A Slight Delay (5/?)

Oct 22, 2010 12:46

Title: A Slight Delay (5/?)

Rating: Varies. This chapter PG.

Pairing: Lure!

Summary: Luke and Reid meet under different circumstances.

Warnings: AU, Luke/Noah in past

Disclaimer: I wish they were mine, but they’re not. L

A/N: Just a short chapter. Next chapter is probably the longest I’ve ever written!

Reid was sitting down in his new apartment when he heard a knock at the door. With a sigh, he walked over and opened the door. A pretty blonde lady was standing there with a big smile on her face.

“Hi. My name is Katie Snyder. I…”

Reid quickly cut her off by saying “Not interested!”

He began to close the door, but the lady put her hand up and pushed back.

“Hey, you’re rude!” she said in a whiny voice.

“Well, whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying,” said Reid. “Unless it’s girl scout cookies.” God. He loved girl scout cookies, even though he would never admit to it.

“I’m not selling anything,” the lady said in a huff. “I’m your neighbor, across the hall. I just wanted to introduce myself.” Her smile had disappeared, and she was frowning. Reid couldn’t tell if she was pissed off or about to cry.

“Oh. Sorry. I guess I wasn’t expecting the welcome wagon,” he said. Reid stuck his hand out.

“I’m Dr. Reid Oliver.”

“Like I said, I'm Katie Snyder. I live right here with my husband Brad and my son Jacob.”

Reid was horrified at the thought that she was going to describe her family tree in detail, so he quickly said (in the friendliest tone he could muster up), “Well, I should get back to work…”

“Okay. Let us know if you need anything. Anything at all!”

What I need for you is to get the fuck out, Reid thought to himself. Trying to be polite, he faked a smile and closed the door. He made his way through the maze of boxes and sat down again to look over his notes for the board meeting. Reid was very much looking forward to running the new state of the art Neurology Wing at Memorial Hospital, but he was certainly not looking forward to the board meeting. A waste of my time, he thought to himself. Instead of sitting around listening to a bunch of suits with gray hair, he could be operating and saving lives. He looked through the agenda and made note of two names in particular: B. Hughes and L. Snyder. He knew that Dr. Hughes was the Chief of Staff, and he had heard from various sources that Mr. Snyder was the one with the deep pockets. Reid glanced at his watch and decided to make his way to the hospital. He didn’t want to make a bad impression on his first day.

Reid walked down the halls of Memorial Hospital and prayed that the Neurology Wing was better than the unimpressive shit he had seen so far. The hospital was tiny - not even a quarter of the size of the Los Angeles Medical Center. Everything he saw seemed antiquated. The few nurses he saw were sitting around in their stations, gossiping and chit-chatting. Shouldn’t they be attending to the patients instead of talking about who got run over by a train in their favorite soap opera?

What the hell kind of operation was this Hughes man running here?

He came to a stop in front of a young brunette girl and a young blonde boy. They were both wearing scrubs and standing in the middle of the hall, talking.

“Hey, can you tell me where the board room is?” he asked them.

The young boy and girl stopped talking and stared blankly at him.

“The board room?” the girl asked with a confused look.

Reid couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the remarkably high level of idiocy.

“Yes. You know, a room where the board members meet?”

The girl pointed down the hall. “You go down here and make a left. It’s the first door on the right.”

“Are you an orderly?”

“No sir, I’m an OR nurse.” the girl answered.

“God help us all!” Reid sighed, and he walked towards the board room.

Reid sat in the board room in silence. As the board members drifted into the room they began to talk pleasantries. Reid doesn’t like unnecessary chatter, so he sat at the far end of the table, his back to the door. He looked up as an older gray-haired gentleman sat down at the head of the table, dressed in a white lab coat. He assumed that this was Dr. Hughes, the Chief of Staff. Another board member began to ask him about how his son was doing.

Good grief, was this a PTA meeting or a hospital meeting?

Soon, everyone got quiet and the meeting was about to begin.

Reid heard the door open and someone walk in.

“Sorry I’m late,” the familiar voice said.

Reid Oliver had always been cold as ice. Not many things shocked him or affected him. This was partly why he was a good neurosurgeon. He stayed calm and even, no matter what was happening. But when Luke walked into the board room, Reid Oliver was affected. He was downright flabbergasted.

luke/reid, fan fiction

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