fan fic; acquittal (prologue/?)

Jan 20, 2011 23:11

title: .. erm, no title yet. lol.
rating: pg-13 [at least so far]
summary: "Dr. Oliver, you are hereby charged a fine of $250 and shall be held responsible for covering damages to both Mr. Snyder and Mrs. Hughes' vehicles. Other than that, I see no point in keeping you here. Now get out of here before I change my mind."
notes: just started this, but it's been in my head for a while. i do NOT have anything written beyond this chapter at the moment. i plan to update avery and focus on that, but i will be trying to update this weekly as well. however, i was dying to post this, and wanjasc and tonje90 talked me into it =P [lol!] this is for them! enjoy! <3
one more thing: warning, for this chapter at least, the first half is basically straight from the show xD
... and nother thing xD: i am taking suggestions for a title! .. cause i have no idea. lol

"Where's your car?"

"Over there," sighed Luke, clicking the unlock button on his key ring. Reid continued to march forward, while Luke slowed to a stop.

"Now what?" asked Reid as he realized that Luke had fallen behind.

Luke laughed humorlessly. "I'm not driving you anywhere," he declared. "You can't walk out on Noah, he needs you."

"I'm getting sick and tired of this little command performance of yours," said Reid. "I don't care how rich and accustomed you are to getting your way, Mr. Snyder, I don't want to be here. I have people waiting for me back in Dallas, people that I actually want to help. So if you're not going to drive me," he continued, snatching the keys from Luke's hand. "I'm going to drive myself." He turned to walk away without a moment's hesitation. "You can pick up your car at the airport," he called over his shoulder. "Don't forget to tip the valet."

For a moment Luke simply stood there with a look of shock as Reid approached his car. It was when the doctor actually opened the driver side door that Luke snapped back and jogged the short distance, putting himself in font of the vehicle and slamming his hands on the hood to get Reid's attention. He smiled tightly at the doctor, who looked, for lack of a better word, rather bored with the situation. He started to inch the vehicle forward, forcing Luke to jump out of the way.

Distracted by the determined blond, Reid didn't see the vehicle just ahead that had backed out of its own parking spot and was still in reverse. A moment after Luke had stepped aside, his car kissed bumpers with that of another, causing both vehicles to rock on their wheels. Luke spun around and dropped his shoulders and his eyelids for a moment, appearing hardly surprised. A few paces away, Bob Hughes was turning toward the sound as well. Within seconds, both men outside of the vehicles sprinted toward Kim, the apparent driver of the second vehicle.

Who knew that a fender bender would so completely change the course of Reid Oliver's life.

The scene unfolded predictably and thanks to his big mouth, Reid found himself being hauled away by one of Oakdale's Dimmest.

"My lawyer is going to have your job," he threatened coolly, deciding it wasn't worth fighting further, at least for the moment.


"Seems you've run into some trouble in Oakdale Dr. Oliver," said the unimportant judge behind his less than impressive bench.

"What I've run into is a confederacy of idiots," Reid corrected, standing smugly before the judge. "Lots and lots of idiots, with a couple of jerks sprinkled in," he clarified. The cop at the back of the room shifted in his seat and the judge merely sighed. But oh, Reid Oliver wasn't done. "You're doctors went to clown college, your cops are dumber than rocks, and that's a medical diagnosis."

The double doors at the back of the small courtroom opened and a clearly annoyed but handsome man in an expensive suit strode confidently into the court room.

"That's enough Reid," the man said, causing Reid to turn to the voice, his lips suddenly forming a smirk.

"And who are you?" asked the judge, clearly displeased with the intrusion. The new addition to the room didn't seem fazed as he sat his briefcase down on a table at the front and buttoned his suit jacket.

"I'm Doctor Oliver's lawyer, Jonathon Carper, Your Honor," the man said, paying more attention to the papers he was pulling from his briefcase than to the judge. "I informed your staff that I was on my way and that my client and I would appreciate that this hearing was pushed back due to the fact that I had to travel from Dallas to be here, but I see that message was not passed along," he continued, smiling at the judge with false understanding.

The judge seemed to consider him for a moment, frowning at the man's initial attitude, but there wasn't much he could do for the moment.

"Proceed," he said with a dismissive wave.

Jonathon nodded. "My client called me when he was first detained, Your Honor, and explained the details of his arrest and the events leading up to them. Granted, Doctor Oliver can be a little hot headed," he said, making a face at Reid who shrugged innocently. "But there is no reason to hold him. He was strong armed into coming here by one Luke Snyder, pulling Dr. Oliver from his work at Dallas Neurology Clinic. When Dr. Oliver was unable to operate on the patient Mr. Snyder called him in for, Mr. Snyder went about making it as difficult as possible for my client to return to Dallas. My client was intimidated and provoked, your honor, and the accident only occurred after Mr. Snyder distracted my client by jumping in front of the vehicle. No one was hurt and Dr. Oliver has agreed to pay for damages to both vehicles involved. As for the other indiscretions against my client," continued Jonathon, reading from a piece of paper in his hand, "Driving with an expired license, operating a stolen vehicle, littering and resisting arrest?" Jonathon actually laughed a little.

"Is something funny, Mr. Carper?" the judge asked.

"No, Your Honor," Jonathon responded with a smug smile. "Though these charges are a little ridiculous. Dr. Oliver lives within the city and takes public transportation to work, so he has no need to renew his license. Granted, he should have remember that before attempting to drive somewhere on his own, but just as I explained with why he took Mr. Snyder's vehicle in the first place, he was left with few options in his attempt to return to Dallas, his home, where he is a well respected doctor with patients in need of his attention, attention that was misdirected away from them thanks to Mr. Snyder. Littering? Well, that's worthy of a small fine but hardly jail time. And resisting arrest?" Jonathon chuckled again. "Your Honor, my client went with your officer. Sure, he complained about it and I'm sure he did a good job of pissing your officer off in the process," he conceded knowingly, "but ultimately he did go with the officer without being forced. I hardly think this particular charge should even be listed," he concluded, holding the copy of the summons he had been reading from on front of him.

Reid stood quietly, arms crossed in front of his stomach and his eyes on the floor, doing a poor job of hiding his own smile. The judge sat quietly, looking from one man to the other for a moment. He pursed his lips in annoyance, sighing and straightening up.

"I would like to hear from Mr. Snyder on this--"

"Why the hell does he even --" interrupted Reid. Jonathon shot him a look. The Judge seemed to consider saying something, but moved on.

"But I will give your client the benefit of the doubt, Mr. Carper. Dr. Oliver, you are hereby charged a fine of $250 and shall be held responsible for covering damages to both Mr. Snyder and Mrs. Hughes' vehicles. Other than that, I see no point in keeping you here," he said, and Reid turned to Jonathon with relief, "However, you can expect to hear from me soon," he added, attempting to sound threatening as he lowered his gavel. "Now get out of here before I change my mind."

"Yes!" Reid exclaimed quietly, turning to Jonathon again. "I could damn well hug you right now," he laughed. Jonathon laughed as well, returning his papers to his briefcase.

"I already think you're crazy, don't give me more evidence that I'm right," he grinned.

Reid smirked. "Please say you have us booked on the next flight out of here," he practically begged. "If I don't get out of this one-horse town tonight I really am going to become certifiable."

"Don't worry, we're booked," smiled Jonathon, patting Reid on the back as they made their way out of the courtroom. "It's a three hour flight, and you owe me every damn detail about this little adventure of yours."

"I thought you didn't like horror stories?"

"Har-har," mocked Jonathon. "Let's go get your shit and get out of here. Maybe we can be back in time to grab a beer," he suggested.

"I don't think I can wait that long."

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: sripley, fan fiction

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