Um, question? and intro :D

May 11, 2010 16:25

*is trying not to kill this thing cause this is the THIRD TIME ive had to do this post again, simply cause my laptop hates me.*
OOOOOOOOKAY, so, anywhere online that i can download reid scenes? for free? cause i completely adore him and want his whole story (with other people and ofcourse luke) on my laptop incase my internet ever crashes on me *which has happened a few times* so yeah LOL! anywhere? *puppy eyes* and now ive finally figured out how to work this god damn thing, after making myself a new account cause my other one i completely forgot my password too, so i made this one *note about the username - i was typing insults to my laptop cause every username i tried, came up as taken. even other insults i typed to it, so when it finally told me this one was free i just thought "oh what the hell, it will do"*, then i remembered the password to my older account and was like 'oh'. i simply decided to just use this account cause its the one ive been commenting with mostly, LOL! but yes, now ive finally figured this thing out, i shall do an introduction :D

Name: Becky
Location:: Scotland, UK
Age:: 17

What other shows do you like to watch?:
Eastenders, Supernatural, Emmerdale... not much else. Not really into TV that much tbh.

What attracted you to Luke/Reid?:
The first phonecall attracted me to Reid, i seem to have a thing for assholes LOL! Then they met, and i hoped, cause they played off eachother so well, and i just had a feeling that if they ever got romantic, it would be passionate and amazing. Now here we are, and its already more passionate than Nuke ever was.

How did you find out about this group?:
Someone posted a link to a story that was on here at LROnline, so i read that, noticed the search thingy up there ^ and searched for Lure Atwt, and found this! Since then, i check here daily :D or hourly, cause i have no life ;D

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things?
No icons, as much as id like too. Might give them a try, never know. Write fic? yah.

Other As the World Turns pairings you love?:
Tbh, i dont actually care for the other pairings much LOL! But i like the idea of Chris and Katie, they would be adorable!

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke):
Do i really need to choose? How about i just say EVERYTHING that reid says? Cause seriously, the guy is a genius with the stuff that comes out of his mouth xD oh and i also loved this one from Henry.
"Okay, i tried. I really tried. I gave the guy a chance, i really did. But i dont trust him. I dont care if he went to harvard, i really dont, i, i will find you a roomate, Katie, a female, prefferably a nun."
Katie - "Could you be anymore over the top?"
Gets me everytime LOL!!!

question, !!intro post

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