(no subject)

May 14, 2010 11:01

Name: Mo

Location: Toronto, Canada

Age: errr...a bit older than Luke

What other shows do you like to watch? Now I watch: True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Supernatural (for Castiel), Nurse Jackie, Flashforward (for John Cho, Gabrielle Union), Modern Family, Make it or Break It (shut up, it's for Sasha ...he's hot). Used to and still love: Buffy TVS, BSG (newer version), Farscape, S1 Grey's Anatomy (when all the characters were tolerable for me), S1 Lost (best in my opinion still), S1 Roswell and S1 Gilmore Girls (best dialogue on TV).

What attracted you to Luke/Reid? Loved Luke's coming out story for one. Used to be a huge Nuke fan, took part in the letter campaigns to save the couple, to get TPTB to show their kisses etc.....but grew out of the fandom with the introduction of Ameera/ whatever her name was. Tried to get back into their story, fell out again with all the crap. Finally gave it another shot when I heard of the cancellation, and got caught up with Reid's story...and the rest is history. Plus, I always love couples that start off hating each other that end up falling in love (as long as there's chemistry, which LuRe has in buckets full)!

How did you find out about this group? From another Lure message board, I think
Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things? Not really creative on the Internet..but I love reading fan fic..does that count?

Other As the World Turns pairings you love? They all pretty much annoy me, but I find the recent friendship of Katie/Reid really cute, and I hope that continues. I may even cheer on Katie/Chris to stop her from butting in every ones love life..plus I like the new actor who plays Chris.

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke): This one is hard, 'cause all my favorite quotes come from either Luke or Reid, but my favorite for right now has to be Reid's - "Are you an idiot?" in response to Henry when he asks him how does he know that he's gay. It's all in ESS's delivery.

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