intro post #20958

May 10, 2010 22:50

So I figured I should formally introduce myself!

Name: Allison
Location:: Canada
Age:: 17

What other shows do you like to watch?:
I don't really watch tv, to be honest. I used to watch House, I still have a major soft spot for the show but I lost interest when the 6th season started.

What attracted you to Luke/Reid?:
OH GOD WHERE DO I BEGIN, to sum it up I'll just say it's just the sheer electricity you can feel whenever they touch each other, or talk to each other, or look at each other, or are standing in the same room or building as each other.

How did you find out about this group?:
I...really don't remember. I'm trying to..but I've got nothing! It's like it just appeared in my life one day while I was searching for LuRe stuff and never left.

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things?
Icons! Expect icons from me, maybe even other forms of graphics. If I were to write any fic it would be complete and total parodies. I live for parodies.

Other As the World Turns pairings you love?:
None - I only watch the show for Luke/Reid, although I was intitially drawn in by Luke/Noah three years ago when they were first starting out, but then they got boring and I'm sure you've heard this story many times before from many other people.

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke):
The two that will never fail to make me laugh are Reid's "With any luck, one of them will be a cardiologist" and "Not as ridiculous as you chasing me all over town whining that I won't play with your toy." I will NEVER NOT laugh when thinking of those ones.

I would just like to take a moment to say that I haven't been actively writing in my own LJ for years, but - and yes, this is corny - reading the comments and writing comments in this comm gave me the sudden urge to start all over again with my own journal. I seriously have never seen a community with so many awesome people and I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for indirectly/unintentionally motivating me to start keeping track of my life again.
See you around! :)

!!intro post

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