Maya (chapter thirty one)

Oct 25, 2010 22:51

Title: Maya
Author: thatsiturdead aka becky.
Summary: luke brought reid to oakdale with a different form of blackmail, under damiens manipulations. reid is angry, but not only because hes been taken away from his patients by a spoilt brat, but cause hes been taken away from someone else too....
Warnings: um, no spoilers as its AU. im still technically practicing writing atm, so im not sure if im ready to write smut.. maybe in later chapters? not making promises though. and i suppose i should warn you im still learning with writing, so im terribly sorry if im awful! oh and theres gonna be angst.
Disclaimer : not mine. if they were, we'd be celebrating right now, not crying.
Rating: pg-13.
A/N : chapter thirty one! sorry its a day late again, was helping out a mate. but here ya goooo, we get one half of the luke and noah talk (it will be continued in the next chapter) and we get reid making doogies life a misery, just cause reid loves to do that! oh, and we say goodbye to isabellaaa as she returns home! i know shes barely been in the chapters, but the characters themselves are really gonna miss her. no worries, there will most likely be more mentions of her in future chapters, and i may bring her back near the end for a few things too. anywayyyyy! thanks to traci for being my beta, your a saint! :D feedback is truly awesome, continue to leave some thanks :) previous chapters are under my authors tag. enjoooooooy <3

As Luke drove to Noah's and Maddie's place, he felt really nervous. He and Casey had gotten back late the previous night and decided to just go to their homes and sleep before saying hello to everyone that had possibly missed them. Of course, his mom and sisters and brother were at home and although Ethan and Natalie were asleep, Faith and his mom were still wide awake and gave him huge hugs and demanded he tell them about the trip. Faith being Faith, she had to ask him if he had gotten her any presents. Luckily for him, he had.

After about two hours of catching up with his mom and sister, he went to bed and fell into a restless slumber, knowing exactly what was going to come the next day.

So now, here he was. On his way to Noah's, listening to the radio but at the same time not really paying attention to it. How exactly was he going to do this?

Hey, Noah. I know you don’t want us together right now, and if I’m honest I’d have to say it was the right decision but-

Ehh, scratch that. Too much sucking up.

Noah, I’m sorry, but now that we're not together anymore I feel like-

Nope, scratch that. He has nothing to apologize for, other than cheating on him with Reid. And, what was even more weird was that he wasn’t really that sorry, if at all.

Noah, nice shirt. I see you've worked on the squinting. Anyway, I cheated on you with your doctor to get him here and now I’m pretty sure I’m actually in love with the guy. No hard feelings?

Luke laughed at that one popping into his brain, because it was Casey's idea. On the way home the previous night he had told Casey that he was going to take his advice, give Reid a chance and get over Noah. He also told him about the dream he had of Maya and that he was sure he was falling in love with Reid, if he hadn’t already. So, he'd asked Casey for help on how to break it to Noah and that was the best he could come up with. Naturally, it made Luke laugh for a whole five minutes.

When he arrived and knocked on the door, it was Maddie who answered with a warm smile, inviting him in and offering him something to drink. He said no, as he wasn’t planning on staying long. Noah was sitting on the couch, listening in on the TV.

"Err, Maddie, could you give me a moment with Noah?" Luke whispered to the pretty brunette, who nodded and went into the kitchen, closing the door behind her. He slowly walked over towards Noah, who reached for the remote and turned the TV off.

"Luke, how was your trip?"

"It was great, thanks. Casey and I had a awesome time with Will, Gwen and Hallie."

"I’m glad," Noah said, smiling, "How are they? Casey, too?"

"Will, Gwen and Hallie are great. They have an amazing life in Carbondale. Casey's doing okay, still trying to get over Ali, but otherwise he's fine."

"Yeah, tell Casey I said he has to come see me next time you see him. I miss just hanging out with him and Ali. You too, of course."

"Noah, can we-"

"We could maybe watch a movie with Maddie and Hunter, you bring along Casey one night then Ali the next. After all, we don’t want things to be awkward."

"Yeah, things between us will be awkward enough," Luke whispered to himself. Noah gave him a confused look and he carried on, "We need to talk."

"Why don’t’ i like the sound of that?"

"Because it’s a serious talk."

Noah sighed, before gesturing for him to carry on.

"Us breaking up was probably the best thing that could happen. And honestly, Noah, I came here to tell you that this break-up is permanent."

"What?" Noah asked, shocked.

"You heard what I said."

"How can you say that? I just need space right now, but when the surgery works then I can commit to us properly, we can really be together," Noah pleaded, grabbing Luke’s hand in his. Luke allowed it, after all, he knew it wouldn’t be for long.

"So are you saying every blind person should break up with their partner, because they can’t properly be with them?"

"You’re twisting my words, Luke."

"No, I’m making a point. There are thousands, no, millions of people who are blind all over the world. But they manage to still be with their partners. They work things out with them and they don’t push them away. And it’s not just now, with the blindness, it’s every time things get tough, you're you, not us."

"I don’t mean to be that way."

"It doesn’t matter if you mean it or not, its just fact. Its okay though, I know now we're not meant to be."

"Yes, we are-"

"Noah," Luke pleaded, silencing Noah for a moment, "I’ve fallen in love with someone else."


"Oakdale is a nice enough place, great for you to raise little Maya, my boy." Isabella said, pinching Reid's cheek and making Sarah and Katie laugh. Reid and Sarah had told Isabella and Katie that they were separating. Isabella had been a little sad because she loved Sarah like her own daughter, but at the same time she was glad that they were finally allowing themselves to be truly happy. Katie just smirked, realizing why, but not saying anything.

"I’m really going to miss you, Isabella," Sarah said, hugging her ex-mother-in-law. Well, soon to be ex-mother-in-law.

"I’ll miss you too, dear. And you two," She added, hugging Reid and Maya, who was in Reid's arms, "and, of course, you," She turned to Katie who had Jacob in her arms and hugged her too. Katie had gotten close to Isabella and Sarah as well as Reid, and Reid was happy that Katie and Jacob were basically becoming part of his family.

"I’m gonna miss our talks," Katie smiled sadly as her and Isabella broke free, readjusting Jacob on her hip. They talked for a while until it was time for Isabella to leave, Katie offering to give her a ride to the airport, which she so happily accepted. They left at the same time Chris walked in, with Reid giving him an annoyed look.

"Doogie. First you sleep with my wife then you appear everywhere I turn?" Reid asked as the door closed behind him. Chris stopped dead, going pale and Sarah shot Reid a look which he just ignored.

"Um, Reid, I didn’t-"

"Yeah, save it. Just be thankful I’m holding Maya."

"I... I thought you were gay, though? At medical school it was out that you were gay?"

"I am."

Chris looked confused, "So why have you got a wife, and why are you jealous that she's seeing someone else?"


"As for why Sarah and I are married, it’s not any of your business. And I’m not jealous, I’m just angry."

"Reid, you can’t really talk."

Reid looked at Sarah then, "I’m not angry that you slept with him.... Well, I am, but it is allowed. I’m angry because it was him."


"Maya's doctor? Conflict of interest?"


"Oh, relax Doogie. I wont tell. Yet."

"What do you mean yet?"

"I mean, if you mess Sarah around and be the way you were in medical school, I’ll go the AMA and you'll lose your license."

"REID!" Sarah yelled, outraged.

"That’s blackmail," Chris said, equally outraged.

"Well, if you treat her right then you have nothing to worry about, do you?" Reid said, smirking.

"I plan to!"

"Great. Also, you try and get Maya to call you daddy, I’ll diagnose you with a brain tumor and operate so you’ll go blind and deaf, cut off from the world, completely."

"I wouldn’t try take your daughter away from you."

"I know. This is just in case you try and get her to refer to you as daddy. If you even think of trying to take her from me, I’ll make you blind, deaf and paralyzed. Understood?"

Chris nodded, unsure if Reid was being serious or not. Reid kept his smirk on, but making sure his eyes were glaring at the douche. Sarah was looking at him, unsure what to say.

Reid was just kidding, obviously. He knew Sarah wouldn’t allow Chris to do any of these things, but he decided to wind him up a bit. Make him scared. And, judging by the 'save me' looks Chris was giving Sarah, it worked.

Reid turned around, placing Maya in her crib, smiling happily to himself and doing his best not to laugh. Oh, how he loved making Doogie's life a misery.

!author|artist: thatsiturdead, fan fiction

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