
May 14, 2010 18:58

A bit of a forewarning, I am a live journal virgin and i'm not entirely techo literate, so you may have to bear with me. But I thought considering i had been lurking it felt rude not to introduce myself. It is obvious how much of an insane obsessive fan of Lure I am that I am braving the waters of livejournal mainly just to be a part of this com, as I don't know how any of the rest of it works.

Name: Cat
Location: England
Age: 18

What other shows do you like to watch? I'm pretty much a TV whore so pretty much everything, however my all time weakness is Buffy, followed by others like Supernatural, Roswell, Bones, HIMYM, Torchwood, Dr Who, Smallville - I cannot get enough of Superman I have this weird obsession and I am never without the superman symbol somewhere on my person, which I am aware is a bit weird but it's kinda like my good luck thing.

What attracted you to Luke/Reid? What didn't, seriously?? Erm I guess I had watch Nuke, to behonest I got bored of Noah, no offense to Jake cuz he is adoreable but the writers, I mean come on, he practically has no other ties in Oakdale except for Luke, it was a bit too soapy for me. When I heard about Reid and saw the effect he had on Luke, I was like thank god, look their is the Luke we love. Sticking up for himself again, FINALLY. Anyway little rant over :)

How did you find out about this group? From LureOnline

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things? I have tried writing fics but i ramble too much and I honestly have so much respect for those of you awesome enough to make the characters seem so real, mine dont feel right so I dont want to post something that is sub par. As for icons and vids as mentioned before, introducing the technophobe, commenting is sometimes a challenge for my skills. Although I do feel a bit cheeky reading everyone's fics and experiencing others creative outlets without having anything to contribute, so I thought at least this post was something.

Other As the World Turns pairings you love?: None in particular, I love Lucinda and Katie as charcters and I did like Lilly back when she was Noelle (I think that was the actress) but not really any other couples.

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke):

I'm quite partial to the old Luke quotes "More awkward for you, I still had my clothes on" when he discovers Noah and Maddie.

This one that sums Noah up to a tea "You don't have to say something out loud for it to be true" - Maybe not Noah but you can't expect Luke to exist on implied feelings alone, mostly the reason I love Reid so much.

And it goes without saying, everything that comes out of Reid's mouth, either makes me laugh or breaks my heart a little bit. "Oh golly, that opens us up to hours of speculation, doesn't it" and "How do I make you feel?"  They were the first ones off the top of my head.

Just like to say thank you for indulging me, and that I have spent longer on this than revising today and I don't even care :)  Okay enough from me. I'm fully aware I started rambling about 400 words ago!

One last thing, I think all of you guys are AWESOME!

!!intro post

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