Intro Post

May 09, 2010 13:45

I realised I've been posting comments in this community, without properly introducing myself! So I thought I'd do that now :)

Name:  Gwen

Location: The Netherlands

Age: 17

What other shows do you like to watch? Criminal Minds, Crime Scene Investigation, Charmed, Cold Case, NCIS, House M.D., Top Gear, plenty of others I can't seem to think of right now.

What attracted you to Luke/Reid? The amazing chemistry. I don't exactly remember it, but I do know that I kind of quitted watching the ATWT clips on Youtube and then suddenly it became interesting again somewhere into the storyline with Reid :) (I watch the clips on YouTube because we're a year and a half behind with the airings on tv, here it's the election storyline I think they're airing now)

How did you find out about this group? Through the livejournal search engine

Do you make icons? Write fic? Other such creative things? I make icons and write fics, but I haven't made any of that for LuRe, because I have exams in a week. After that I have plenty of time though, so I think I'll make some then :)

Other As the World Turns pairings you love? Uhm... not really pairings I think, but I love Alison, Casey and Lucinda. I'm not really up to date on the pairings besides LuRe and Nuke, so...

Favorite ATWT Quote (does not have to be from Reid and/or Luke): well, pretty much anything Reid says, but my favourite is probably Reid telling Maddie "Wait, you can't just leave him here, what if he trips over a nurse?"

!!intro post

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