Sparks and Gasoline Chapter 31

Sep 29, 2010 22:40

Subject: Sparks and Gasoline Chapter 31
Title: Sparks and Gasoline
Summary: Luke and Reid grew up together, but neither had liked the other. Reid moved away for college then, and Luke never saw him again. Sixteen years later, Luke is the editor in chief of the local newspaper, Oakdaily. When a corporation decides to take over Oakdale Memorial, Luke becomes suspicious and starts investigating. Then unexpectedly, Bob decides to retire and hire Reid Oliver to come back to town. Hijinks ensue as Luke is convinced Reid has something to do with the corruption and mystery. What will happen when sparks and gasoline meet?
Rating: NC-17 for sexy times.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with ATWT
Thanks to rumpltzr and traciamc, my wonderful betas!

A/N: I'm not really sure about this chapter. It was freaking HARD to write, and I hope I did it justice.
As always feedback = <3

Luke was sitting in his apartment, feeling sorry for himself. He had just poured his heart out to Reid, and got nowhere. He knew that he should’ve expected that, instead of getting his hopes up. Instead, he hoped that Reid would hear about his love, and confess his undying love as well.
But instead, Reid left Luke standing there looking like an idiot.
He looked at the clock; four hours had passed between his confession and being left by Reid. He had received six text messages from Reid telling him to call him, and a voicemail that he immediately deleted. He really did not feel the need to be further humiliated.
He tried to watch television, work on the case, and return emails, but all he could think of was how embarrassed he was.
Faith came home then.
“Luke, I need to talk to you.”
“Can it wait? I’m really not in the mood right now.”
“This is something you’re going to want to hear, believe me.”
“If it has to do with the case, just tell me later. Amber and I still have to discuss the case.”
“No, it has to do with Reid.”
“I REALLY don’t want to talk about Reid, Faith.”
“No. Just leave it alone. I’m done.”
“Fine, but you’re gonna regret it.”
Faith just shook her head and headed to her bedroom.
Another hour passed, with Luke sulking on the couch staring at the blank television screen.
Then someone was pounding on the door.
Luke hoped if he ignored it, they’d go away.
Then a voice added the pounding.
“Come on, Luke .I know you’re there.”
It was Reid.
Great, he had come to rub it in his face that he told him he was in love with him.
He ignored the door.
Reid got louder and more insistent.
Finally, after about five minutes, Faith walked out of the bedroom and opened the door.
“Hey, Reid. Come on in.”
Reid opened the door and stepped inside.
Luke could see he was drenched.
How fitting. It was raining and dreary. The perfect weather to coincide with his mood.
Luke refused to look at Reid until he walked over to where he was sitting on the couch.
Faith grabbed her purse and an umbrella.
“I’m going to get groceries. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
With that Faith was gone, leaving Luke and Reid alone in the apartment.
Luke still refused to look at Reid.
His cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and his stomach was tight with nervousness.
“Luke, look at me.”
Luke refused to respond.
“Come on, Luke. Just look at me.”
Then Reid was kneeling in front of him taking his chin in his hand and forcing him to look at Reid.
Reid’s eyes were even bluer than he remembered. They were like drowning in Caribbean waters.
Luke wrenched his face away.
“Luke, come on. Talk to me.”
Luke couldn’t handle it anymore. He moved over on the couch and got up and walked to the kitchen.
He knew Reid followed him, because he could feel him whenever he was near.
“I’m not talking to you, Reid.”
“Why not?”
“Because I poured my heart out to you, and you just walked away.”
“You think I walked away from you, because you told me how you feel?”
“Why else would you thank me and leave?”
“Maybe because I do have a job that I needed to do and because I needed to talk to Patrick.”
“Oh, well, how did that go for you?”
“I went to talk to Patrick and honestly I had no idea what I was going to do. I found him at his apartment. When I told him what you said, he immediately laid out all the reasons that you and I shouldn’t be together, and why I should give him a chance. He made a lot of great points. I started to see that maybe he was right.”
Luke tried to keep his face passive as Reid talked, but he knew his face was showing his every emotion.
“Then, he kissed me, and it quickly turned passionate.  But when it came to making love, all I could think of was you, and the night in jail. I realized then, that as much as Patrick is a nice guy, he is not you... Then Faith showed up at his apartment with a box of his things. And I realized what you told me was true. Needless to say, Patrick and I are done.  I nearly went home, but Faith invited me for coffee at Javas. She told me about all the nights you’d come home, miserable, because you loved me and thought I hated you. I don’t hate you, Luke. I never hated you, not even on that night. I have always loved you and I probably always will. As Benedick said in ‘Much Ado About Nothing’
Suffer love! a good epithet! I do suffer love
indeed, for I love thee against my will”
I don’t want to fuck anyone else, I don’t want to make love to anyone else, and I only want you.
Luke couldn’t hold back the tears that were building and two escaped his eyes. They rolled down his cheeks as Reid continued.
“I know that we are both messed up, but I don’t care. I’d rather be messed up with you and find our way together, than spend any more time apart.  So come on, Luke, look at me.”
Luke finally lifted his head to see Reid looking at him with tenderness, affection, and something else. Luke finally realized what it was, the look that Reid had always looked at him with, was love.
“I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“It’s going to happen inevitably, Luke. Just like I will disappoint you, instead this time we’ll work through it together.  There is no guarantee that we will last forever, but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering what if.”
Luke was in shock. He never expected Reid to feel this way or to say this to him.
He had a second chance, a chance to finally make things right.
He said nothing.  He walked over to where Reid was standing and looked at him. Really looked at him for the first time in years.
Reid looked haggard and exhausted.
Luke rubbed his thumb over the dark circles under Reid’s eyes.
“I’m sorry that I caused you pain.” Luke gently kissed Reid’s cheeks.
Reid had gone stiff as Luke was in his personal space.
Luke placed small feather like kisses all over Reid’s face, apologizing.
Finally Luke stared into Reid’s eyes with his mouth hovering over Reid’s lips.
Then he finally placed a small kiss on his lips, before he could pull away, Reid pulled Luke’s head closer.
Luke sighed and moved his hands into Reid’s soft, curly hair.
He was massaging Reid’s skull as he continued to kiss him lightly.
Then Reid slanted Luke’s head back by tugging on his hair and licking his tongue over the seam of Luke’s lips.
Luke groaned and opened his lips.
Their kisses were slow and sensuous, and then Reid brought Luke’s head even closer, deepening the kiss.
Luke’s head was spinning and he and Reid finally broke apart when they needed air.
Reid and Luke’s cheeks were both flushed, with messed up hair, and swollen lips.
Luke started to walk away, when Reid reached out and grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
“Where are you going?”
“Don’t you think this is a little fast? I mean just yesterday you were saying we were a mistake, and I don’t want to do something wrong and mess this up, like last time.”
Reid sighed and took Luke’s face in his hand.
“Luke, listen to me. I was lying. I don’t regret anytime we ever had sex. In fact, it was the one thing that made me realize that I don’t want to have sex with anyone else. You’ve ruined me, Luke.”
Luke shuddered as Reid ran his fingertips lightly across his face.
“I love you, Luke.”
The last of Luke’s barriers were broken then and Luke lifted his lips back to Reid’s.
Reid tugged Luke even closer and walked him backwards until he felt the couch pressed in his back.
Their kisses became sloppy, wet, and insistent.
Luke felt like every fiber of his being was on fire.
Then he felt Reid’s fingers under his shirt against his stomach.
Reid stopped and cupped Luke’s face with his hand.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes. More than any other time in my entire life.”
With that, Luke’s shirt was ripped open, his buttons flying everywhere.
Luke grabbed Reid’s hands before he could go to his pants.
He slid his hands up Reid’s stomach, beneath his scrub top.
Reid lifted his arms so that Luke could remove it.
Then Luke was back, pressing his lips against Reid’s. Fingers were tangled in hair again, and Luke kissed across Reid’s jaw line. He licked gently around Reid’s earlobe, and down his neck.
Reid pressed Luke against the couch, using his thigh to push apart Luke’s legs.
The pressure caused Luke to arch into Reid.
Then he pulled Reid with him over the back of the couch so that Reid was on his back with Luke on top of him.
They continued kiss lazily for a few minutes, exploring each other’s mouths.
Luke moved down Reid’s body making a trail of kisses along with licks and nips. Not an inch of his chest, stomach, or hips were ignored. He deftly swirled his tongue around Reid’s navel, and then continued farther down, until he reached his scrub pants.
Reid lifted his hips, so Luke could remove his pants.
Reid groaned as Luke slowly slid them along with his boxer briefs over his hard cock.
Luke reached down and grabbed the base of Reid’s cock then and slowly started to move his hand.
Then he slid even farther down so his mouth was directly over Reid.
He bent down blew on the head of Reid's cock causing Reid to buck his hips.
Luke slowly took Reid into his mouth, varying from a sucking motion to a swirling motion with his tongue.
Reid’s hands were fisted in Luke’s hair.
Finally, Reid dragged Luke’s head up.
“You seriously need to stop that if you want this to last any longer.”
Luke just grinned and allowed Reid to pull him his body.
Then Luke was straddling Reid who was slowly grinding his hips into Luke.
Luke reached down and unbuttoned his jeans.
Reid quickly unzipped them and pushed them down until both his pants and boxers were just below his knees.
Luke chose that moment to grind himself down into Reid.
Reid moaned at the first contact of skin on skin.
They worked up a pace, until Luke was so close to the edge.
Then Reid grabbed Luke’s hips and stopped him.
He looked deep into the brown pools of chocolate that were Luke’s eyes.
“I would love to continue this, but what I really want is to come inside you.”
Luke was past coherent thought, and forced his brain to nod his head in approval.
Reid motioned for Luke to stand up.
Once Luke finally managed to stand up, he stepped out of his jeans and boxers.
He saw Reid stand up grab a few pillows from the couch and throw them on the floor.
Reid walked over to him and grabbed his hand.
Reid led him to the rug in front of the fire place.
Luke was grateful that the fireplace was remote controlled and grabbed it from the coffee table.
He hit the button and the fire sprang to life.
The warmth of their sex and the burning wood, wrapped around them.
He was so grateful that Faith had lit some pumpkin spice and apple cinnamon candles before she left, because it smelled like fall.
He settled down on the rug with the pillow behind his head.
He saw Reid move down beside him.
“Leave it to you to have a remote controlled fireplace.”
Reid was on his side and Luke turned to face him.
“Yeah, well, I got it installed for times like this.”
“Oh, really? So you were planning to use this with all your conquests, huh?”
Luke just reached out and smoothed out Reid’s face.
“I love you.”
“Well, that’s good. I don’t normally get naked with people who don’t love me.”
Then Reid was kissing Luke again.
All thoughts left Luke’s mind again until Reid was asking him something.
“I said, do you have anything?”
“Yeah. We still have the rest of the mint tingle condoms and lube. They’re sitting on the kitchen counter.”
Reid was walking away, and Luke shivered with the sudden loss of heat.
But Reid was soon back and settling in.
Luke felt two hands on him, but could barely make out anything beyond the haze and fog of his sex induced coma.
All he could think and do was to feel all the emotions and sensations coursing through his body.
Then he felt something cold being gently rubbed in a figure eight pattern around his hole.
Then fingers were being inserted and he felt like he was on another plane of existence.
When Reid hitched his fingers inside and rubbed over his prostate he voiced his pleasure.
Then the fingers were removed.
His eyes flew open to show Reid the disapproval he couldn’t speak about.
Reid’s fingers were busy getting himself and Luke ready.
Then Luke felt Reid pressing against him, begging for entrance.
“Come on, Luke. Relax for me.”
Luke sunk deeper into the floor and willed himself to comply.
Then Reid was in all the way.
Luke had never made love like this before.
With his knees up and feet flat on the floor, and his lover in between his legs.
Reid sunk down into him over and over.
Luke eventually got his senses back and started moving up as Reid thrust down.
It wasn’t long until Reid was rubbing over his spot again and again.
Luke was moaning and thrusting erratically.
When he felt Reid’s free hand go to his penis and start moving in time with his thrusts, Luke completely lost it.
He shot all over Reid’s hand and his own stomach and chest.
He clamped down on Reid who was just rocking into him, which forced Reid to remain on his spot. Reid came with a groan.
Reid gently pulled out and removed the condom. He threw it in the newspaper bin beside the fireplace and rolled on his back.
Luke was growing chilly and propped up on his knees. He looked at Reid who had a perfectly blissful look on his face.
He scooted toward the couch and grabbed the blanket.
He pulled it over him and Reid.
When his head hit Reid’s chest, he listened to his heartbeat. It was strangely soothing.
Reid’s arms came around Luke and pulled him as close as human possibly, without being in each other.
They drifted off to sleep with the scent of fall in the air, and the comforting warmth of the fireplace enveloping them.
Luke had no idea how much time passed before they were startled awake by a shriek.
“OH MY GOD!!!” You two did not just have sex in the living room!!!”
Luke opened his eyes to see Faith standing in the doorway with two bags of groceries.
“Uhh, sure we didn’t.”
“Hmm, so that explains the condoms and lubes on the coffee table, and the nice big drying cum stain on the carpet. Gross, Luke. You know more than one person lives here. Next time, take it to the bedroom.”
“Sorry, Faith. We just couldn’t help it.”
“Seriously, guys, it’s disgusting thinking about anyone having sex, but even more so when it’s your own family member.”
Faith shuddered, deposited the bags on the table and ran into her bedroom.
Reid was shaking and Luke knew he appreciated being caught a little too much.
“It’s not funny, Reid. We may have scarred her for life.”
“She’s a grown woman, who has sex of her own, Luke. No worries.”
Luke’s face immediately soured.
“Thanks, Reid. Just the thought I wanted, while we are naked together. “
“What? She’s a sexually active female in the prime of her life. It’s perfectly acceptable and normal, healthy even.”
“Seriously, Reid, if you ever want to have sex with me again, shut up.”
Reid just laughed and Luke knew he was doing it on purpose. He punched him in the shoulder, before Reid was dragging him on top of him again.
Faith walked back into the kitchen then, and got an eyeful.
“OH MY GOOD LORD! MY EYES! What part of taking it to the bedroom did you not get?”
Luke blushed, grabbed the blanket, and apologized to Faith.
Reid finally spoke after nearly choking on his laughter.
“Faith would it make you feel better if we didn’t have sex here at all, anymore?”
“Yes, but I’m not naïve.”
“No, really. I have my own place now. We could just do it there.”
Luke who was on his way to the bedroom with his clothes to redress stopped in his tracks.
“Wait, what?”

He turned in shock to look at Reid.
“What does that mean, Reid? What are you saying?”
Faith started squealing and jumping.
“I think he’s asking you to move in with him.”
Reid just shook his head and stood up.
Faith immediately covered her eyes, but couldn’t help but peek through her fingers.
“I wasn’t necessarily asking you to move in, just have sex with me at my apartment on a semi regular basis, and if you so happened to spend the night, then whatever.”
Luke was immediately in Reid’s personal space and kissing him.
Faith finally gave up the idea of seeing her brother and his lover being dressed.
She picked up the umbrella and keys and headed back out.
Neither man noticed or cared.

nsfw, !author|artist: gwennylou, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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