Fic: What Do You Want From Me 8/10

Oct 27, 2010 16:25

Title: What Do You Want From Me 8/10
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid & Adam (OMC)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2583
Summary/Prompt: Reid breaks up with Luke and they find it very hard to stay away from each other. They are both powerless to their attraction to one another, and every time they run into one another their extreme passion (whether it be lust or anger) for each other comes out. Reid wants to take a break but Luke makes it difficult for him. Their love is tested and there are many obstacles in the way and they find out if their love can survive.
Chapter Summary: Reid walks in on Luke and Adam.
Disclaimer: not my characters, all mistakes are mine.

Previous Chapters Prologue | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven

It had been a week since Luke had actually, physically seen Reid. Every time Luke would call or text to see if he could come over, so they could actually finish where they left off, Reid would say he was running to the hospital. It seemed as if everybody picked to have their emergencies this week. Although, Luke knew that it was promising that Reid was actually responding to his messages, or when he left the hospital he would always text him, even if it was at three in the morning. Luke had a feeling that they were back on track, but he just didn’t know. They hadn’t had time to work things out properly yet and he was still confused on where they stood.

Reid said he had forgiven him. Even if Reid didn’t want to get back together, at least he knew that he forgave him. That was enough for Luke.


Reid hated that he was so busy at the hospital. Although it was a terrible reason, it was what initially pushed Luke to act out in the first place. It seemed like that infamous Oakdale karma was now trying to keep them apart, right as they were figuring things out. Luke was the only relationship he had ever wanted to fight for and was willing to work at. The only relationship where he had ever admitted that he was wrong just to please the other person. The only relationship where his happiness was not the most important thing.

He didn’t want to lose Luke.

He couldn’t lose Luke.


Luke was just about to leave Grimaldi when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He knew that it wasn’t going to be Reid because Reid had texted him earlier saying that yet another head trauma case had been rushed to him and he would have to cancel their dinner plans, the only plans they had had all week. Luke cursed the Oakdalian gods for dealing out terrible cards. He had been looking forward to this dinner ever since Reid had asked him a couple of days ago.

Luke pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that Adam was calling him.

“Hey.” Luke said, as a smile crept across his face. He was thinking the phone call was probably from his mother, somebody he didn’t really want to talk to. He was happy it was a fresh voice on the other line.

“Hey Luke, it’s Adam.”

“I know.” Luke said as he leaned back in his chair.

“I was wondering if you were free tonight? Maybe we could go get some dinner and just catch up. I haven’t had a chance to really get together with any of my old friends.”

“I’d like that.”

“Is Al’s still around? We could just go there if you want.”

“Sounds perfect.”

“What time is good for you? I don’t have to work tonight.”

“I was just getting ready to leave Grimaldi, so how about Al’s in an hour?”

“Great. Can’t wait to see you Luke.”



Luke set his phone down onto his desk. He had forgotten that Adam was back in town and had wanted to hang out with him. He probably would have set up this get-together earlier if things hadn’t been getting better with Reid.

It was like Adam had known, and it was exactly what he needed to forget about the stress going on in his life and the lack of Reid in it. It would be nice to talk to somebody who had never heard of Reid Oliver or their relationship.


Luke had only been sitting alone for three minutes before he saw Adam walk into Al’s. He watched as Adam looked around to try and find him. It didn’t take long, before their eyes connected and Luke saw a smile spread across Adam’s face.

“Hey.” Adam said as he slid into the bench across from Luke. “Hope you haven’t been waiting long.”

“Not at all.” Luke said, giving Adam a small smile in return. “It’s nice for a change.”

“What does that mean?” Adam asked, cocking an eyebrow. Luke hadn’t noticed his sip of words, he didn’t want to talk about Reid tonight.

“Oh, just my boyfriend works crazy hours and I never know when he might show up.”

“Oh, what does Noah do these days that keeps him so busy?” Adam asked innocently enough. Luke almost spit his water out hearing Noah’s name.

“No…I’m not with Noah anymore, I haven’t been for a while actually.” Luke said, he looked up and saw that Adam had a shocked look on his face.

“Sorry, man, I forgot about that guy from Metro, I just assumed you were still with Noah.”

“It’s ok. It happens a lot actually.”

“But you said boyfriend, so who is he?”

“He’s a doctor.” Luke said, he couldn’t help but smile. He was proud of Reid. He was proud to be Reid’s…whatever they were right now.

“Nice.” Adam said and he saw Luke almost blush. Adam, who didn’t have any intentions of starting anything with Luke, even after the night they met at Metro when he thought about it for only a moment. He could tell that Luke was smitten over whoever his mysterious doctor boyfriend, he noticed that Luke could barely say his profession without smiling.

“What about you? I want to hear more about New York City.”

“Well, this could take all night.”

“I got all night.”



Luke couldn’t believe that two and half hours had passed. He was riveted by what Adam had done while in New York. His initial boyfriend, who he had moved out there to live with, they didn’t last long. This led to Adam’s partying days, full of fabulous people and events and Luke couldn’t believe how somebody who could have lived such an outrageous life would ever want to move back to Oakdale, especially when he had a good life back in NYC, even though the acting thing didn’t quite work out.

“Wow.” Luke said. They had finished they food a long time ago, but they weren’t ready to leave. Luke liked this, for the first time he didn’t have to talk about his fucked up life, he got to hear about somebody else’s.

“Yeah. It was quite a ride. But you know what?”


“Sometimes, it’s just nice to come home.”

“That makes sense.”

“I mean, I had an amazing time in New York, and I would do it all again in a heart beat, but partying and drugs and sleeping around, it gets old, fast. Sometimes you just want to be able to come home to the one you love, watch some TV, cuddle, and go to bed.”

“That sounds nice.”

“Enough of this sappy talk.” Adam said which made Luke laugh.


Reid had finally gotten out of surgery and was starving. He thought about calling Luke, but it was close to midnight and if Luke was asleep, he didn’t want to wake him. He decided he would just send Luke a text and if anything he would get it in the morning, but at least Luke would know that he had thought of him once he was done with work.

He was going to work on making sure Luke knew he loved him.

[finally leaving the hospital. Starving. See you tomorrow?]

He didn’t think Luke would respond but he got a message almost immediately.

[I wish I could see you tonight.]

[come over]

[I’m with somebody right now : (, but can't wait until tomorrow]

[really? it’s already passed midnight so I guess ill see you today]

[I like that better. Tomorrow seemed so far away]

[good night luke]

Reid had hoped that Luke would want to spend the night so he wondered who he was hanging out with, considering tonight had been date night, before it got canceled by the Oakdale gods.

Since his phone was in his hand, he quickly dialed the number for Al’s, the first number he had memorized when he had moved to Oakdale’s, and order a carry-out. He would swing by and pick it up before heading home.

Sometimes, Reid was thankful he lived in Oakdale, the first and most important thing being was that he was never more than five minutes away from Al’s at any given point in time. He could be 15 miles away, but he would get to Al’s before his order was even ready. He didn’t mind this oddness, in fact, it only increased his eating habits, something he neither minded or cared.

Reid walked into Al’s and to his surprise, saw Luke in a very deep and intimate conversation with the above average looking bar tender from Metro. He felt the ping of jealousy that he felt that night surface.

What was it with Luke and guys who made drinks that attracted them to him.

Reid thought that Luke would have looked up from his table now, but his eyes were locked with…Andrew…Eric…Art… He frankly couldn’t remember the kids name and frankly he didn’t really care. What he was more concerned about was that Luke seemed to have filled his vacant date night with a different suitor.

Reid was snapped out of his stare when the waitress was trying to get his attention to give him his completed order.

“Dr. Oliver.” She said “Your order is ready.”

“Yeah, hold on to it for a second.” Reid said, without giving her a second glance. He waved his hand at her as he made his way over to Luke’s table. He didn’t really have anything planned, he just didn’t want Luke to be hanging out with the good looking, humble bartender.

“Hope I’m not interrupting something important.” Reid said. Luke shot his head up, not expecting to see Reid standing next to him.

“Reid!” Luke said excitedly “I…you remember Adam right?”

“Bartender?” Reid responded as he cocked an eyebrow at the burnette kid sitting across from Luke.

“Right.” Adam said, he looked at Luke to see if Luke would give him any sympathy but Luke was just staring at Reid, the same way he did the last time.

“Mind if I borrow Luke for just a moment.” Reid didn’t know why he bothered with even asking.

“Reid, can’t we just talk tomorrow.”

“It’s important, and it is tomorrow.”

Luke finally returned the sympathetic look that Adam had wanted to see.

“It will only be a minute.” Luke said as he started to get up. “Right Reid?”

“Only a minute.” Reid said with a smirk.

Luke left the booth and he was shocked when Reid grabbed his hand and lead him in the direction. It wasn’t a forceful lead, in fact, it felt nice and familiar, as if the past hadn’t happened. Luke calmed down a bit because he didn’t know what Reid wanted to talk to him about.

Reid led Luke near the back and then out the backdoor, right outside. There was just a dim light and the rest of the alley was dark.

“So…” Luke started but Reid cut him off.

“I don’t want you hanging out with him.”

“Is that a demand?” Luke asked getting defensive.


“I can do what I want.”

“I don’t want you hanging out with him.” Reid repeated. Luke could hear the jealousy in Reid’s voice. He knew why Reid was doing this, it was starting to turn him on. He knew this was the perfect opportunity to find out what Reid wanted. He was going to get Reid to define them.

Luke had his back against the brick wall and he could feel Reid inching closer to him.

“Reid, you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do.” Luke said, his voice was just above a whisper.

“Yeah, I can.” Reid’s face was almost touching his. He licked his lips. He could feel Reid’s breath grace across them.


“Because you’re mine. You’ll always be mine.”

“Prove it.” Luke barely got out before Reid pushed his body into Luke’s and connected their lips.

The kiss was perfect. It started off slow and Reid was just barely moving and Luke let out a exhale through his nose. He was pushed against the brick wall so he had nowhere to go. He brought his hand up and pulled Reid’s head more into him, intensifying the kiss, just slightly.

Reid opened his mouth and Luke followed suit and the kiss when from soft and sweet to full on make-out in just a matter of seconds. It was a defining moment. The past had been forgotten.

Reid left Luke’s lips and he moved to his neck. He could hear Luke letting out just small moans as he entangled his fingers in his hair pushing him, encouraging him to suck harder.

“Reid…” Luke breathed out.

Luke was in absolute heaven. He had his head tilted back and Reid had one hand on his chest and the other was pressed hard up against the brick to keep him stable. Reid’s lips were driving him absolutely crazy. It felt perfect and he was happy. He was happy for the first time in almost six weeks.

Reid finally pulled away and he lightly slapped Luke’s cheek as he pulled away. Luke could tell that Reid’s lips were puffy and almost a bit swollen from his vigorous work. Reid allowed a small smile to creep across his face.

“Say it.” Luke said.


“Just say it Reid.” Luke was practically begging with his eyes. He could feel the spot on his neck where Reid just was start to burn just a little.

“We’re together.”

Luke smiled and leaned in and gave Reid a kiss.

“I love you.” Luke whispered into Reid’s lips.

“Just go finish your date and then come home.” Reid said with a playful smile. Luke laughed.

“It’s not a date.”

“Whatever.” Reid said with a smile as he entered back into Al’s. He knew that his food was probably going to be cold, but he didn’t care. He didn’t even walk Luke back to his table. He grabbed his food from the waitress and left.

Luke slid back down into the booth and watched as Reid left. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

“Sorry for making you wait.” Luke said. His voice was high and lighthearted. He hadn’t even looked at Adam yet, as he let his eyes follow Reid outside.

“No big deal, you weren’t gone that long.” Adam said. He was watching Luke stare out the window and that is when he noticed the beginnings of a hickey forming on his neck. They sure did accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. He knew that Luke’s boyfriend had done that on purposes, to mark his territory. Adam got the hint, loud and clear. He would just be friend with Luke.

Luke let out a dreamy sigh.

“Ready to go?” Adam asked. He knew that Luke would be stuck in his dream world for a while, he had been there many times.


“I’ll see you around?”

“Of course, although I’m not going to lie, my boyfriend, he’s not too fond of you.”

“I’ve noticed.”

They both left Al’s, after almost three hours of hanging out. Luke made plans to get together with Adam sometime next week, but it wasn’t what was on his mind. What he really cared about was that Reid had asked him to come home.


He couldn’t wait to go back.

rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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