fan fic; avery (22/?)

Oct 14, 2010 22:56

title: avery
summary: .... you should know this, people! xD
rating: pg-13
notes: cherimola !

As promised, Reid called Luke before he met with Noah to remove his bandages. The call came around two o'clock in the afternoon and Luke made it to the hospital in record time. When Reid commented on how quickly he had arrived, Luke nervously admitted that he'd been sitting at Java since eight o'clock in the morning, staring at files from work while he waited for Reid's call. Reid smiled, trying to block any insecurities that were of course eating away at him, before leading Luke down to ICU.

Noah was awake and talking happily with Casey and Alison again when the two, standing at least a foot apart, entered the room.

"Luke!" announced Alison, turning happily to the other blond and hugging him briefly.

"Luke?" said Noah, sitting up anxiously. Luke glanced at Reid, who again nodded in support. Stepping cautiously forward, Luke came to stand beside Noah's bed. "Luke?" Noah repeated.

"Right here, Noah," said Luke with genuine relief in his voice. Reid lingered in the doorway, watching with a clenched jaw as Noah held up his hand, blindly searching for Luke who reached out and gently grasped Noah's hand with his own.

Alison sighed dreamily, causing Reid to roll his eyes. He could handle this, he told himself. Luke was just trying to be there for a friend. A good friend. An ex-boyfriend who he still loves… Reid blinked and shook his head. He couldn't go there. Not now.

"I would just like to say something," said Casey suddenly. "You know how… the way you guys really made it through this, together, you know, it's really awesome. I wish we could all be as lucky."

Alison smiled in agreement, Noah's smile faltered, and Luke looked like he might pass out. Reid, nearly dislocating his jaw in an attempt to keep himself from smacking Casey Hughes upside the head, finally stepped completely into the room loudly.

"Alright," he said sternly, causing Casey and Alison to step back. "How about we finally get to business and try taking this crap off your eyes, Noah?" Reid smiled at his patient, not looking at Luke. Noah's smile returned.

"I'm so ready for that," the brunette (well, former brunette) laughed. The tension seemed to ease, at least momentarily, and Reid moved around to the other side of the bed, opposite Luke. Casey and Alison stood against the wall, apparently oblivious when Reid looked up at Luke, holding his gaze intensely for a long moment. Noah released Luke's hand and with Reid's help sat up straight. Luke took a step back, his eyes fixed on Reid's as the doctor positioned his hands behind Noah's head at the base of the bandages.

The first layer of bandages covered the majority of Noah's head. Reid unwound the many layers of thin material, revealing Noah's head which was just beginning to be covered in a thin, dark layer of peach fuzz at best. The three younger occupants of the room let out soft chuckles and Reid smile, noting the look of confusion on Noah's face.

"What? What it is?" insisted Noah. Luke stepped forward, putting his hand on Noah's shoulder.

"Your hair," he answered, amusement in his voice. "Well, lack thereof I should say."

Noah relaxed, smiling embarrassed. "Yeah, that was probably the worse part, having it all shaved off," he said easily.

"I think it looks sexy," called Casey, causing everyone to laugh. Luke saw even Reid crack a genuine smile, his shoulders shaking for a moment with soft laughter.

"Alright, Noah, that's the most of it," said Reid, carefully peeling the layer of the gauze away. He glanced up at Luke as he did so, frowning at the expression on his face as Noah's scars became visible. He watched as Luke swallowed and quickly looked way, as Alison stepped forward and put a hand on his arm, wishing that he was the one comforting Luke instead.

All that was left were small patches over Noah's eyes, held on by only a few pieces of gauze tape.

"Lights, Nurse Stewart," said Reid, his tone firm but relaxed. She nodded and stepped back, dimming the lights so that only a very soft orange glow filtered through the room. Reid's fingers expertly peeled the tape away from Noah's skin.

"Alright, Noah," said Reid. "I need you to relax and close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you otherwise, alright? This is very important."

"Alright," said Noah, gulping. The ease that had filled the air moments ago was suddenly gone, tension reigning again.

"Good," said Reid, carefully pulling one patch and then the other away from Noah's face. His eyes were closed, as instructed. He looked terrified, mouth forming a tight, worried line.

Luke instinctively stepped forward, taking Noah's clenched hand in his own. Reid ignored the gesture, or tried to.

The next ten minutes whirled by in a blur of held breaths and loud cheers. It was official; Noah had his sight back. His eyes were still quite sensitive to the light and the strain quickly tired him out, but he had been able to see Reid's pen light and was even able to follow Reid's finger for a moment before he began to get drowsy.

Reid ushered Luke, Alison and Casey out of the room, the three of them alight with giggles and excited whispers. When Reid closed the door behind them he turned back to find Casey bear-hugging Luke.

"Can you believe it!" said Casey in an excited whisper, holding his best friend's face with excitement. "Noah can see, man! He can see!"

"I know, I know Casey," laughed Luke, gripping Casey's strong upper arms. Casey let go of him, turning quickly and spinning around to Alison, immediately hugging her as well and kissing her hard on the mouth. She laughed, hugging him back tightly as he spun her around.

Luke looked over at Reid with a small smile, biting his lip happily. Reid grinned back at him, side-stepping closer and bumping his shoulder against Luke's.

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: sripley, fan fiction

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