The Never-Ending Pain of Forced Becoming

Oct 26, 2010 11:49

Hi! As most of you (or at least those of you who care about such things) know, I wrote a fix-it fic for ATWT (kinda sorta) called Raise Up, Heart. It was inspired by the idea of a gothic-horror kind of thing, a la Rebecca, or The Tell-Tale Heart, though, given that it's soap opera fanfiction, it really shouldn't be compared to those! LOL!

One thing I heard from betas while I was writing it, and that was a bit of a theme in the comments (which, OMG, I totally need to make time to reply to the rest of them very soon! I am not ungrateful! I promise!) was a desire to see more of Chris' transformation, and see what he went through. Basically, some people wanted it to be even more horrific. :)

Well! Lucky you! Just in time for Halloween, even! :)

My friend, the wonderful writer, ella_menno, wrote this fantastic companion piece to Raise Up Heart. It's called The Never-Ending Pain of Forced Becoming and it can be found HERE!

Go! Read! Leave a comment! Peggin, do not go and read, 'cause it will creep you out! Everyone else, though? Go! Read! Let her know how creepy and awesome it is! Seriously, it freaked me out!! :D In a good way, of course. :)

I'm also totally excited and honored that she'd be inspired by my story and want to contribute to that universe! What a compliment! :)

So, yes, The Never-Ending Pain of Forced Becoming. Check it out. :) (BTW, it won't make any sense if you've not read Raise Up, Heart.)

*twirls in magic creepy Halloween dust*
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