Both had learned a lot. Reid was, against his best will, growing to be friendlier and a more sociable guy with every day and had started doing relationships because of this exception that was Luke. Luke had stopped his cycles of apology and blame for everything because Reid had taught him how to be more confident and frank. How could he not to learn it, when he had the best example of Confidence Personified by his side and in his face every day.

They supported each other when they needed it and they enjoyed being partners with everything that made a relationship, real partners in everyday life doing all the little things partners do. They lived their fairy tale.

Yes, Reid would bring the blue from the heavens for Luke, he would walk on fire for him. That is why he was doing this right now. He wanted to make Luke happy, see him happy. Well, he had to admit that he was getting curious by now after the last night´s reading that took him all night because he couldn’t stop.

And yet, alone in their bedroom, in brief moments of sober sanity and glimpses of his left hemispheric activity in his western scientific mind, when the veil of mystical faded away, he felt like a mentally challenged individual. Staring at his, well yeah, he had to pat himself on the shoulder, hot body in the mirror he felt weird. Ok, focus Reid! He closed his eyes and tried to bring his attention to the air on the tip of his nose going in and out. After a couple of breaths his restless mind wandered on its own accord.

Had Luke not gone to India, yeah wtf to India?, to conclude large new contract for his shipping company, such a thing would most likely have never crossed his genius mind. Had Luke not sent him the innocent gift from his ´business trip´, Reid shook his head, he would definitely not be standing here in Illinois, United States of America, in front of a huge mirror, staring at himself and his erection in the shadows, even worse without the possibility of impaling Luke on it, attempting anything that might resemble some sort of archaic far east techniques.

Before Luke took off for JFK in Lucinda´s jet from Oakdale airport, and they were sharing their hot and wet twenty-five minute goodbyes, Reid had a feeling he wasn’t telling him the real reason for his journey to this part of the world. Reid wondered what kind of large contract negotiations Luke could do in the port of Mumbai.

Certainly it was one of the world’s major harbors that handled a large percentage of general traffic provided by major ports of India, and Grimaldi Shipping had one of their numerous subsidies located there. But since when was Luke doing this business all by himself? He had people he paid for that kind of job.

So Reid thought there was something more to this and his feeling proved right after having a few calls with Luke who suddenly sounded as if from a different world, his voice full of depth and love. After he received the unexpected package one week ago, there were no more doubts left.

One Week ago

Reid had unwrapped the black velvet fabric, and knowing it was from Luke whom he earnestly missed after one month of not being able to touch and feel him. Reid engorged the unfamiliar scent of the far lands, hoping to catch Luke´s scent.

The little package smelled of sandal wood, vanilla and perhaps sweet cardamom and something else he couldn’t identify at first. He took the contents carefully in his hands with highlighted senses, and it revealed a thin book, with a dark crimson cover and ornament decorations whispering to him the only word inscribed: Tantra.

Reid opened the cover and, softly touching the umber pages, he saw something that looked like a few dry larger drops of…what the…could it be Luke´s sperm? Reid brought the spot closer to his nose to smell it, ran the tip of his tongue over it and was intrigued by his boyfriend´s non-verbal ´message´. That didn’t exactly help him with his desire to ravage Luke. He was sure that the missing ingredient was his lover´s sweat juice he so craved to taste, greedily and unaboundedly. Two more weeks.

…Tantra is the Sanskrit word meaning “the essence”…

…Hmmm, what are you trying to tell me, Luke? … An ancient key to attain unimaginable sexual pleasure and psychic power...a kind of sexual magic…achieving indescribable depth of sexual delight and at the same time use this sexual energy creatively in other parts of life…all animals, including man, are in their most intense state of conscious and subconscious concentration during sexual involvement….through its rituals, Tantra teaches ways to carry this intense focus of concentration into all areas of life…

Even now in his room, Reid tried his best to understand what Luke wanted to convey with this book. Knowing him, he could picture his bright face full of silent enthusiasm and pure gleaming angelic joy radiating from his beautiful loving eyes, his eyes, which revealed so much when they looked at Reid. That look of loving kindness, the ray of palpable love energy that could be felt between two people who knew their hearts have met on a deeper level and become connected in all layers of consciousness.

Reid sighed and brought his hand to his bare chest, to his heart. He could literally feel on a physical level how he loved Luke, as if the particles in this energy center were working double speed, vibrating with double force whenever he thought of him.

He understood that Luke would have been happy only from having discovered something new for them as a couple, something that they both could work on and do together, something that would bring them both even greater pleasures in their intimate games they both loved and deeply enjoyed.

Making love was like the precious salt of their lives. They weren’t afraid of experimenting and in those two years together they had gone from romantic dating, through classical lovemaking to wild experiments with a variety of toys and food. They even tried the dominant/submissive guided sessions. If only people knew how hot Luke looked under him when they were staring at their bodies in the mirror, they could be an inspiration for many fictions or gay novels.

…tantra seeks to help you reach your own roots of identity…it makes you experience the truth that is yourself…in uncovering truths about yourself, you learn the truths of the world, the universe….

Yeah, they had learned so much about each other and themselves in those two years and Reid began to understand those who say that partnerships are one of the greatest schools of life where you can learn the most about yourself, because you see yourself constantly reflected in the other person.

The interaction with your partner brings out the most of you, that, which you carry from your family with you, the good and the bad, everything is uncovered by the other, simply reflecting, just as the mirror was doing to him now.

Slowly, breathing in and out, in and out. His mind was playing dirty tricks on him because he realized that instead of focusing on inhales and exhales he started to think of their last passionate night when he had been thrusting mindlessly in and out of Luke´ s precious chamber, losing it shortly after Luke got hold of his member and stroked him sensually several times...Back to breathing, bonehead!

So yesterday he read the whole book finishing just as the first morning sun rays hit the window of his bedroom and after releasing the vigorous sexual tension several times during the night thinking of Luke, Reid was intrigued and wanted to give the show a try.

Although a bit skeptical, he knew Luke would enjoy this fluffy tantric shit. It seemed innocent and harmless and it could make their relationship more interesting. Since he learned in the introductory chapter that the key was the control of the sexual energy, he knew he shouldn’t have any problems mastering that in those two weeks.

The Tantric mistress spoke to her disciples: ´In order to achieve even greater exaltation you have to learn to control the senses of pleasure. Within these, there are concealed sexual feelings, energy and strengths whose power will surmount all your dreams and expectations. This is the essential ritual in tantra. This is the key to everything that can be attained.´ Uhmm, how hard could that be, control the pleasure, that’s what I´m doing anyway right? Trying not to fuck him nonstop.

Amidst his attempts to concentrate and with all those whirling thoughts in his mind, Reid felt the strong urge to grab his erection and to satisfy his aroused physical need. He couldn’t help himself and made a few furious strokes relishing in the pleasure and thoughts of fucking Luke, when he stopped himself. Fuck this! Reid cried angrily, willing his hand to stop the strokes. Control, for Luke. Give up the pleasure now and collect the fruits later. Who was he kidding? These two weeks would be torture. He opened his eyes.

Bringing his mind to focus for about the hundredth time, finally willing to master his first lecture, whatever the effect it would have, Reid became concentrated and aware of the sight of his body. His photographic memory allowed him to remember the instructions in the first chapter of the book easily so he could follow the steps exactly. He had to be ready when Luke came home.

Closing his eyes for a brief moment, taking a deep breath he brought his fingers to his nipples and started his first tantric ritual.

A/N2 : from Wiki - The Lingam is a representation of the Hindu deity Shiva used for worship in temples. The Lingam has also been considered a symbol of male creative energy or of the phallus

luke/reid, !author|artist: afiriti_1, fan fiction

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