Truth? or CaRe? (Always Attract verse)

Oct 19, 2010 17:46

Title: Truth? or CaRe? (Always Attract Universe)
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,411
Characters: Reid and Casey
Notes: This takes place between Chapters 42 and 43 of the fic 'Always Attract'

There was a decent crowd at Yo’s for a Thursday night. Casey and Reid had been sitting up at the bar. Reid had, had a few beers already and had a good buzz going on. He didn’t want to get shit-faced drunk as he had to work the next day. Casey on the other hand had been drinking whiskey, which was a drink he usually never partook in. He was also unusually quiet. Normally Reid would appreciate that, but this was Casey. Casey, who made it his mission to annoy the crap out of him by telling juvenile and immature stories and suddenly, he had nothing to say. If he were honest with himself, it freaked Reid the fuck out. Casey on the other hand was growing more and more confused by the second. For some reason, he was seeing Reid differently. Reid was his friend. Right now one of his only friends, but suddenly, he was noticing things that friends never really think about.

“Casey,” Reid said cautiously, “are you okay?”

“What? Me? Yeah, I’m fine why?” Have his eyes always been that blue?

“You’re just…..not quite acting like yourself.”

I’ve never noticed how the lighting in here makes him glow.

“No,” he said quickly. “I’m okay. Really.”

“Okay, well……I’m not really good with the whole feelings thing……”

Cheekbones. Jaw. Hair. Eyes. Lips………Lips.

“…….but if you need or want to talk, I can suck it up.”

“Talk,” he repeated. They look soft. Casey continued to stare at Reid’s lips, while chewing on his fingernails nervously. Both of these actions didn’t go unnoticed by Reid. Reid looked at for a few seconds unsure what to think, before he turned his attention back to the bartender. “I’m gonna need another beer.”

The bartender brought him another drink, which he gulped down fairly quickly. Reid glanced around the bar, noticing a few good looking guys in the corner. Casey followed his gaze to the group. He felt a twinge of something, but what, he didn’t know. He turned back around and caught Reid’s eye, who looked down in to his empty glass.

“Are they your type?” Casey asked holding his breath.

Reid shrugged. “Don’t really have a type. What about you?”

“What?” he said, breathing rapidly.

“Let me guess,” Reid said smiling. “You have a thing for blondes.”

Casey smiled and swallowed the thick lump in his throat. “Umm….not actually. Always been more of a brunette or redhead guy myself.” Auburn. Like yours.

“That surprises me actually. I would’ve had you pegged for wanting to attract the hot and stupid kind.”

Casey smirked and looked at Reid. “What can I say? I like someone who can challenge me.”

Reid looked faintly impressed. “Me too.”

The two shared a couple more glances before Reid decided a change was needed. He tilted his head towards the pool tables. “What do you say? You up for it?”


“Oh my god, that was a horrible shot! Have you always been this bad?” he said laughing.

“Shut up. Like you can do any better.”

“I can and I will. Watch and learn Hughes.” Reid bent forward and lined up his stick. Casey watched as the long, delicate fingers firmly wrapped around its girth. “And now, I’m going to get it in the hole.”

“What?” Casey said, snapping out of his trance. All he heard were the words ‘stick’, ‘fingers’, and ‘hole’ replaying in his head over and over again. Holy shit, am I hard?

Reid shook his head. “You are seriously freaking me out tonight Casey.” He lined up his shot and sure enough, his ball went in to the pocket. “Told you. I, my friend, am a master.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Oh, now don’t throw a fit. Come here,” he said nodding his head down to the space next to him.

“Why?” he asked nervously.

“I’m going to show you the secret to being a great pool player. Now, Come. Here.”

Casey walked slowly over next to Reid, who turned him around to where Casey was standing right in front of him, his back to Reid’s chest. “Okay,” Reid said. “Pool is nothing more than mathematics. It’s all about angles, so….” He ran his left hand down Casey’s arm until it reached his wrist and proceeded to reposition his fingers around the pool stick. “You cold?”

“No,” he said breathing heavily. “Why?”

“You have goosebumps.”

Casey shook his head. “Actually feeling a bit warm at the moment.”

“It’s probably the whiskey,” Reid whispered. “Here,” he said, placing his right hand above Casey’s behind them. “Don’t grip so hard. You have to loosen up.”

“Yeah,” he said faintly.

“Okay, you’re going to lean forward a bit…..” Casey did as he was told. He marveled in the feel of Reid’s touch against him when he suddenly heard Reid’s breath hitch. He realized that his ass was pressed against Reid’s groin and he had been rubbing gently, side to side. He suddenly stopped. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. He was holding still, when he realized that Reid’s hand had fallen to his hip. Casey could feel something against him. What was that? When a sudden realization hit him. Oh. He started breathing heavily again and pressed his ass back in to Reid, who had to stifle a groan. Casey felt Reid’s fingers dig in to his hip and could feel his quick wisps of air against his neck. Both men were silent, neither one fully aware as to what to say. Casey’s swallow echoed around them and he slowly turned his head to the side, where his cheek brushed up against the older man’s. Their faces glided with ease against each other, almost to the point where it seemed they were two lions nuzzling. Reid’s hand started to move from Casey’s hip, running its way up his side to his high waist. Casey stopped breathing right as lips met lips. There were layers of softness and colorful dances of tongues before both men pulled away, staring at each other. Well that was weird. “Beer,” Reid said. Casey stared at him afraid to move. “I’m gonna get another beer.”


It was nearing midnight by the time Casey and Reid had left Yo’s. They were walking up to Casey’s front door and neither one really knew what to say. The evening had taken a somewhat unexpected turn. The silence was uncomfortable and awkward at best. Reid was nervously tapping away at his thigh and Casey was staring around mindlessly. “Sooooooooo….....” Casey said, “About earlier.”

“Yeah,” Reid said dragging the word out.


Reid pushed Casey up against the door, attacking Casey’s mouth with his own. His hands gripped his hips and he pushed his thumbs up under the bottom of Casey’s shirt to feel the slightest bit of skin. Casey’s own hands were preoccupied, fisting the front of Reid’s button-down. He ran his tongue against Reid’s lips, demanding entrance which was immediately approved. When he felt Reid’s hardening cock push up against him, he broke away. “Reid,” Casey said panting. Reid stared at him and licked his lips. Casey inwardly groaned. That tongue. “Come inside.”

Reid didn’t say anything for a minute. He searched Casey’s face and hesitated. He looked like he was about to say something, but instead he simply nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, okay.”


“Bedroom?” Reid mumbled against Casey’s lips.


Casey stumbled backwards as his and Reid’s tongues continued to fight for dominance. Reid’s hands were at the back of Casey’s head, holding him in place so their kisses were never broken for long. Casey’s hands on the other hand, were everywhere. Constantly running up and down, feeling everything he possibly could. No bone or piece of flesh; no muscle left untouched. Every groove or dip or ridge was explored and they hadn’t even made it to the point where clothes had started coming off.

They continued to push and pull at each other, fumbling up the stairs. By the time they made it to the top, Casey’s jacket had been discarded to the ground and his hands had gone to the top of Reid’s pants. They barreled through the door right as Casey got Reid’s belt undone.

“Wait, wait, wait.” The two men just barely broke apart, foreheads touching and breathing in the same air. “Casey, what are we doing?”

Casey didn’t say anything and just gently shook his head while grazing Reid’s forearms with his hands. They begun to run slightly higher and Reid licked his bottom lip before they reconnected again. Reid’s hands quickly went to work on the buttons of his shirt while Casey blindly kicked off his shoes. Once Reid’s shirt was completely removed, Casey felt his way down to the small of his back and slipped four fingers in his pants and boxers feeling the smooth skin of Reid’s delectable ass.

“Casey,” Reid murmured between kisses. “You’re wearing too many clothes.”

“Yeah,” he said in agreement.

Reid took care of that and before either one knew it, both men were left in nothing but their underwear. Reid was on top of Casey in his bed marking him by repeatedly sucking on his collar bone. Casey’s eyes were shut tight. He wasn’t quite sure what was happening, but he wanted it. God, he wanted it. His hands kept pushing up and down along Reid’s firm torso. Reid continued his open mouth quest to possess the man below him.

“Do you want me Casey?” he asked.

Casey moaned. Reid started kissing his way across his chest, gliding his tongue down between his ab muscles and stopping at the top of his boxers. He looked up to see Casey staring down at him. “Do you want me to suck you?”

Casey’s eyes widened and he nodded his head. Reid lifted up Casey’s hips and dragged his boxers down to expose the hard, thick leaking cock. He pulled Casey’s balls into his mouth and rolled them around before licking along the vein on the underside of his penis and teasing the sensitive spot right below the head. Right when Casey quivered, Reid swallowed him whole. “Mmm…holy fuck.” He arched his back off the bed and Reid continued to deep throat him. Casey could barely contain himself. He tugged on Reid’s hair in an attempt to warn him. He’d never felt the urge to cum while getting head so fast before. Reid removed his mouth with an audible ‘pop’. “It’s okay Casey. Fill me up.” In one swift move, he took Casey’s cock in until it hit the back of his throat and swallowed again. Casey’s warmth came out in thick spurts and Reid continued to swallow it while letting Casey ride out his orgasm. Once he had milked Casey dry, he crawled back up to hover of his head. “Have you never tasted yourself Casey? In someone else’s mouth?” None of the girls he’d ever been with had swallowed. Not even Alison and she did porn…..apparently not very well. What girl doesn’t swallow in a porno? He darted his eyes to the side before Reid turned his chin and made him look at him. “Kiss me Casey,” he whispered. “Taste yourself.”

Casey leaned up and opened Reid’s lips with his own. He sucked his tongue in and moaned at the exquisite taste; the perfect blend of him and Reid. Casey started thrusting forward against Reid’s groin. “Do you feel how hard I am Casey? You made me this hard. How long have you been thinking about this? About me?” Casey didn’t say anything so Reid took his hand and placed it on his own crotch. “Touch me Casey.”

Casey palmed Reid through his boxer briefs and felt Reid push forward as he bit his bottom lip. “Have you thought about that in you?” Casey’s breathing picked up. “Tell me to fuck you.” Casey continued to breath heavily and massage Reid’s rock hard erection.

“Fuck me.”

Reid stood up and removed his last item of clothing. Casey eyed him up and down before settling over the Holy Grail. Well, Fuck Me. Wait, he is going to fuck me? I don’t think it’ll fit. Reid smiled and watched the different emotions play across Casey’s face before he made his way back over him. “Don’t be nervous Casey. Just relax.”

Reid prepared Casey to the best of his abilities. He had clenched as soon as Reid had entered one finger, but over time he got him to calm down around one, two, and finally three fingers. He threw Casey’s legs over his shoulders. “It’s going to hurt, maybe even feel like I’m splitting you in two, but then I want you to remind yourself that my dick’s in your ass. I want you to let go of everything else besides that and think about how good I’m going to make you feel.”

He lined up his erection to Casey’s hole and began to push in. He felt Casey tighten beneath him as he thought he would. He kissed him deeply. “Let me in Case. I’ll make you cum harder than you ever have….I promise.”

He felt Casey begin to relax and finally pushed in. He was buried to the hilt in the sweet cavern of Casey’s ass. He stayed there letting him adjust before pulling out and slamming back in hitting Casey’s prostate. He let the wave of pleasure shoot through the younger man as he began fucking him with long, deep strokes. Before long, Casey actually started moving with him and arched up to meet every one. Both men’s breaths were unlabored. Casey mumbled incoherently. The only words that Reid was ever actually able to make out were ‘faster’, ‘harder’, ‘more’. So that’s what he did. He began fucking Casey into oblivion; getting lost in each other and closer to the desperate release that both were aching for. Reid changed angles and crashed into Casey’s prostate over and over…….and over and over again. ‘Oh god, right there,’ Casey screamed. ‘R-r-reid. I’m gon…I’m gonna cu-cum. Oooooh…’

Casey inhaled sharply and shot up. He was drenched in sweat and clutching his chest with his right hand. ‘Fuck. Fuck, fuck.’ He was 80% sure he was having a heart attack. ‘It was just a dream’ he repeated to himself trying to calm down. ‘It was just a dream.’ He shifted and could feel the wet stickiness in his pants and nervously looked over to see if Reid was still passed out. He was. ‘Oh thank god. That would’ve been awkward.’

!author|artist: stl29tide, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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