Luke and Reid Make a Porno (3/6)

Dec 31, 2010 22:22

Title: Luke and Reid Make a Porno (3/6)
Author: stl29tide 
Rating: NC-17
Chapter Summary: Luke and Reid find their cast.

The Cast

“Katie, please?”

“Reid I already told you I can’t. Chris gave me that money to get a new TV when it goes on sale. I think he’ll notice if there’s not one there.”

“He’ll never even have to know. We’ll make the movie and get it out to everyone we went to high school with, as soon as we make back what you lent us, we’ll give it back to you and then the rest of it is what we’ll keep for ourselves.”

“Reid. I’m a married woman. Chris will kill me if he finds out I’m involved with a porn movie.”

“Katie it’s not like you’d be starring in it, you’d just be producing.”

“What does a producer even do?”

“Well, you provide the financial support. You know, equipment, costumes…..”


“Umm….you get to help with casting.”



“What would that involve?”

“You know, it would be your job to make sure that everyone’s…….up to standards, so to speak.”

“Huh?” The light bulb went off in Katie’s head. “Ooooohhhh……….yeah, okay. I can do that.”

“Good. Let’s go shopping then.”


“I still can’t believe you guys are going to make a porno,” Reg said laughing.

“I’m just as shocked about it as you are, trust me.”

“So you really think you’re going to be able to go through with it?”

“Go through with what? The movie?”

“More specifically, what you’re going to have to do in the movie.”

Luke shrugged. “It’s just sex.”

“Sex with Reid,” he pointed out.

“We’re……..” Luke looked around the gym they were sitting in, “it’s no big deal. We’re just doing it to get caught up on all our bills and then……back to normal. Like it never happened.”

“Heh……okay,” Reg murmured disbelieving.

“So for real Reg, what do you say?” Luke asked getting up with a basketball in hand. “We could really use your help.”

“And I just have to film it,” he said clarifying.

Luke shook his head and smiled knowing that Reg could never actually say no to him. He’d never been able to when they dated and even after they broke up, five years ago. He was Luke’s best friend. Second to Reid of course.

“Jesus Luke, the things I do for you.”

“Yes. Come by the apartment tomorrow. We’re holding casting session.”

Reg huffed and got up joining Luke on the court. “This should be interesting,” he said to himself.


The turn out was bigger than they had expected. They had posted fliers around town and had even had an Ad taken out in the paper thanks to a connection Reid had to someone at the newspaper. Luke finally had found an advantage of Reid being a bit of a man slut. A wide variety of people had shown up; some female, mostly male. For the most part, it was going to be a gay porn movie, however they didn’t want to alienate the heteros, so they decided that they should have at least one female involved.

“Do you have any qualms about having sex on film or working with a predominantly gay cast?”

There was a loud ‘pop’ as the woman blew a bubble with her gum before she began to chomp on it. She opened up her legs widely exposing herself with no shame. Luke sat there with his mouth hanging wide open, unable to find himself capable of looking away. Reid on the other hand was trying to keep his retching at bay. This chick’s fish fajitas did absolutely NOTHING for him except make him want to puke.

“I don’t mind. I find two guys together pretty hot.” She looked at Luke and crudely licked her lips. He flinched as she popped her again. “So,” she said smirking, “do I get to watch you two fuck?”

“Umm….” Luke glanced at Reid nervously, who cleared his throat.

“Let’s uh, get back to you. Why should we choose you to be in our film?”

“Simple,” she said finally crossing her legs. “I’m the best. Guys love me and I’ve slept with enough to give me the confidence to know that. Plus, probably unlike anyone else here, I have experience in the film industry.”

“Really?” Luke exclaimed piping up.

“Yep,” she continued still smacking her gum. “I’ve actually been in a porno before.”

“Anything we would’ve seen?” Luke asked naively.

“Don’t know,” she shrugged. “Have you seen ‘Necrophilia Nurses’?”

Luke gasped and gave Reid a horrified look. Reid leaned over and whispered into Luke’s ear. ‘Let’s face it, this is already all kinds of fucked up and obviously she’s up for anything including Porno’s with what I hope are fake dead people, so we’re going with her.’

He turned his attention back to the woman in front of him. “Congratulations Alison, you have the job!”


“So you don’t have a Hot Tub that needs to be fixed?” he asked confused.

“No,” Reid said getting agitated. “How many times do we have to tell you? We don’t even have a hot tub. This is an audition for a Porn movie.”

“You guys are making a porno?” he said with sudden interest.

“Yes,” Reid huffed.

“Can I audition? I can suck your cock, rim you, fuck you; whatever you prefer.”

Reid felt his dick twitch and smiled. “I think an audition would be an excellent idea.”

“Oh Jesus,” Luke muttered. “A Q&A will suffice…….sorry, what did you say your name was?”

“Tony,” he answered with a wink towards Reid.

“Right. Tony,” Luke said getting slightly irritated. “Tell me Tony. Why would you be good for our porno?”

“Well, I’m an excellent fuck or so I’ve been told, when I’ve had guys bent in half screaming my name.” Reid grunted a sigh of amusement. “And I also have a bit of a hidden talent.”

“And what would that be?” Reid asked aloud.

“Let’s just say I’m quite flexible….bendy.”

Luke looked unimpressed. “A lot of us are…..bendy,” he said with attitude.

“Maybe it’s better if I show you.”

Before either man could blink, Hot Tub Tony had himself bent in half and was sucking his own cock.

“Holy shit,” Reid said looking on in astonishment. He looked over at Luke who practically looked as if he was comatose. Both of their heads tilted to the side as they watched Tony milk himself. “Holy shit,” Reid whispered again.

After a few more minutes and when Tony was done swallowing his own cum, Luke gave a stiff nod. “You’re hired.”

“Now that’s talent,” Reid added. “Seriously, fuck.”


Reid and Luke were both staring at the man in front of them curiously. He had a sweet, albeit creepy smile on his face, was dressed in blue jeans and a striped shirt. Reid was pretty sure he probably rode the short bus to school.

“Are you sure you’re in the right place?”

“Of course,” he said practically singing. “I’m here to audition. Try out.” He kicked his leg back excitedly. “You’re hot.”

“Thank you,” Reid said awkwardly.

“Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself,” Luke said encouragingly.

“I love stripes and dogs. I like to solve mysteries. My favorite game is Clue. My favorite movie is PeeWee’s Big Adventure. My favorite book is Where’s Waldo?”

“Shocker,” Reid murmured.

“Although I’m not sure that technically counts because that’s sort of a game too. Anyway, I like flowers and oh! I love Harry Potter. That Dumbledore was such a W.I.L.F.”

“I’m sorry. W.I.L.F.?”

“Wizard I’d like to Fuck,” he said excitedly.

“Uh-huh. Listen Dick. I can call you Dick, can’t I.”

“Sure,” he said smiling. “I like Dick.”

“Don’t we all. Listen Dick, this role…..well, you’d be taking a bit of a submissive role.”

“Submissive,” he said fascinated. “And what exactly would that entail?”

“Would you be interested in getting your ass fucked by a dildo wearing female who I’m pretty sure might have a shitload of VD?”

“Can I help pick out the dildo?”

“Sure, why not,” Reid shrugged.

“Okay then.”

“Great,” Luke interrupted. “Dick meet Alison.”

“Oh yeah,” Alison said smiling while giving him a once over. “He’s gonna be a tight one. I can tell.”


“He’s cute,” Reid whispered. “You know how I have a thing for blonde twinks.”

Luke cleared his throat and attempted to keep from blushing. “You have a thing for everybody.”

“That’s true. He’s hot though. Probably the hottest we’ve seen today. That alone…..”

“I agree. We should pick him. He seems nice too. Cool. Laid back.”

“What did you say your name was?” Reid asked aloud ending his and Luke’s private conversation.

“Hal Swallow,” he replied calmly.

Luke and Reid both laughed. “That’s the best porn name ever.”

“We can have a porn name!?” he asked excitedly. Both Luke and Reid gave each other questioning looks. “In that case,” he carried on, “I want to be……Casey Hughes!”


“Well I think we have a pretty good cast. Considering……”

“Luke we have the most fucked up bunch of misfits on the planet.”

“So then why are we doing this if you don’t think it’s going to work?”

“Oh it’s going to work. I would pay money to see anyone in our graduating class fuck someone on camera, even Mr. Hetero himself Noah Mayer. People will buy it Luke. Even if we’re mocked for the rest of our lives because of it, at least we’ll be out of debt.”

“So we fuck each other and then sell it to everyone we went to school with.”

“Yep. You’re not having second thoughts are you?”

“No, of course not. Can’t wait.”

“I knew you were shaking in anticipation with the thought of me finally gracing your ass with my dick,” he said teasingly.

“Please,” Luke huffed. “In your dreams.”

Reid shot Luke a wink and cleared his throat. “Cast meeting tomorrow?”

Luke nodded. “Production begins. We just need to figure out a theme and costumes and well…..start filming. I can’t believe it’s happening this fast.”

“I know, but the sooner the better. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of trying to sleep with ‘Hot Hands’ all over my body to keep warm.”

“Better ‘Hot Hands’ then Icy Hot,” Luke replied grinning.

“Such an ass Luke,” Reid said walking towards his room.

“You like it,” he shot back.

“We’ll find out, won’t we?” he said cheekily leaving Luke to flush. “Goodnight Luke.”

“Night Reid.”

!author|artist: stl29tide, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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