Fic: Rescue Me (24/?)

Jan 04, 2011 21:05

Title: Rescue Me (sequel to Save Me)
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Angst, AU
Warnings: None.
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: For Save Me, the first story in the series, which you need to read to understand this one.
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc Characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Come and rescue me, only you can set me free

Previous Chapters: P/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14-15/ 16/ 17/18/19/20/21/22/23/

Author's Note: Many thanks to stl29tide for being an awesome beta. You rock! Also many thanks to alissablue for once again helping me out with totally EPIC research. :D Nearly two months have passed since the end of Save Me (Save Me ended at the end of January - it's the middle of March now). Luke and Reid are still living together, but still adjusting to their relationship. Luke's life seems to have settled down, until he and and Lily do a TV interview that sets of a chain reaction of events no one could have predicted.

Luke thrust his groin against Reid’s, glad that the doctor had had an early day at the hospital. The stress of see Noah and Maddie together plus all of the foundation stuff and Damian…he needed his boyfriend to take his mind off it all and Reid was always more than willing.

He was down to his boxers, Reid running his hands over Luke’s bare chest and Luke moaned in appreciation. Reid still had his pants on, but his shirt had ended up somewhere halfway across the room. Luke unfastened the button on Reid’s pants, and was just lowering the zipper when the doorbell rang.

He froze, and their eyes locked.

“Maybe they’ll go away.” Luke whispered, his hand sliding into Reid’s pants, under the waistband of Reid’s underwear, wrapping around his boyfriend’s hard cock.

Reid made and noise and jerked at his touch, eyes rolling up into his head.

The doorbell rang again, followed by a knock.

“Fuck.” Reid muttered, Luke sliding off him. He watched as Reid stalked into the living room. “I’ll get rid of whoever it is.”

Luke heard the sound of the door opening, and voices, and they didn’t seem to be leaving. He got up with a sigh and poked his head out into the doorway.

“Hey, who’s…” Luke trailed off, seeing his mother and Damian standing in the living room with Reid. “What the hell is he doing here?” Luke snapped, looking at Lily, not caring that he was standing in front of his parents in nothing but his underwear.


Reid cleared his throat.

“I think you’re a little under dressed for this discussion, dear.” He told Luke, who looked down at his lack of clothes, and glared at Reid before ducking back into the bedroom.

He came back out a minute later, dressed in a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt. He tossed Reid’s shirt to him, and Reid put it on.

“What do you want?” Luke asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “If it wasn’t obvious, we were in the middle of something.”

Reid couldn’t help the smirk that crossed his lips. When Luke was pissed, he didn’t pull any punches.

“Luke, please don’t be mad. We’re here about the foundation accounts.”

“Did he confess?” Luke snapped, narrowing his eyes at Damian.

“No, because I didn’t do it.”

Luke gave an eye roll worthy of Reid on his best day, and Reid resisted the urge to laugh out loud. It probably wouldn’t be received well.

“Then enlighten me, Damian. Who did?”

“I don’t know.” Luke snorted derisively, and then looked at Lily.

“And you believe him?”

Reid didn’t say anything, though Lily glanced at him. This wasn’t his battle - it was Luke’s. If Luke wanted him to get involved, he would - otherwise, he would let Luke handle it however he saw fit.

“I do.” Lily said.

“I don’t believe it.” Luke was angry now, really angry, and a little hurt, from what Reid could tell of his expression. “He got to you.”

“No, he didn’t!” Lily exclaimed, moving towards Luke. “I really don’t think he’s behind this.” She insisted.

“Your mother believes me.” Damian added. “Surely you can see that there are other possibilities than just me.”

“Sure there are.” Luke allowed, turning to Damian. “But none of them are as likely.”

“Why do you think I’m out to hurt you, Luciano?”

“My name is Luke.” Reid watched as boyfriend got more and more upset, shouting at his father. “And all you’ve ever done is cause me pain.” Luke’s voice cracked. “Do you even love me at all?”

“Of course I do.” Damian replied.

“Then why are still trying to hurt me?” He whispered. Reid ached to hold him, but he stayed where he was. Luke needed to show Damian that he wasn’t going to back down.

“I’m not, Luke, I swear it.”

“Then if it’s not you, who is it?”

Lily and Damian exchanged a look, and it worried Reid a little. They did have news, apparently.

“Well?” Reid prompted, drawing all eyes in the room. “Let’s see this fabulous piece of evidence.”

“Right.” Damain said, clearing his throat before reaching his hand into his pocket and pulling something out. He held the object out in his hand.

“A ring?” Reid asked, moving closer to see it better.

“Not just any ring.” Damian told him. “It’s a -“

“Grimaldi ring.” Luke finished for him, his voice quieter now. “That’s doesn’t prove anything.”

“It’s not mine.” Damian showed him that the ring was too small. “And yours is in Malta.”

“Where it can stay.”

“So that leads me to conclude one thing.” Damian continued, ignoring Luke’s comment.

“What’s that?”

“There’s another Grimaldi in town.”

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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