The Lavender Sky - Chapter 16

Nov 05, 2010 15:58

CHAPTER 16 - Date

Okay, so I wrote the whole chapter and then realized, oh shit they were supposed to go to a movie! So, I’ll say they forgot too and leave that for another day! This one is so long anyway there’s no way in hell I’d add more to it!


“Dr. Oliver, I know it’s not my place but, you’ve been smiling all day, is something wrong?” Nurse Quinn asked me as we went over the end-of-the-day charts.

“Are you an idiot? Who smiles when something is wrong?”

“Well you’re sort of odd. And you never smile. Sometimes when people are sick they do things they don’t normally do.”

“I’m in a good mood, okay?”

“What’s got you in such a good mood?”

“I have a date.”

“You… have a date?” She looked at me as if the sky had fallen and Hell had frozen over and pigs were flying all at the same time.

“Yes, I have a date. Now close your mouth unless you are auditioning for the role of Venus Fly Trap.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were dating anyone.”

“It’s a recent development.”

“Well then, have a good night.”

“I intend to, thank you.” I handed her the last chart and walked down the hall towards the locker room to get changed. I may look sexy in my scrubs but I’m not sure that’s appropriate attire for dinner and a movie.

“Ah, Dr. Oliver.” Bob stopped me as I reached for the locker room handle, “The man I’ve been looking for. I was wondering if you could work late tonight?”

“Not today Bob-o I have a date.”

“You have a date?”

“Why does everyone keep saying that as if me going on a date is the first horse of the apocalypse?”

“I didn’t realize you were dating someone. Anyone I know?”

“How big is this town? Of course it’s someone you know.”

As if on cue Luke walked up behind Bob. “Hey Bob.”

“Luke, what are you doing here?”

Luke scratched the back of his neck, obviously uncomfortable. “I’m here for Reid.”


“Bob, meet my date.”

“What… oh… oh!” the old man’s brain worked against his dementia as he finally fit the pieces together. Granted, I never told him I’m gay so the pieces took longer to fit. “Well I guess I can ask another doctor to stay instead.”

“Thanks Bob.” I patted him on the back like an old friend, but mostly to usher him away quicker.

“Have a good time, boys.” Dr. Hughes smiled before walking off, a bewildered look still on his face.

I looked Luke over, dressed in a blue button down, blue and grey striped tie, black blazer, black slacks, and shiny dress shoes. “I didn’t know our date was supposed to be formal?”

“Oh this? I had a meeting with the trustees today. You got quite a shiner there.” Luke reached up and gently stroked my black right eye.

“Talk of the town this morning.”

“What’d you say?”

“I said I got it defending your honor.”

“Shut up.” He twisted his body shyly, bumping his shoulder against mine. “So where are you taking me?”

“I thought maybe the hospital cafeteria?”

“Reid, shut up.” He blushed again, bumping against my hip.

“Is Thai okay? I know it’s not as fancy as your suit demands.”

“And here I thought you’d ask me out for pizza.” He grinned effervescently. “Thai sounds amazing.”

“Let me go get changed, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I walked into the doctor’s lounge and went to my locker. As I peeled off my sweaty scrubs I’d been wearing for nearly 18 hours, I wondered if Luke was trying to catch a glimpse of me through the window blinds. I buttoned a maroon shirt over black jeans that Katie told me hugged my ass quite nicely. I gave my short curls a ruffle in my locker mirror before grabbing my wallet and keys and heading out.

“Ready to go?” Luke’s eyes ran over my body wickedly, devouring me whole. “You ready?” I repeated louder.

“What?” His eyes turned to innocence. “Oh sure.” He blushed as we walked out of the hospital.

“So are you expecting me to open the car door for you?” I asked as my foot hit the asphalt.

“I won’t lie and say that wasn’t in my fantasies.”

I snickered, of course. Mr. Romeo and Romeo. “Are you driving or am I?”

“I had my dad drop me off for the meeting so that I could go with you.”

“I wonder how you’ll get home tonight?”

“Maybe I won’t go home?”

“Maybe you will.” I smack his ass lightly and open the passenger door for him.

“Wow, you actually did it.”

I shrug, “Get in before I slam the door on your hand.”

“Yeah, that’s more like it.” He laughed, sliding into the car. I got round to the other side and started up the car.

“I hope you don’t mind driving a little ways out of Oakdale towards Chicago. Shockingly, I couldn’t find any Thai restaurants in the area.”

“Thai, how exotic. And here I thought you’d take me to a crummy pizza place.”

“I have bigger plans for us, Mr. Snyder.”


Candles flickered in maroon paper lanterns with cut out flowers that cast spindly shadows against the gold painted walls. Luke and I sat in a red leather booth, a thick black wood table between us set with teacups and chopsticks. I snapped my chopsticks apart and began fiddling with them between my expert fingers. Luke unwrapped his utensils and folded his cloth napkin neatly on his lap. The air was still with unmoving particles. My mouth remained shut, drying with the staling air. Say something Reid I taunted myself.

“We don’t have to do that questions game so we’ll talk do we?”

“You do understand by asking me that you’re starting the game, right?”

“Our whole relationship so far has been based on questions. Can we have a non-question filled evening for once?”

“Is that what you want?”

“Stop it, Luke.”

He giggles brightly. “Okay, fine. No questions.”

The clatter of pots and pans and noise from other conversations filled our space. Everything I thought to say ended in a question. How do you like the restaurant? How was your meeting? Did you get me more money for the wing?

“I like your tie.” I mumble out.

“Thanks, I got if for my birthday.”

“When’s that?”

“That’s a question. I’m not allowed to answer questions.”


“I thought you’d be proud?”

“That’s a question.”

He laughs, his eyes shining in the candlelight. “You caught me. This avoiding questions game is hard.”

“I was trying to avoid having a game.”

“What’s wrong with having a game? Answer it.”

“First we have a game, and then our song, and then nicknames, it escalates. It’s too…”

“Romantic? Intimate? Sentimental?”


“I don’t think you hate it as much as you’re trying to convince yourself you do.”

“Can I take your order?” A heavily accented Thai woman asked.

“Oh yeah, I’d like the yellow curry with chicken please.” Luke smiled politely. “And water is fine.”

“And for you?”

“I’ll have the beef and broccoli, white rice and…” I am about to order a beer, until I look at Luke who is fidgeting with his napkin and remember AA. “A Thai iced tea please.”

“I’ll put your order in right away.”

Once she left Luke asked me. “What’s a Thai iced tea?”

“Sorry, can’t answer questions.”

“Shut up.” He giggled, kicking me gently under the table. “What is it?”

“It’s basically an inch of tea and the rest is cream or half and half.”

“That sounds really bad for you.”

“It’s amazing. I might even let you share, but probably not.”

“How gentlemanly of you.”

“If you want one, get yourself one.”

“What if I don’t like it?”

“Then I’ll drink it.”

“I should have known.”


“How’s your food?” I asked him after I had finished my beef and broccoli.

“That’s a question.”

“Okay, fine, it’s impossible to go on a date with someone without asking them questions.”

“The food is delicious, thank you.”

“Not too spicy?”

“What, you don’t think a farm boy can take it?”

“Luke, I swear to you if you start this questions game up again I won’t speak to you…”

“Chill, I didn’t know I was doing it.” He fumbled with his chopsticks and picked up a piece of chicken. “Here, try some.” He raised the chopsticks towards me.

“Oh no, you’re not feeding me at the table! A game and a date and holding the car door for you are bad enough, but you can’t feed me too.”

“Fine, grab your own chopsticks and try some.” He pushed his plate across the table towards me.

“You know by doing that you risk never getting your meal back.”

“I’ve eaten what I want. I thought you looked hungry for more.”

“I’m not sure yellow curry is really what I’m craving at the moment.”

“Reid.” Luke whispered warningly, looking around as if any of the other couples caught up in their own conversation had heard me and were now gossiping about the two gay guys conversing about sex.

“No one cares, Luke.”

“I know. I’m so used to Oakdale where everyone knows me and my every move and listens in on everyone else’s conversations and gossips about everything and uses those things against other people…”

“I get it Luke, the people of Oakdale are meddling manipulative gossips.”

“I didn’t even tell my mom I was going on a date for fear she’d try to stop me.”

“You’re nineteen not nine. You can do whatever you want.”

“It took her so long to come to the terms with the fact that I’m gay, it might break her again if I actually acted on it and went out with a guy.”

“So I’m going to be your little secret?”

“Nah, you told Bob that we’re going out and he’ll tell Kim or Chris, and Kim will tell my mom or Chris will tell Katie.”

“Katie already knows.”

“Well then Kim will tell my mom and then the whole of Oakdale will know by tomorrow.”

“Is that a problem?”

Luke sucked remaining curry off his fork. “No.”

“Well I’ve finished what I want, are you done?”

“Yeah. Who pays?”

“Did you bring your wallet?”

“We’re doing that question thing again.”

“Screw it. I’ll pay.”

“Okay. I’m going to head to the men’s room.” Luke got up out of the booth and walked to the back of the restaurant. I flagged down our waitress and paid the bill, waiting for Luke by the entrance.

“Everything all set?” He asked walking towards me.

“Yeah, do you want to come back to my place?”

“Yes.” His voice scared to admit what his heart ached for.


I threw my keys on the table and kicked off my shoes. “Home sweet home.”

“Wow, this place is great.”

“Brand new. I put my bid in while they were still building it so I got to design it to my specifications. Like granite counter tops, cherry wood cabinets, a spacious walk in shower, and, best of all, a large space to put my restaurant sized refrigerator.”

Luke walked around, his head tilting up and down, scanning every wall and surface. “You don’t have much on the way of décor.”

“I have books, medical journals, food and clothes.”

“You need pictures, posters, knick knacks, lamps, rugs, pillows.”


“To make it homey.”

“It is homey.”

“It’s cold.”

“Says you.”

“You must have money, being a neurosurgeon and all. I’ll take you shopping, we can decorate.”

“I like it here.” I flop down onto my over stuffed sofa and turn on the 60inch flat screen which was the only thing to hang on a wall.

“I’m serious Reid, this place is really uninviting.”

“Well when I bought it I didn’t think I’d be having any company.”

“Well you are now.” He sat down exceptionally close to me on the couch.

“Can I have some breathing room?”

“No.” He spoke low and breathy, walking his fingers up the buttons of my shirt, ending at my chin. He turned my head to his and gently kissed my lips. I moaned happily, throwing the remote down and turning my body to press him into the couch. He wrapped his arms around my back and I leaned against his lips.

“Reid.” He gasped, taking a breath and going back to the kiss, sliding his tongue out to meet mine. I felt his foot slide up and down the inside of my leg. Each time he raised it higher and I could feel myself hardening. I sat back, unlooping his tie from around his neck and tossing it over the back of the couch before plunging in against his lips once more.

“Bedroom.” I mumbled, grabbing his hand and pulling him to my bedroom, which was sparsely decorated like the rest of the house.

He fell down against the bed, and like a lion attacking his prey I slowly crawled my way on top of him.

“Shit.” Luke panted, his eyes wide, staring into me, a tint of fear burning at the edges of his leaves.

I sit back on my legs, taking each button of his shirt slowly, folding the fabric over and pushing the white plastic back through the hole. I travel down his chest, his torso, painfully slow before I fold back the shirt and exposed his toned chest, sprinkled lightly with dark blonde hairs, a patch below his neck. I slide the shirt out from under him and toss it to the floor.

Next I mimic the same slow movements on my own button down, watching his eyes grow wider and wider, the maze come apart as more of my chest was exposed.

“Reeeiddd.” His voice shivered with pleasure as he licked his pouting lips.

“Hmm?” I feigned unawareness as I threw my shirt to the ground with his. The fabric twisted and tangled together as our bodies soon would do. I hovered over his body before placing soft wet kisses down the side of his neck, over his pectoral, down his abdominals. “You taste good.” I murmur into the dip of his belly button.

“Scented soap.” He laughs brittle, his whole body tense.

I move back up his body, kissing against his neck. “Calm down, relax.” I whisper into the shell of his ear. I curl my tongue around it before going back to the red patch I made in his neck. My hand traveling down his tasted body to the curve between his legs.

"Reid stop… Reid… stop." Luke pushes me off of him and sits up on the bed. "I need to tell you something."

"What? You're not gay?" I snicker, leaning in to suck on his neck again.

"No, Reid." He pushes me off of him again and our eyes connect. The maze behind them shivers. "I've never been…"

"Been with someone as amazing as me?" I try to lighten the mood, the look on his face and the quiver in his voice terrifying me.

"No, I've never been with anyone… period."

This time I'm the one to sit up and pull back. "You, what?"

“I told you, you were my first kiss!”

“I knew you’d never had sex with a guy, but when you said you’d never kissed I assumed you meant by a man. I thought you’d slept with girls.”

“I told you that day at Yo’s I’d never slept with anyone.”

“I guess it didn’t register.”

“I feel like such a child.” He rolled off the bed and searched for his shirt.

“You're not a child, you're inexperienced.” Luke slung his arms through his shirt and began to button it up. “Hey, Luke.” I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to the bed.

“I'm not ready yet, Reid. It terrifies me and I'm not ready yet for that sort of a commitment. It changes everything… doesn't it?”

“Not really.” I shrug. “People have a romantic notion about sex. But it's not that big of a deal, unless you have body image issues and you don't want me to see you naked. You don't have a tiny penis do you?”

“Reid!” He cries out, his face going crimson as he slaps me on the shoulder. "I can't believe you said that!"

“Well then why else are you worried?” He frowns and his eyes go silent. "Luke?"

He shakes his head, biting his lower lip. "I'm sorry, I can't. Go find yourself someone else if you can't hold out. I won't think less of you."

"Luke." I whisper softly, reaching out to caress his cheek. "We don't have to do anything that you're not ready to do. You understand me Luke?"


"What did I say?"

"We won't do anything that I'm not ready to do."

"Do you understand that?"

"I'm not sure I believe it."

"I won't pretend that I don't want to have sex with you. It's one of the few thoughts that I am unable to erase when I'm exploring someone's brain. I will respect your feelings. I only ask one thing."


"That you spend the night with me… fully clothed, no funny business, I promise. Until you're ready."

Luke grins. "Dr. Oliver, you mean like… cuddle?"

"Don't tell anyone." I smiled, leaning over to kiss his warm lips.

I feel his smile spread against my lips. His fingers twirl through the curls at the base of my neck. “I can’t wrinkle my work clothes, can I get something else to wear?”

“Yeah sure.” Our foreheads press together. I can smell the charcoal scent of the product in his hair. “Look in the second drawer, I have a lot of T-shirts in there. You don’t mind wearing your boxers do you? Or would you like some scrubs too?”

“Ohh, I want some scrubs!” His little boy face returned as he galloped over to my rickety old dresser and searched for some clothes. I sighed, rubbing my five o’clock shadow and sat at the edge of the bed, trying hard not to watch his ass wiggle as he searched through my T-shirt drawer.

"Harvard rowing?" He says pulling out one of my old college T-shirts.

"Yeah." I answer nonchalantly grabbing my sweat pants.

"You never told me you were on the rowing team."

"I was on the rowing team."

"Well, were you good?"


"Then why did you do it?"

"My high school teachers, and the tiny bit of friends I had, told me that I had to get into clubs and activities when I went to college. So Freshmen year, against my better judgment, I joined the rowing team."

"Why rowing?"

"Well, I had been on the uber nerdy chess club team since elementary school so I wanted to try something different. Basketball and baseball looked so boring. Football leads to way too many injuries. Rowing looked semi-interesting, but I was horrible at it. Hell our whole team was horrible at it. A bunch of spindly nerds pretending to be jocks when really all of us would have rather gone to the library and studied Einstein's theory of relativity. So, I tried it for one season and quit."

Luke traced his fingers over the letters of Harvard. "Harvard, wow."

"Oh don't get so impressed."

"How can I not be? You’re a neurosurgeon who graduated from Harvard University top in his class. You are mature, esteemed, accomplished, talented, brilliant. Why do you want to be with me?"

"Because you're nothing like that." I tease.

"That's not nice."

"I honestly couldn't tell you why. And that's not me being mean, all I know is I really like you." I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him close to me.

"Like really really?"

"Like really really."

"Can I wear this to bed?"

"If you must."

He gave me a quick kiss, grabbed the first pair of scrubs off the top and skipped into the bathroom.

“You can’t get changed in front of me?” I call after him. Ah well, probably better this way. If I saw him in his boxers, practically naked, I might not be able to hold myself back. Although I am pretty impressed at the way I handled that situation. Who knew I had it in me? I undressed, pulling on clean scrub pants and surmised with Luke in the bathroom it might be best if I wore a T-shirt since he obviously didn’t want to show any skin.

I folded down the cheap comforter, propped up the pillows against the headboard and laid back; grabbing the journal I had discarded on the end table.

“Hey.” Luke had quietly padded back to my room, a stack of his suit clothes folded in his hand.

“You can put those on the dresser if you want. Unless you’d like to keep them with you at all times?” He rolls his eyes and places the clothes neatly on the dresser. “Clothes fit okay?”

“Yeah, we’re practically the same size.”

Luke stood in the middle of my room, looking around nervously. “Are you coming to bed or do you need to call mommy and daddy and let them know where you are?”

“Oh, that’s a good idea!”

“Luke, I was joking.” I turned down the covers at the other side of the bed. “Get in here.”

He grinned happily, sliding into the cold space beside me. “I’ve never done this.”

“Done what?” I rolled my eyes, folding up my journal and putting it back on the end table. He was going to be chatty, I could tell.

“Slept in bed with someone else, beside my parents when I was a little kid.”

“Promise I share covers well.”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Hm?” I yawn tiredly.

“How many people have you slept with? And I’m talking about literally sleeping, sharing your bed.”

“I don’t know. I’ve had one night stands sleep over before they left the next morning, do you count that?”


“Okay, then I think two.”

“Were they the ones who told you, you share covers well?”

“Maybe you’ll hog the covers.” I tease poking his chest.

“Then you’ll have to curl up close to me.”

“I wouldn’t mind.”

“So how do we do this?”

“Generally you close your eyes and wait.”

“Not that dork, I mean, like, do I hold you or do you hold me or do we roll over on our sides.”

“You’re thinking to much.” I press my finger to his lips to quiet him. “Do whatever you feel.”

“I don’t think you understand how long I’ve dreamed of this; sleeping in the same bed with another man.”

“A thrill a minute I assure you. Can we go to bed now?”

“Hey this is a milestone for me!”

“Should I take a picture?”

“Alright, you’re done.” He shoves me over onto my back and rests his head and hand against my chest. I pull the covers up and tuck them around us. “I can’t believe this is happening.” He whispers more to himself than me. I wrap my arms around him protectively, one sliding up into his hair and the other resting comfortably on the curve of his ass. He shifts bashfully away from my hand, which only presses his crotch against my leg.

“Would you like me to move my hand?”

“No, you startled me that’s all.”

“My hand happens to fit perfectly in this spot.”

“Oh I bet you made sure it did.”

“How can I make sure that my hand fit into the curve of your ass?”

“I don’t know, forget about it, I’m nervous.”

I kiss his forehead that’s plastered against the crook of my neck. “Nothing to be nervous about. Remember I promised no funny business.”

“Yeah, I know.” He sighs softly. His fingers slide slowly in circles around my T-shirt, gently rubbing against my nipple. I bite down on my lower lip to keep from moaning out loud and freaking him out.


“Are we not asleep yet? Do you need a song like Jacob?”

“No… never mind.” I feel his body stiffen beneath my arms.

“What is it?”

“Nothing, I forgot.”

I rub my cheek against his crunchy hair, prongs of it poke against my good eye. “Tell me.”

“I wanted to thank you, for letting me stay even though I won’t… you know.”

“It’s not a big deal, Luke.”

“I thought that’s all guys did?”

“Well if I took you home for a one night stand I’d be pissed. But you aren’t, we’ll have many more opportunities. Besides, sometimes the wait is half the fun.”

“You don’t really believe that.”

“No, but it made you feel better, yes?”

He laughs and his breath is hot against my chest. “Yes.”

“Get some sleep.” I rub his back soothingly like I do with Jacob when he’s burping.

“Goodnight Reid.” He squeezes against me tighter.

“Goodnight Luke.”


I nearly groan, “Yeah?”

“Will you be here when I wake up? I mean here in bed?”

“Probably not, I have an early day tomorrow.”

“Well, can you wake me up when you get up then?”

“Are you sure? I’m getting up early.”

“Yeah, I can always go back home and fall asleep again.”

“Okay, but I don’t want a crabby ass on my hands when I wake you up at 4 am.”

“Promise I won’t.” He tilts his head up and kisses my chin.

“If you do can I spank you for being fussy?”

“Reid.” I can tell his whole body is blushing even under his clothes.

“I’ll wake you up when I wake up, oaky? Can we go to bed now?”

“Yes, sorry, okay, promise no more talking.” He reached up to zip his mouth shut and my skin shivered from his missing touch.

I rub his back again waiting for his breath to turn even. I nuzzle my nose into the top of his head, closing my eyes and falling asleep with a smile on my face.

Comments are gold as always. I hope the sort of sex scene is okay since I don't have any experience to base it off of.

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: hotlen, fan fiction

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