Luke Snyder's facebook status

Nov 22, 2010 05:38

Title; Luke Snyder's facebook status
Rating; PG-13
Author; wanjasc 
Authors Note; I was looking over my documents, and came over this. I wrote this ages ago, but it was really fun finding it again. I don't know what to call it, though. Anyway, here it is. (I have a strange sense of humor, so be ware!)

Luke Snyder going to dinner with my boyfriend tonight!
Noah Mayer I didn't know we had plans tonight?
Reid Oliver I hope that is your attempt at humor, Mr. Mayer.
Noah Mayer Dr. Homewrecker, go away.
Casey Hughes LOL!!
Luke Snyder Well this is awkward. Noah, you're not my boyfriend anymore.
Noah Mayer Because Reid stole you.
Reid Oliver Wow. And here I thought my surgery was a success.
Katie Piretti Snyder Have fun tonight guys. <3
Reid Oliver Oh we will. ;)
Noah Mayer What kind of dinner are you talking about?! I don't like that wink. >:-(
Luke Snyder Reid, be nice <3 And thank you Katie, we will! Noah, we've talked about this. Like a million times. Please, stop it.
Noah Mayer But I still love you!!!!!
Alison Hughes I'm on your side, Noah. <3
Noah Mayer Thnx, Ali. <3
Casey Hughes Man, I don't envy you, Luke. LOL. Ali, sorry babe, but I'm on Luke's side on this one. No offence, Noah.
Noah Mayer I thought we were friends, Casey.
Casey Hughes We are, but..Dude, you're starting to act kinda crazy.
Reid Oliver You know what, as much as it pains me to say this; I like you, Mr. Hughes.
Casey Hughes Oh man, thanks. You too. You make my boy Luke here very happy. :D
Noah Mayer Casey! He was happy with me.
Reid Oliver I plan to make him even happier tonight. ;)
Casey Hughes TMI, Doctor, TMI!
Reid Oliver TMI?
Casey Hughes Sorry! TMI = Too much information.
Reid Oliver You should concider yourself lucky I didn't go into further details.
Noah Mayer Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick. :(
Henry Coleman Luke, what are you doing with that idiot? I mean seriously. Come on!
Reid Oliver Hank, don't make me unleash Katie on you.
Henry Coleman Ugh, point taken, Doctor Nightmare.
Luke Snyder Reid! :O And Henry, thank you for caring, but I'm old enough to make my own decisions, thank you very much.
Noah Mayer You're ignoring me, Luke.
Luke Snyder No, Noah. I'm not.
Noah Mayer :)
Lily Walsh Sweetie, maybe you should talk to Noah in private? You two have so much history. I love you and I just want what's best for you. And hello Noah! Please come by anytime you'd like.
Noah Mayer You should listen to your mother, Luke. :D And thank you Lily. You have no idea how much that means to me.
Lily Walsh You're like my son, sweetie. You're always welcome.
Reid Oliver How wonderful.
Lily Walsh Hello, Dr. Oliver.
Reid Oliver Hello, Miss. Walsh.
Alison Hughes See, Noah? Now you know who you're real friends and family are! Casey, we'll talk about this when you get home.
Christopher Hughes Well this is entertaining.
Luke Snyder Mom! Reid and I are together. Noah and I are not. I love you, mom - but please stay out of this. And Ali, you should stop butting in, it's getting old.
Katie Piretti Snyder OMG, Noah. You're a grown man. Act like it. Henry, you too.
Reid Oliver Wow, Luke and Katie. I think I'm rubbing off on you.
Katie Piretti Snyder haha! <3
Holden Snyder Lily, our son can be with whoever he wants to be with. I love you Noah, but Luke is happy with Reid. I think you should back off and let them live their own lives. Aren't you going to L.A?
Reid Oliver Thank you, Mr. Snyder! :)
Holden Snyder Anytime, Reid. And Holden is fine!
Noah Mayer I don't know yet, Holden. We'll see how this goes. And I won't back off just yet.
Holden Snyder Well I think you should go. Follow your dreams! Luke is moving on, you should too. :) I'm just trying to be honest.
Noah Mayer Whatever.
Luke Snyder Thank you dad. :) THAT'S what I've been trying to say.
Noah Mayer Ugh.
Reid Oliver Luke, what time are you coming over?
Luke Snyder In an hour!! :D <3
Reid Oliver Fantastic. <3 :D
Casey Hughes LOL, Dr. Oliver is <3 -ing on facebook.
Reid Oliver Hey, don't make me regret saying I like you.
Casey Hughes Yeah dude, sorry. It was funny though!
Noah Mayer He's just doing it to piss me off, Case.
Luke Snyder Oh my god.
Reid Oliver That's what you'll say tonight, Luke. More than once, I assure you. ;)
Katie Piretti Snyder Stay away from my couch! And my kitchen! Reid's bedroom will do just fine.
Reid Oliver What's the fun in that?
Katie Piretti Snyder :P Be nice.
Luke Snyder Seriously, Reid. That's not funny.
Reid Oliver Sorry.
Luke Snyder <3 :D
Alison Hughes Call me, Noah. We'll meet up, okay?
Noah Mayer I will, Ali. I'll PM you.
Luke Snyder Thanks for taking it somewhere else, guys.
Noah Mayer I love you.
Reid Oliver Too bad. Luke loves me. :) And I love him.
Noah Mayer ...
Luke Snyder I love you too, Reid - even though you're doing everything you can to piss off Noah right now.
Reid Oliver Oh I would never do that.
Luke Snyder Sure you wouldn't :P
Noah Mayer I'm sure the one black eye I gave him wasn't enough.
Reid Oliver Violence, yes. Very Mayer of you.
Luke Snyder My inbox is overflowing right now.
Reid Oliver Well get ready. You're supposed to be here in 30 min.
Luke Snyder That's true! :D I'll log off now. See you in 30 min, Reid. <3
Reid Oliver I'll be waiting.
Luke Snyder "With flowers and candy I hope"
Reid Oliver Ha Ha Ha.
Casey Hughes GO GET LAID, DUDES!
Reid Oliver Planning on it.
Casey Hughes Rock on!
Noah Mayer :(

luke/reid, !author|artist: wanjasc

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