Title:Letters to Reid (Companion to Boyfriends)
Author: cas74
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This is a companion to Boyfriends. Luke starts writing Reid letters every day beginning on September 18th. The letter writing takes the place of journaling for Luke. He sends some of them to Reid, but not all. There will be some crossover between the letters and Boyfriends, but you do not have to read them in order to follow Boyfriends.
Disclaimer: I do not own Luke or Reid *sigh*
A/N: Thanks to all of you who are reiding and thanks to my beta schum!
Comments are <333
December 31
It will be midnight in ten minutes. Are you thinking about me right now? I can’t even tell you how badly I wish your lips were going to be on mine as the New Yew begins. Actually, I always want your lips on mine, but you know that already.
This year is going to be big for us Reid. I’m turning 16, and you know what that means…can you see my brows wagging? I’m so ready to take the next step with you. I understand that you’re scared, I am too…but we love each other Reid and I think we can handle it. The thing I can’t handle though is waiting much longer to feel you inside of me. I crave that connection with you…I crave you. You know what I daydream about? I imagine our life together ten years from now; you’re a world renowned neurosurgeon and I’m a bestselling author. We’re married and so in love. The thing I spend the most time thinking about is how we’ll be able to make love every day! I know this probably sounds wrong, but I want to sleep with you inside of me…does that sound perverted?
You want to know my New Year’s resolution? It’s to finally make love to you. You told me 16 was old enough, but after we talked in November, I’m worried that you’ll try and push it back. My resolution is to make sure that doesn’t happen. I wonder what your resolution is? Probably to avoid having sex…good luck with that, I’m very determined when I want something.
It’s almost time; you should be calling any minute. I’ll tell my mom you’re Amy, she’ll believe me, she always does.
Happy New Year!
I love you,