Fic: Practice Makes Perfect

Nov 16, 2010 22:35

Title: Practice Makes Perfect
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Nor do I own anything to do with the show.
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Okay . . . so this is my first fic. I am kinda nervous about it! *hides* I have been reading fanfics here for months, and I have finally worked up the nerve to attempt to contribute. This is a Alternate Universe fic. I kinda got the original idea from an episode from Glee . . . and it kinda just went from there, I guess. Let me know if you like it, or hate it. And constructive criticism would be amazing. Thanks! :)


The word ran out like a shot in the silence, before Luke was roughly pushed against the wall. Luke looked up in fear, willing his tear filled eyes not to flow over. The massive football player who said the offensive word stood over Luke, staring in satisfaction. He kicked Luke once, before proudly walking away, as though his work was done.

Luke gasped for air, pain making his vision blur. He leaned heavily against the wall as he tried to compose himself after the attack. It figured as much. School was already let out, so nobody there to see the attack . . . much less stop it. 'Like anyone would anyways,' Luke thought to himself. 'It's not like anyone in this school knows what its like to be openly gay . . .'

Luke stopped that line of thinking. 'No! I refuse to indulge on a pity party. I am who I am, and nobody is going to change that. Not ever.' With that thought, Luke wiped furiously at the traitorous tears that streamed down his face. He took a deep breath, before carefully placing his hands on the floor to lift himself up.

“Ow!”, Luke groaned out as he slid back to the floor. He tenderly touched his stomach where the boy had kicked him, and winced in pain. Lifting his shirt slightly, Luke saw that his abdomen was rapidly bruising.

Luke closed his eyes, composing himself once again. Taking another deep breath and holding it, Luke determinedly pushed himself off the floor and stood, holding onto the lockers for support. Breathing heavily, he opened his eyes to stare into the most beautiful blue eyes he has ever seen.

“Are you okay?,” The mysterious boy asked. Luke quickly gave him a once over, taking in his curly auburn hair, his nice physique, his confused expression, and once again, those sharp blue eyes. This boy, around Luke's age of 16, was absolutely beautiful.

Luke realized he was staring when the boy waved a hand in front of his face. “Hello? Are you capable of speech or hearing? I asked if you were alright? What happened?”

“Uh . . .no . .. nothin'! I . . . uhh . . . fell.” Luke stuttered out. The boy looked at Luke dubiously before shaking his head. Luke took a deep breath before plowing ahead. “It's nice to meet you. I am Luke. And you are . . . ?,” Luke introduced while extending his hand.

“Not stupid. And not convinced. But sure, I am Reid. Now, what's wrong with you?” Reid fixated his gaze on Luke's brown eyes, willing him to tell the truth.

Luke looked down for a moment, before meeting Reid's gaze again. He was perplexed by the man standing before him, yet . . . he trusted him completely. For reasons that Luke didn't even know, he lied again, “Nothing is wrong. I just fell.”

Reid sighed as he moved forward a little. Reaching out to carefully move Luke's shirt upwards, he gave a Luke a look that clearly said, 'Do you think I am stupid?' Luke gulped, feeling Reid's hands brush against his skin. He shuddered against the sensation of cool air hitting him, with the occasional whisper of Reid's hands dancing across his abdomen. Luke leaned his head back against the lockers, willing himself not to groan in pleasure.

“Luke. Obviously, this is not nothing. And you don't get this type of injury from falling. Unless you fall directly onto your own foot, which is highly improbable. And lastly, I don't appreciate lies. So, are you going to tell me the truth? Or am I wasting my time here?” Reid ranted at Luke, before taking in the sight before him. Luke seemed to be struggling with something. He was taking deep breaths, his eyes were closed, and his head was leaning against the lockers. Looking down, Reid realized that he was still playing with the tender skin on Luke's stomach. Finally, it clicked why Luke was attacked in the hallway.

Reid had been walking down the hall when he saw the football player kicking Luke, then walking away. Being new to the school, Reid had just stared, wide-eyed, at the encounter, not knowing what to do. Finally, when he had seen Luke struggling, he made his way over to help.

Reid, snapped out of his realizations, payed attention when Luke said, “School bully. No big deal.” Luke adverted his gaze as he said this, obviously embarrassed. His face and neck flushed a striking pink at the aspect of this gorgeous man thinking that he could not handle himself.

Reid felt the need to kiss the boy in front of him. He simply felt a physical attraction to the boy, one that he did not wish to deny himself. His gaydar was ringing off the charts, even though Luke did not exude gayness. Reid just knew. This didn't happen with Reid often. In fact . . . not ever. Reid knew he was attracted to boys. He had known since he was 9 years old. But this attraction, to a boy he did not even know, was completely new territory.

Suddenly brazen, Reid leaned further whispering in Luke's ear. “Why Luke? Tell me why that guy kicked you.” Reid's voice was husky and soft, and it made Luke shiver. The two boys we standing so close that their breaths mingled together.

Luke once again met Reid's intense piercing blue gaze. Seeing the truth there, Luke answered,

“I think you know why, Reid.”

Hearing his name on Luke's lips, he leaned in closer and pressed his lips against Luke's. The kiss lasted all of about 10 seconds before Reid pulled back slightly, looking at Luke for permission. Luke leaned in again, parting his lips slightly for Reid to ravish his mouth. Their tongues battled for dominance, both boys not stopping for air. Sparks of electricity were flying between the two men. Reid pressed Luke up close against the lockers, tasting the intoxication that could simply be described as Luke. Finally, the act of breathing became inevitable, and the two boys broke apart, gasping for air.

“W . . wow . . . where did you learn to kiss like that!?” Luke, speechless, said the first thing that came to mind. As soon as the words left his mouth, he blushed crimson. Reid looked down perplexed before a sheepish grin crossed his features.

“Well . . . actually . . . youweremyfirstkiss.” Reid nervously rambled the words out.

Luke looked at him with wide eyes. “W - what did you just say?”

“You were kinda . . . well . . . I mean . . . you were my first kiss.” Nervousness was not something Reid Oliver was used to. Not in the slightest. But in front of this gorgeous brown eyed blonde, Reid was succumbed to a blob of mushiness.

“And you can kiss like that?!” Luke looked perplexed as another smile crossed Reid's features.

“I take it that I did okay?” Reid leaned closer, wanting to taste the blonde boy again.

“Oh yes. You definitely pass that test,” Luke joked as he wrapped his arms around Reid's neck. “But practice makes perfect.” Both boys grinned at each other before kissing again.

Right there and then, it was just Reid and Luke. Nobody was there to judge them. It didn't even matter that they had just met. Later, they would find out that Reid had just moved to town and was conveniently in all of Luke's classes. They would also find out that Luke was no longer the only openly gay kid at the school. But, for here and now. The only thing that mattered was this. Luke with his arms around Reid's neck, and Reid playing with the skin on Luke's abdomen. Both lost in a succession of kisses that made up both boys' first experiences of being with somebody. And it was absolutely perfect.

rating: pg, !author|artist: mandigirl123, fan fiction

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