FIC: Stupid Question

May 10, 2010 22:05

Title:   Stupid Question
Chapter:   1/1
Author:   spiceinator
Pairing/Characters:  Luke, Reid, various neighborhood characters, Noah (mentioned), Katie, Casey (mentioned)
Rating:   NC-17
Word Count:   4,227
Warnings:  Language and sexual situations also…Bottom!Reid
Summary:  Reid has concerns about his relationship with Luke. Luke doesn’t
Author's Notes:  I realize that this is the third LuRe fic in a row I’ve written where Luke and Reid exchange “I love you’s” for the first time. Guess it’s just something I really want to see on the show.

“Hey, Luke,” Pete and Marie said simultaneously while walking down the sidewalk.

“Mr. and Mrs. Collins,” Luke said, grinning. “How’s it going?”

“Not that bad,” Pete said, glancing at Reid with uncertain curiosity.

“You guys, uh, going out tonight?”

Following Pete’s gaze, Luke smiled. “Reid’s bosses at the hospital are forcing him to run a ‘boring seminar for a bunch of simpleton doctors that will never fully grasp the importance of the procedure I am talking about’ this evening.” Luke emphasized the last part of the statement with air quotes.

“Oh,” Marie said. “Have a good time.”

“Sure thing,” Luke said, as Pete and Marie Collins walked past the house.

Never looking up while continuing to update his schedule on his laptop, Reid briefly rolled his eyes. His blue scrubs hung loosely on his body. Luke wanted to touch him, to stroke his slender back, to kiss his naked stomach, to explore all of the sexy body parts that the scrubs did nothing to accentuate. His pants had an ID badge attached to them that Luke wanted to tug on to bring him closer.

While Reid sat at the large, stone patio table and typed away, Luke sat on the table top a few feet away, watching. The sight of Reid concentrating on his work, even if it was out of the OR, was both exotic and erotic to Luke, who loved to observe the process, the details of it. Never having held a job that dealt with life and death every day, it fascinated Luke how even the most mundane parts of Reid’s routine added to the importance of his overall job.

“Casey has three dates lined up for tonight,” Luke said, watching Reid chew on the end of a pen. “Two of them are from the same sorority. We’re taking bets on how early into the night he’ll get his balls kicked in.” He liked how steady Reid’s hand was. “He’s supposed to meet Vicki at ten at her dorm, Courtney at ten-thirty at her apartment, and Kelly at eleven at some party.”

“Snyder!” Rick said, crossing the street from his house after checking his mailbox. “What’s up?”

“Hey, how are you doing?” Luke asked. “You going to be around tomorrow?”

“Yeah, come by my house, we can hit the court,” Rick said. “Reid, you want to play?”

“No,” Reid said dryly, not even glancing away from the computer screen.

Luke grinned at Rick. “Catch you later.”

“Yeah,” Rick said, looking both ways before crossing the street again into his lawn.

Reid uncapped his Chap-stick.

“Ali and Hunter and I told Casey that all he’s going to get is three pissed-off girls and nasty looks from their friends, but he’s convinced that he’ll at least get a three-way out of it.”

“And crabs,” Reid muttered. Blinking a few times, he continued to study his computer screen.

“Probably,” Luke admitted. He’d heard a few things about Courtney that increased the likelihood. “Hey, Jim.” Luke yelled next door.

“Hey, Luke,” Jim said, coming out of his house to the right of them. “You guys going out tonight?” he asked, looking them over with a grin.

“Reid’s running a medical seminar at the hospital,” Luke said. “I’m staying in tonight.”

“Staying in?” Jim repeated, as if he didn’t recognize the concept. “You should go out. We’re all going over to Yo’s, and then over to Metro.”

“I don’t know,” Luke said. “Maybe I’ll check it out later. I’ve been so busy helping out at the farm, now that the haying season’s over I want to take some time off.”

“Must’ve been hard work, bailing and hauling and…whatnot,” Jim said, grinning.

“Hey, I do what I can,” Luke said.

“I’m sure your dad appreciates it,” Jim said, heading for his door. “See you later. Come to Metro!” he called over his shoulder as the door swung shut.

“You should go,” Reid said, pushing his bangs from his face.

“Maybe tomorrow night.” Going out always meant getting drunk and acting stupid, and he was wasn’t doing any of those things these days. Not really any reason to, way he saw it.

Reid shrugged, packing away his laptop in his carrier bag. “I should head out. Last chance. If you want to kiss me, do it now.”

“I want to kiss you all of the time,” Luke said, slipping down from the table and drawing him closer. Reid’s skin was cool and smooth, and when he leaned in a bit, Luke kissed him, hands tightening on his waist and pulling him in, licking into his mouth and making him moan.
Hearing Reid moan really turned Luke on, and he slid one hand down to cup Reid’s ass, lifting a bit, loving the feel of Reid’s body against his, kissing-

“Whoo! That’s it, man, you get yours,” someone said, clapping. “Very nice.”

Breaking their kiss, Reid turned around and flipped Brett Simonson off, giving him a dark look.

“Oh, sorry, did I interrupt?” Brett asked, grinning from his position on the sidewalk. “Hey, are you going out tonight?”

“Probably not,” Luke said, leaning against the cool stone table again, watching Reid.

“Great, then you won’t need to pay for anything. Can I get five bucks?”

“No,” Reid said.

“I was asking Luke,” Brett said.

“No,” Reid said. “He’s too nice to tell you ‘no’, so I’m doing it for him.” After he finished tucking everything back into his bag, he checked his pockets for his keys and wallet as Brett gave up and headed for Jim’s front door.

“You’re going to hang around here?” he asked, glancing up at Luke.

“Yeah.” Sliding  his hands over Reid’s slim waist, he stepped in closer, ducking his head and kissing the side of Reid’s neck. “Is that okay?”

“Yeah.” Reid’s hand rubbed up the back of his neck and into his hair, ruffling the soft, blonde locks. “Don’t wait up or anything.”

He smiled, kissing Reid’s cheek. “I won’t.” His hands slid up Reid’s back; he really wanted to take Reid to bed. “You should wear this more often.”

“You’re not going to give up on the ‘playing doctor’ fantasy are you?” Reid’s fingers slid down Luke’s cheek and across his lips, and then Reid twisted away, backing up. “See you later.”

“Bye,” Luke said, catching him and kissing near his mouth and releasing him. “Have fun. Tell everybody I said hi.”

Reid nodded and left.

The car door swung shut and Reid pulled his car out of the driveway and down the street.

Luke picked up Reid’s carrier bag and went back inside.


Reid drove in silence towards the highway on ramp that would take him to Memorial Hospital. For once, the radio wasn’t blaring. Not that Reid really listened to the radio that much, but Luke liked to listen to it when he rode in the car.

The silence always gave him time to think. And these days, all he seemed to obsess over was his relationship with young Mr. Snyder.

He and Luke couldn’t be more opposite but that always seemed to work in their favor. But how long could that last? Reid seemed to have a permanent look of disinterest on his face whereas Luke’s was always so expressive and bright, most of the time set to “smile”.

Wholesome; Luke was very wholesome.

That was his neighborhood, Reid’s neighborhood, but Luke knew everyone there, everyone on Reid’s street, all of the young professionals that populated that street, their names, their girlfriends or wives, their children, their hobbies. He said hello to them and played basketball with them and borrowed their videogames. He was friendly, and everyone liked him, and everyone thought that he was just super.

It freaked Reid out. He wasn’t used to a happy, friendly community like his street seemed to be; he usually kept his distance. And, normally, they did the same. But now, now that he was Luke Snyder’s boyfriend, the other people said hi to him on the street and talked to him when they saw him in Old Town. Some of them had even started to come by his and Katie’s house to look for Luke. They clapped him on the shoulder and called him by his last name.

It was weird, to be included. He often tried not to be included - - he was curt, he was rude, he was off-putting - - but they either didn’t notice or didn’t care.

Luke should’ve been with one of them, someone like them, someone young and cute and tanned who wore clothing emblazoned with the names of sports teams. Someone who liked the mundane suburban lifestyle and mowed their lawn and dreamed of adopting a kid and said “dude.” Not someone generally antisocial who worked a large portion of the week away.

His mind went back to a conversation he and Katie had a few nights ago while eating Chinese food on the living room floor.

“What’s your problem?” Katie said, taking note of Reid’s more silent than usual demeanor.

“I’m in love and that scares me”. Reid put a forkful of fried rice into his mouth and wished he wasn’t so blunt sometimes. “He doesn’t belong with me and I’m not right for him.”

“He’s in love with you,” Katie said. “He’s even more into you than you are.”

Jacob, evidently thinking his mother was funny, cackled joyfully from his playpen in the corner of the room.

“Trust me, I know my cousin-in-law. He gets that goofy, starry look in his eyes whenever you’re around,” Katie said. “I’ve checked around, and there is a tall, dark and handsome aspiring filmmaker that would gladly take Luke back in a heartbeat,” she told Reid. “He’s in love with you. He lights up around you. He looks at you all of the time like most guys only look at me when I agree to give them head.”

Reid nearly choked at Katie’s last comment. “That’s not funny.”

Katie seemed to contemplate this. “I don’t know. I’m pretty sure it was.”

He had to admit that Luke really did seem to like him. Luke was affectionate and attentive and interested; they spent a lot of time together, and Luke always seemed happy to see him. Luke seemed to get him, too, to understand him, to respect him; Luke had never even subtly pushed him to change. It wasn’t like Luke wanted him to be more outgoing or tone down his snark; it also didn’t seem like Luke wanted to emphasize their differences and drag him around like some exotic freak on display like, “Hey, Noah! Here’s my successful and brilliant doctor boyfriend. Suck on that!” Luke just liked him, even when he wasn’t being all that likable.

“He’s not in love with me.” The subject hadn’t come up. They’d been boyfriends for a few months now - - Luke had asked him, and he hadn’t been able to say no - - and they were together a lot. But that was a relationship, not love. He was in love, he’d been in love with Luke for a while. He found Luke irresistible, his heart still pounded whenever Luke walked into a room, he still felt lightheaded when Luke smiled at him, he still got hot and desperate and hungry when Luke fucked him.

“He is,” Katie said. “Ask him.”

He wasn’t going to ask. He’d never been happier in his life; he wasn’t going to fuck that up by asking stupid questions.


Now that Katie was spending more time with Jacob at Chris’ apartment, Luke got to hang around as he pleased in hers and Reid’s apartment more often. Happy to take advantage of that, Luke decided to hang out and relax until Reid got back.

After reading a few chapters from the novel he was reading, he watched TV. He got a call from Hunter, whose couch Casey, now dateless, had passed out on. Apparently, Casey was such a great catch that all of the girls had decided to drop him entirely rather than share him with each other.

Luke hung up. Crawling into bed, he smiled at Reid’s scent. He missed Reid, and his hand almost automatically crept down to his groin, cupping his dick. Fondling himself, tugging a little, he closed his eyes, rolling onto his stomach, raising his hips a bit and biting on his lower lip. Reid flooded his mind, the paleness of Reid’s skin in the dark, the soft pink of Reid’s lips, the intensity of Reid’s eyes, the high curves of Reid’s ass, the hard length of Reid’s erection. Licking his palm, he pretended that Reid was touching him, that it was Reid’s hand on him, that Reid was jacking his dick, that Reid was about to go down on him, that he was about to feel that soft, wet mouth, that, uh, yeah, oh, “Reid, yeah, God, oh…”

Groaning as the need for it became too great and pleasure rippled up through him, Luke came in his hand, spilling come onto the sheets. Flopping onto his back, Luke sighed, looking up at the ceiling. He glanced at the clock, and grinned. Reid would get back soon. He could wait.


Luke had said that he’d stay, but there’d been no real reason for him to, and it did funny, hot, twisting things to Reid’s insides to come back and find him there, in bed, asleep. Quietly closing the bedroom door, Reid clicked on the weak lamp on his bedside table.

Luke was scrunched up on one side of his bed, the sheet sliding off onto the floor. Reid loved him, wanted him, wanted to keep him, wanted to climb right on top of him and kiss every inch.

Taking off his shoes, taking off his socks, Reid saw Luke’s clothes puddled together on the floor by the foot of the bed. Underwear included.

Which meant that Luke was naked in his bed.

“How was the seminar?” His voice sleepy, Luke rolled over, scratching his stomach, kicking the sheet the rest of the way onto the floor. While the white fabric slipped down, Reid stared at Luke’s long, streamlined, perfect body. Those firm, smooth muscles. Those hard pecs. That dusting of soft chest hair. And, of course, that dick. Reid curled his fingers in to keep from reaching for it. “Reid?”

Snapping back to the moment, realizing that he was supposed to reply to words, Reid untied his scrub pants. “Didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“I wanted you to wake me up,” Luke said, scooting back towards the other side of the bed to give Reid room. “C’mere.”

Leaving his pants on the floor, Reid took off his shirt.

“Let me see that,” Luke said. “C’mere.”

“You’re perving on my shirt,” Reid said, sitting on the bed and handing it to Luke.

Luke seemed to inhale deeply of Reid’s scent from the blue cotton. “I’m perving on you.” Kissing his neck, Luke pulled him down, rolling him onto his back and sliding on top. “How was the seminar?”

“Not bad.” He closed his eyes, toes curling as Luke leaned down to kiss his nipples. The soft licking, the rough suction, flashed heat through his body. “Bob Hughes asked about you and I really missed you and I had a little work to do in my office but came back early.” Gasping, he ran his fingers through Luke’s blond hair as lean fingers stroked across the front of his shorts. He was too weak when it came to Luke, too susceptible.

“I missed you, too,” Luke murmured, rubbing his dick through his underwear. Tense, shivering, Reid hardened under Luke’s hand, pushing against Luke’s palm. “Can you do something for me?”

“I’m about to beg you to fuck me,” Reid said, shuddering, digging his fingers into Luke’s shoulder, rocking up a little into Luke’s hand. “What else do you want?”

“Suck my dick first,” Luke said, kissing him, kissing him with mounting hunger. “Just for a minute, just to get it wet.”

He should’ve guessed. Moaning, rubbing into Luke’s hand, he said, between kisses, “You’ve been jacking off.”

“I wanted you,” Luke whispered, tongue soft as it licked delicately between his lips, as Luke’s fingers slipped up the leg of his underwear and caressed back behind, oh, oh, yes, God, he was on fire, he, oh, “Please,” Luke whispered, stroking, teasing, “Reid, pl-”

“Like I’d say no,” he muttered, but the words came out shaky, and he couldn’t catch his breath. Luke kissed him, kissed him with need and gratitude, and when those damned knowing fingers left him, he pushed at Luke’s shoulders and slid down, under Luke, under Luke’s hips.

Luke made a wordless but aroused sound, on his hands and knees, and as Reid’s hands came up to his waist, his hand came down and grasped his dick, aiming it.

Licking his lips, Reid stroked Luke’s hips, and when the head of Luke’s erection rubbed over his lower lip, he kissed it, licking around it, making soft hungry sounds, his own dick aching as Luke groaned and said, “Reid,” like it hurt. Caressing Luke’s thighs, the trembling muscles, he sucked gently on Luke’s dick, making wet noises, making Luke moan, licking from the head all the way to Luke’s fingers at the base.

“Oh, god, yes, do it, suck it, yes, Reid, please,” Luke groaned, and he cupped Luke’s balls, moaning and sucking harder, letting Luke’s hips rock just a little in a gentle, shallow, urgent, fucking motion.

When those groans became a bit too heartfelt and there was an edge of desperation in, “Oh, Reid, yes,” Reid pushed him back up, rolling over and crawling back up the bed, rubbing against him, grinding ass to dick, groaning at the heat of Luke’s body all up his back.

“Mmm, yes, oh.” Groaning, Luke rocked against his ass, kissing the back of his neck, and oh, yeah, he wanted that, he needed it. Cursing, Reid spread his thighs, pushing back against Luke’s erection, moaning at the hard length of it, the thickness of it, wanting it inside, wanting it now. “I need you,”

Luke groaned, “I need you, god, Reid, I need it.” He felt his underwear being pulled down, peeled down, and Luke was groaning, louder and louder, and Luke was stroking his ass, stroking the cleft, caressing him, teasing him, “Reid, god, now, now, I need you.”

Hot from his own passion, responsive to Luke’s, Reid rolled onto his back, lifting his legs and kissing Luke, kissing passionately, moaning helplessly as lean, slick fingers pushed into his body. Groaning, writhing, he dug his fingers into Luke’s back, making desperate, urgent, “uh uh ah ah uh” noises, burning with need, aching from the fullness of his dick. He just wanted to come, just wanted to be fucked, just wanted Luke.

“That’s it, yeah, that’s it, oh, God, Reid, yeah, yes, yes, Ggod,” and Luke was in, pushing, stretching, thrusting deep and then deeper, fucking him. Twisting under him, Reid gripped his shoulders, moaning, burning hotter, hotter. “Harder,” oh, yes, yes, “harder,” Luke, it felt so good, it felt so good, he was filled with it, he was exploding from it, he was going up in flames, each pounding thrust was only fuel on the fire, “uh, yes, ah, Luke,” he felt Luke’s hand on his dick and that was it, climax came like a fireball, scorching him, and he was coming, groaning, gasping, coming, shaking.

“God, Reid, yes, oh, yes,” and Luke’s hips slammed forward, dick driving deep into his still shuddering body. He cried out, overwhelmed, as Luke came, as Luke shook and called his name, face flushed, lips parted, eyes bright.


He’d made Reid come again, and then he’d fucked Reid again, and now he was licking at Reid’s hard little nipples, a tantalizing dark pink. Reid was making aroused, exhausted, stop-don’t stop sounds, stroking his hair and twitching a little.

He loved fucking Reid, loved getting Reid off, loved how well they knew each other, loved how responsive and generous Reid was, loved the way Reid moved and tasted and wanted him. He wanted Reid, wanted Reid from somewhere deep in his bones, wanted Reid in a way that was very real and very consistent and very hard to control. But it wasn’t all about sex, never had been. He’d been drawn to Reid from the beginning, had been attracted physically to Reid from the start, and later had been attracted in an emotional, intellectual, romantic way.

They’d been together for months now, and Reid had been there for him, had been available to talk after it was truly over between him and Noah, had been proud of his accomplishments at the foundation, had been very available for sex, had been awkward and taciturn and sarcastic around his friends and family, had reminded him to keep studying for the night school courses he was taking, had made him smile, had made him laugh, had given him what he’d needed.

Luke stroked up and down Reid’s chest and circled in on a nipple which made Reid whimper and kiss his mouth, Luke decided to say it. “I’m in love with you.”

Reid stopped kissing him back.

Kissing Reid’s jaw, Luke kept his gaze lowered. Reid cleared his throat. Luke smiled against his neck, nuzzling gently.

“Oh,” Reid said.

“I love you,” Luke whispered, grinning, kissing his ear.

Reid’s fingers ran through his hair. Reid kept touching his hair, kept petting it. “Thanks.”

“You can go ahead and say it back to me,” Luke said, raising his head and looking down into Reid’s intense eyes with amusement. Reid kept things inside. Kept things pent up until some of them just came tumbling out without permission. But there were so many things that he didn’t say. So many small ways he gave himself to Luke that could only be love. Reid wouldn’t want to admit it, but, “I know that you love me.”

Right on cue, Reid scowled, becoming contradictory. “You don’t know that.”

Luke  grinned. “Do you love me?”

Uneasily avoiding his gaze, Reid stopped stroking his hair, hand dropping to his upper arm. “You can’t just ask me.”

“Do you love me?” Luke asked, running his fingers over Reid’s wrist.

“It’s, it’s not, you…” Reid stammered, distressed, faltering, his normally pale cheeks a rosy pink. “I’m already your boyfriend, I give you my ass almost every time you ask for it, you don’t have to say random shit to make me feel better.”

“I’m not saying it to make you feel anything,” Luke said. “I’m saying it because it makes me feel good to be this honest with you.” He brushed his lips over Reid’s, still smiling, unable to stop. “I love you.”

“I love you.” Defiantly, Reid met his eyes, as if daring him to react. “I’m in love with you. I wasn’t going to tell you because I didn’t want you to feel compelled to say it back, because I’ve been kind of intense about you for a while, and I didn’t want to push you into anything, because you’re a really nice guy and I didn’t want to take advantage of that. But I’m in love with you, and I don’t care who knows about it.”

Rolling onto his side, bringing Reid with him, Luke wrapped his arm around Reid’s waist, kissing those soft, stubborn lips. “I know.”

Reid kissed back, and Luke kissed him, stroking his back, until the tension drained out of him, until the defiance and anxiety dissipated, until Reid was simply whimpering and kissing and melting into him.

“I love you,” Luke murmured, rubbing his spine. “Do you love me, Reid?”

“Oh, god, yes, I’m so fucking in love with you,” Reid breathed, relief vibrating through his voice, slender arms wrapping around Luke’s neck. Long minutes of slow kisses passed.


In the morning, as Reid was at the sink shaving, and Luke stood beside him, brushing his teeth, Reid gave him a narrow look. “How did you know?”

Luke grinned. “I’ve met you, Reid. You’d never put up with my young, upbeat attitude and my friends if you weren’t in love with me. The day that Casey smacked your ass and called you ‘Oliver’ and handed you a beer and asked you if you’d seen the game last night, and you gave him that ‘which planet do you think I’m from’ look and said, ‘No,’ like you were the king of something and he’d asked if you’d seen him take his last shit, I knew that you were in love with me. You had to be.”

He couldn’t help but smile. “Your friends aren’t that bad,” he said, and he even meant it, kind of.

Luke was still grinning at him. “I kind of like them.”

That was fair. Reid dried his hands. “How are Casey’s crabs?”

nsfw, !author|artist: spiceinator, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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