Introduction and a Fic

May 11, 2010 10:47

Name: Lee
Location:: NY, NY
Age:: 30ish

What other shows do you like to watch?:
Supernatural, Castle, General Hospital, Biggest Loser

What attracted you to Luke/Reid?:
They have an interesting dynamic. I've always enjoyed playing with characters that shouldn't compliment each other but do. Reid and Luke have an interesting chemistry in a way that Luke and Noah never did.

How did you find out about this group?:
LJ search.

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things?
I write fic. Kind of. No idea how good I am at it.

Other As the World Turns pairings you love?:
EARLY Luke/Noah, Barbara/Henry, Tom/Margo, Paul/Emily, Casey/Ali

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke):
Don't really have one. Sorry.

Title: Ready for Round Two
Author: Lee
Fandom: ATWT
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17
W/C: 1180
Summary: Their first time.
Warnings: graphic m/m sex, mention of Noah, VERY mild D/s
Beta: None.
Disclaimer: Nope, not mine. Characters belong to ATWT.
A/N: This is my first piece of fic EVER. So please send feedback and be gentle if it sucks.

Luke moaned and opened his legs further. His hips rolled, keeping time with the hips rocking down into him. With his ankles hooked behind the neck above him, he curled his toes. He moaned again, his fingers curling into the soft linen beneath him, grasping the sheet like an anchor.

“Oh God, yes,” the man above him hissed out, pushing even further, deeper, harder, into Luke. “You’re so tight. So fucking tight.” He moved his hands, bracing them again, wider apart this time, next to Luke’s ears. He groaned, dropping his head, the groan ending in a wet, messy kiss.

“More,” Luke panted. “Please. More.” He hooked his hands, fingers gripping strongly into flexed muscles, into the sweaty upper arms of his lover. He relaxed his asshole even more, allowing the hard cock pounding into him easier, better access. His eyes flew open when the thick head passed over his prostate. “Oh my God, there. Right fucking there!”

“You like that?” His lover asked, raising his eyebrows. At the nod of a head, the slight roll of the eyes to the back of the head, and the slack mouth, he slowed his rhythm, dragging his cock teasingly, slowly over the sensitive spot. At Luke’s frustrated groan he grinned wickedly down at him. “What do you want?” He kept up his teasing pace though, if he were honest with himself, it was almost as much torture on himself as it was at the man below him.

Luke bit down on his lips and pushed his hips upward, trying to increase the pace. He swore when the movement failed. “Fuck me. I want you to fuck me.” He licked lips, swallowed. “Hard.” He traveled his hands to tangle in the short hairs at his lover’s nape, drawing the face closer to his for a long heated kiss. When they broke apart, Luke said again, “Fuck me. Now.”

The man above him pushed slowly in and pulled slowly nearly all the way out before pausing one more time, his hips pressed solidly against Luke’s ass. “Say it,” he instructed, moving just the slightest amount, brushing Luke’s prostate just barely.

Luke moaned from somewhere deep in his throat. “Fuuuuck.” He tightened his grip again on his lover’s biceps, his nails digging in deeply, half moon crescents in their wake.

“Say. It.”

“Reid. Fuck me, Reid.”

Reid grinned one more time before his mouth opened on a half groan/half sigh as he moved his hips, his pace increasing quickly.

Luke moaned and reached for his cock. The tip rubbed against his belly, smearing clear, warm liquid in the dirty blonde hairs, with every push of Reid’s cock into him, but he wanted, needed, more contact. His hand was slapped away before he could curl his fingers around his aching dick.

“Nu-uh,” Reid scolded, his pace slowing slightly. He linked his fingers with Luke’s and placed his hand, arm stretched fully, above his head. He did the same with Luke’s other hand, their fingers locked tightly together at the head of the bed in between the pillows. “I want to see you come from just this.” He rolled his hips the slightest amount and brushed over Luke’s prostate with just a bit more pressure. “No touching.” He leaned over and licked a wide, wet strip up Luke’s neck.

“I’ve never, nngh, never,” Luke’s calves flexed against Reid’s shoulders and his toes curled tightly into his feet as his prostate sent more sparks of pleasure throughout his body. “Never done that before,” he admitted.

“That’s because,” Reid sucked on Luke’s earlobe, biting lightly, “you’ve never been fucked properly before. Never been fucked by me before.” He picked up his pace again, pounding his cock furiously into Luke’s ass.

Luke was bent nearly in half now, Reid leaning over to kiss him as he moved in and out of his ass. Their sighs and moans grew louder the closer each man got to climax. Their fingers locked more tightly and their hips fell into a steady up, down, in, out rhythm. Reid braced his feet against the footboard, leveraging himself for easier, faster movement.

“I’m close,” Luke said, his legs falling to around Reid’s trim waist, pulling him in deeper.

Reid only nodded and changed his angle. He felt Luke’s sphincter muscles tighten around his cock, pushed in again and stilled. He kissed Luke as he came, warm spurts of come hitting them both in the belly on Luke’s chest. Reid followed closely behind, his body shaking with the force of his orgasm, a cry of pleasure passing over his lips. He collapsed on top of Luke, smearing the come and their sweat over their abdomens, his face in the crook of Luke’s neck, warm, moist breath ghosting over sweat-dampened skin.

Luke unlocked their fingers and wrapped his arms around Reid’s shoulders, holding him close. “Wow.” He lowered his legs, resting them just below Reid’s ass. “Wow,” he repeated.

“If I knew this was all it took to reduce you to monosyllabic sentences, Mr. Snyder,” Reid raised up on his forearms, resting them on Luke’s broad chest, smirking at the use of Luke’s surname, “we would have done this a long time ago.”

Luke grinned. “It’s back to ‘Mr. Snyder’ now, is it?” He carded his fingers through Reid’s damp hair and tugged delicately on the curly strands. “Well, Dr. Oliver, if I’d known you were as talented at fucking as you are at neurosurgery, we really would have done this a long time ago.” He pulled Reid down into a kiss and hummed contentedly when Reid’s mouth opened to him, their tongues sliding together.

Reid grazed his fingers down Luke’s side and over his hip moving his fingertips across Luke’s ass cheek. He grasped the base of his cock and the condom and pulled slowly out of Luke, still kissing him. He felt his slight grimace of pain against his mouth and kissed a little deeper, apologizing. He dropped the condom in the trash next to the bed and rolled to his side, facing Luke. “You ok?” The uncommon concern in his voice had Luke raising his eyebrows.

“Yeah. Why do you ask?” Luke turned on his side, facing Reid.

“I’m the first person you’ve been with besides Noah, right?” Luke nodded. “And I know what he and your relationship with him meant to you,”

“Reid,” Luke interrupted. “I’m fine. Really. This wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t ready for it.” He closed the space between them and kissed Reid gently. “Honestly.”

Reid smiled slightly at Luke’s answer. He knew that Luke wasn’t completely over Noah and might not ever be. When he was honest with himself at his lowest moments, he could admit that he’d never really gotten over Matt, his first real love. But he could also see the honesty in Luke’s face, hear it in his voice. He believed what Luke had said and a small smile parted his lips. He moved over the pillow and kissed Luke again and again. Slowly, their bodies moved back together, shoulders to thighs, ready for round two.

nsfw, !!intro post, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: lure_me_in, fan fiction

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