Taking Chances

Jan 16, 2011 06:35

Title; Taking Chances
Rating; PG-13
Author; wanjasc 
Authors Note; Another one-shot. Mostly just fluffy! The two girls at the end, hmm. Who could that betonje90?  thanks to the amazing tonje90 for the beta! <3

”Tell me again how you convinced me to go along with this insane idea?” Reid asked as he folded his arms around himself to shield himself from the freezing cold of the Norwegian winter air.

“My charming smile and my seductive nature, I guess.” Luke smiled as he put an arm around Reid and tried rubbing his shoulders to get him warm.

“More like asking me while I was riding out the best orgasm of my life, but charming smile, sure. Whatever you want to tell yourself,” Reid mumbled as they walked up a long, icy hill.

“Shut up” Luke chuckled. “You’ll like it here, it will be nice. You have two weeks off, right? Why not make the best of it?”

“Best of it.” Reid snorted and looked at Luke, “We might die from hypothermia any minute.” Reid pouted as he gritted his teeth from the cold.

“Oh don’t be so overly dramatic,” Luke laughed and kissed Reid’s chapped, ice cold lips. “We are not going to die. We are almost at the cabin. I’ve brought along a warm blanket and hot chocolate. We can start a fire and sit in front of the fireplace, drink our lovely hot beverages and cuddle up together.”

“Oh golly, cuddling and hot chocolate - that makes everything better,” Reid snorted. “I wonder how long it takes for the cabin to get even remotely warm.” Reid kept complaining, and before he could say anything more, he fell on his ass on the icy ground with a big bang. “Damn it!” Reid swore as he tried to stand up again, growling at Luke’s amused grin as he basically looked like Bambi on the ice trying to get up.

“Oh god,” Luke said and started laughing. “It had to happen to you, while you were ranting. It’s karma, Reid. It’s a sign for you to stop complaining!”

“Stop complaining?!” Reid exclaimed as he finally got into a standing position, brushing the snow off of his pants. “Karma my ass,” he muttered. “Let’s just keep walking; I think my nose is about to fall off.  My nose hairs are like teeny tiny icicles.”

“Gross, Reid.” Luke chuckled and put an arm around Reid for support. “It’s not far, okay? Until we get there, keep the complaining to a minimum. I actually adore this landscape. It’s so peaceful, so fresh. Everything is white; the snow has covered all the trees, all the houses, all the cabins,” Luke sighed as he looked around. “It’s beautiful.”

“How very poetic of you, Luke. But seriously - let’s just get to the damn cabin already, before I lose my sense of humor.”

“I didn’t know you had one to begin with,” Luke winked. “You learn new things every day.”

“Whatever.” Reid replied grumpily as they made their way up the hill.


When they finally reached said cabin it turned out to be an old, tiny wooden cabin. They could barely see it through all the snow, but they slowly managed to make their way to the door, kicking away the snow blocking the entrance.

Once inside, Luke threw the backpack by the door and looked around the cabin- taking in the new surroundings.

“Nice, isn’t it?” Luke asked dreamily and looked at Reid who was still shaking from the cold.

“I will not be able to enjoy how ‘nice’ it is until I’m somewhat warm again, so let’s get the fire started before we actually do die from hypothermia,” Reid shrugged and went over to the pile of wood by the fireplace. “Do we have some newspapers, papers, something so we can make the fire?”

“Of course we do, Reid” Luke rolled his eyes and chuckled softly. “I came prepared. Here you go,” Luke said as he handed Reid a bag of old newspapers.

“Thanks,” Reid muttered as he grabbed the bag.


Once the warmth from the fire started to fill the small cabin, Luke placed a blanket in front of the fireplace and went to the tiny kitchen to make them some hot chocolate.

“I don’t think I want to make whipped cream, seeing as there is no electricity, and I don’t want to exhaust my hand by whipping it up.” Luke called out to Reid.

“Oh you do realize how dirty that sounds, right?” Reid replied with a soft chuckle, his mood getting better and better as he started to feel body part by body part warm up. “Hot chocolate will do just fine, we do have marshmallows, right?”

“Do you always have your head in the gutter?” Luke asked, suppressing a laugh. “And yes, we have marshmallows, you practically forced me to buy them, remember?”

“When it comes to you, hell yes my head is always in the gutter,” Reid replied, matter-of-factly as he looked him up and down, licking his lip seductively. Luke shook his head and walked into the kitchen.


“Holy fucking crap!” Reid exclaimed.

“What?” Luke asked from the kitchen.

“Come here, quick!” Reid said and looked at Luke as he entered the living room.  “Look at that, that thing! Outside the window.”

“Oh shit,” Luke said and laughed, before turning his head to look at Reid’s horrified facial expression.

Outside the window stood a giant moose, just staring at them.

“What the hell is that?”

“That is a moose, Reid.” Luke once again laughed and put his head on Reid’s shoulder as he glanced at the animal standing outside the cabin.

“I know what a moose is,” Reid mumbled. “That thing looks like an ugly horse with antlers.”

“What are you talking about, Reid? It’s beautiful!” Luke said and looked at Reid. “There’s a lot of moose in North America, and pretty much all over Canada.”

“I haven’t been to Canada, nor do I wish to encounter one of those animals ever again. Why do you know so much about moose to begin with?” Reid asked and stared at Luke for a while, before turning his head to look at the animal. “Is it just going to stand there and stare at us? That thing is creeping me out.”

“I wrote a paper about wild moose in 7th grade,” Luke replied with a smile. “It will go away eventually. Hold on, let me get the camera. And don’t spook it!” Luke said and tip-toed over to his bag to get out his camera. When he got back to the window, Reid had moved over to the sofa, sitting with his back against the window. Luke laughed and took a mental note; Reid was afraid of moose.

He slowly made his way to the window, and saw that the moose was still there, though it was not staring inside the window anymore. He went to the door and slowly opened it, attempting not to spook it, before tilting to the side, taking a couple of snap shots of the big animal. After 4 pictures, the moose turned to look at him. Luke snapped the camera once more, the click of the camera making the moose run away into the woods. Satisfied with the pictures taken, he went back to the sofa to show them to Reid.

“I already saw that animal once; I don’t need further reminders, thank you very much.” Reid frowned and turned his head away from the camera.

“Smile,” Luke said and snapped a picture of Reid when he turned to face him. He genuinely started laughing and Luke once again snapped a picture, swearing that was the best picture ever taken of Reid. This one is definitely going on our wall. He thought before leaning over to give Reid a peck on the lips.


Once they finally sat down on the blanket in front of the fire, hot chocolate in hand, Luke looked at Reid who seemed more relaxed than he’d ever seen him before. His eyes weren’t laced with stress; the tension in his shoulders didn’t show. He looked very much at peace.

“This is nice.” Luke said, mostly to himself as he sighed happily.

“It is,” Reid agreed and smiled at Luke. “Sorry for being so me about this whole trip.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Luke said honestly and leaned in to kiss Reid’s lips, tasting a mixture between marshmallows, hot chocolate and Reid. It still surprised Luke how much he wanted Reid after being together for 4 years.  None of the passion between them had faded, and Luke smiled into the kiss at the thought. “You know, gay marriage is legal in Norway.” Luke said as he leaned back from the kiss, mentally slapping himself for bringing it up.

“How very nice for the Norwegian LGBT community,” Reid said and looked at Luke in confusion.

“Yeah,” Luke replied and looked away. “It would be nice if we could get married back in Oakdale, though.”


“Yeah, yeah” Luke sighed and smiled sadly at Reid. “I know, you don’t believe in marriage. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine.” Reid quickly said.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Luke closed his eyes. “I know you; you don’t want to marry me and be committed to being with one person forever. I get it.”

“What?” Reid raised an eyebrow. “Is that why you think I don’t want to get married? That I don’t want forever with you?”

“Yeah, isn’t it, though?” Luke asked thoughtfully. “That is what marriage is supposed to be about. Committing to one person for forever, isn’t it?”

“I can’t believe you would even think that,” Reid replied disappointed, as he shook his head. “I want forever with you, you know that.”

“No, Reid. Actually I don’t. I really don’t,” Luke admitted and once again gave Reid a sad smile. “But I love you, so I’m going to hold on to you for as long as I can.”

“Luke,” Reid sighed and took Luke’s hand. “I love you, more than I’ve ever loved anyone or anything in my entire life. After being with you for 4 years, there is no turning back for me. Hell there’s been no turning back since our first kiss. Our first ‘I love you’s, our first night together, when we moved in together. I want the whole enchilada, you hear me? This is forever.” Reid kissed Luke’s hand and sighed once more. Luke’s insecurities still came to the surface every now and then and Reid hated that he couldn’t make Luke see just how much he wanted to be with him.

“I know you love me, Reid. I’m sorry I brought it up…again,” Luke rolled his eyes at himself, and chuckled lightly. “I promise, I won’t ever do it again.” Luke kissed Reid’s lips and sighed into it, pulling Reid closer and drowning in the kiss.

“Luke,” Reid said breathlessly as he pulled away to look into Luke’s brown, gorgeous eyes. “I want it all. If you don’t believe that I want forever, I am sure as hell going to prove it to you. Anything. I would do anything. So if this is what it takes to convince you, then so be it,” Reid took a deep breath, squeezing Luke’s hand a little harder. “So, marry me, Luke. I want everything.”

“Reid, don’t do this,” Luke shook his head. “I don’t want you to marry me because you feel like you have to, okay? I’m perfectly fine with being your partner. I’m sorry I brought-”

“Stop saying you’re sorry,” Reid sighed and scratched his head. “Please marry me, Luke?”


“No, I won’t take no for answer. We are going to be together as long as my heart is pumping the blood through my veins, so I don’t see why not. I want you to be happy, and I know that this will make you happy. And before you say anything I think it would make me happy too.”

“I don’t expect you to change your mind because of me.” Luke whispered and rubbed Reid’s hand gently.

“Just say yes.”

“I don’t-“

“No, say yes,” Reid demanded. “Marry me, Luke Snyder.  That is a command, not a question. Luke Snyder-Oliver does sound kind of nice, doesn’t it?“

“Reid” Luke sighed and leaned his forehead against Reid’s. “I love you, but-“

“No buts! Butts, yes. But no buts,” Reid protested. “We’re lying on a comfortable blanket in front of a fireplace with hot chocolates in hand, and I am asking you to please marry me. I love you, so just say yes for Christ’s sake!”

“Okay, okay!” Luke chucked and attacked Reid’s lips. “Yes, I will marry you, Dr. Reid Oliver!”

“Great,” Reid smiled and leaned in to capture Luke’s lips once more. “So, we’re engaged? There’s no turning back, right?”

“You already changed your mind?” Luke asked curiously as a small smile tugged at his lips.

“No,” Reid rolled his eyes. “I was just…checking.”

“Well you’re lured and trapped now, Dr. Oliver. You’re an engaged man.” Luke winked at his fiancé.

“What have I done?” Reid jokingly asked before dragging Luke down on the floor, their hot chocolates long forgotten.


After spending a few days inside the cabin, celebrating their engagement in their own special way, they finally decided to leave the cabin for a while to explore the outdoors.

“That thing that was staring at us a few days ago…it won’t suddenly appear out of nowhere, right?” Reid asked as he casually looked around.

“Don’t worry,” Luke replied as he tried his best to hold back a smile. “If it does, I’ll be here to protect you!”

“Very funny,” Reid sarcastically snorted and grabbed Luke’s hand. “Let’s get this over with it.”

“My fiancé, ever the romantic.” Luke grinned and tugged at Reid’s hand as they started walking.

They silently walked side by side, hand in hand through the woods, taking in their surroundings. New snow was lying on the ground, and there were animal footprints all around.

As they reached the road, there were two young women, probably in their early twenties that stopped dead in their tracks as they saw Luke and Reid.

“Luke,” Reid whispered as he looked at the women. “There are two females staring at us, and they are…giggling,” Reid frowned and looked back at Luke. “Why are big, ugly animals and people in Norway staring at us?”

“Reid,” Luke laughed and covered his mouth. “When did you become so paranoid? So what if two girls are staring at us? We’re adorable!” Luke leaned in and kissed Reid, and faintly heard the girls squealing and clapping their hands together in the background. Luke smiled into the kiss and grabbed Reid’s neck, deepening the kiss. His hand found Reid’s hair and he started tugging at it, bringing their bodies closer.

“Wow,” Reid said and blinked a few times. “What, uh… What was that all about?”

“It seems like they liked it,” he shrugged as he looked over Reid’s shoulder, watching the girls as they continued squealing. “Might as well give them a little show, right?”

Luke grabbed Reid’s hand as they started walking again. When they passed the girls, they stared at them dreamily. Luke smiled at them while giving them a little wink. “Nice day today, isn’t it ladies?”

“Yeah, yup. It’s a nice freakin’ day!” They replied in unison, making Luke and Reid stare at them for a while before they continued walking.

luke/reid, !author|artist: wanjasc

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