fan fic; avery (11/?)

Sep 18, 2010 02:11

title: avery
rating: pg-13
summary: reid comes to town under different circumstances and with a connection to oakdale that makes luke think twice about the snarky doctor.
notes: i have through chapter 13 written, and they are all pretty long chapters. and, i know what i'm writing next. i just need sleep before i actually type them xD lol. enjoy!

Luke did his best to put on a smile as he took a seat between his father and grandmother, bowing his head respectfully as he took their hands and shared in grace. He did, however, open his eyes and peak up to see Reid looking awkwardly around the room, obviously a little uncomfortable but trying to behave. A smile tugged at his lips as his eyes fell shut again, listening as Emma wrapped up the short thanks for this food and this company and declaring that they were all free to dig in.

He would never admit it but Luke was rather grateful for his where exactly he was seated at the table. His father was just to his right, Jack in the seat beyond him, which promised to give Luke plenty of conversation. Emma followed by Noah, Parker and Faith were to his left. He had a feeling he wouldn't be conversing with that end of the table much and was actually glad to have his grandmother between he and Noah. After their moment in the living room, embarrassingly witnessed by Dr. Oliver, Luke wasn't sure he could handle being so close to Noah for an entire dinner; especially since Luke knew himself well enough to know he would have been tempted to help Noah, which he had a feeling wouldn't have ended well. Emma, however, could get away with taking care of Noah all she wanted without a words complaint from the man. It was a win-win for everyone.

On top of that, Luke was also directly across from Dr. Oliver. Reid. Another thing he would never admit was that he liked the idea that he could look up at Reid without it seeming like an intentional act. They didn't speak once during the meal, the conversations too numbered and loud for anyone to really talk with anyone besides their immediate neighbor, but there were plenty of shared glances that neither man would own up to later on. Still, they were there, occasionally followed by a grin if the moment was right, such as when Luke looked up at the sound of Jacob crying to see Avery leaning across Reid's lap to give Katie the toy the small child had just sent flying across the room. That moment had been filled with smiles on both ends, knowing and kind and flirty beyond belief. Not that they'd admit to it.

After dinner the women and children, and Noah for obvious reasons, took to the living room while the rest of the men, the Snyders of the bunch feigning bravado and Jack even jokingly pounding his fists into his chest for emphasis, helped to clear the kitchen table. Luke and Holden stood at the sink, Luke scraping food off of the dishes into the waste basket before handing them to Holden to rinse. Jack and Reid carried small arms full of said dishes to the counter to be added to Luke and Holden's already large load.

"Bet you didn't expect to be put on cleaning duty, huh?" said Luke, glancing up at Reid with a grin as he brought over more plates. Reid smirked.

"Funny enough, I'm not all that surprised," he said with a shrug.


"I figured the moment I stepped in here that this family was pretty traditional," commented Reid, causing Luke to laugh.

"I suppose," he shrugged, eyes focused on the plate in his hands though they kept bouncing up to Reid playfully. Reid just grinned and stepped away to retrieve more dishes.

It was still fairly early but some of the younger children, namely Jacob and Ethan, were beginning to fall asleep in their mother's laps.

"I should probably get Jacob home," said Katie quietly, rocking the small boy in her arms. "If you and Avery want to stay, I'm sure someone can take you guys home."

"That wouldn't be a problem," commented Holden, who was standing nearby. "I'm sure Jack could give you a lift when they head back, or Luke could always take you," he continued, nodding toward the two men he'd just mentioned, neither of whom heard their names and were caught up in their own conversation.

"I don't want bother anyone with…" Reid began, but Katie cut him off with a sigh.

"Reid, come on. Avery is enjoying himself, and so are you. Just stay," she insisted. Reid rolled his eyes but finally gave in, causing Katie to light up. "Great. Though I still expect you to be a gentleman and walk us to our car."

Reid laughed, agreeing again and following Katie into the kitchen, holding Jacob with ease as she put on her coat before handing him back and opening the door. He didn't bother with his own jacket, knowing he wouldn't be out long. They walked through the porch and out into the cold March night and made their way to Katie's car.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Katie asked as they walked.

"As much fun as could be expected from an excruciatingly long dinner with a clan as convoluted and bizarre as the Snyders, though the food was pretty fantastic," Reid shrugged. Katie just gave him a knowing look, causing him to roll his eyes. "Fine, I guess it wasn't all bad," he admitted. Katie lit up with a smile.

"You know," said Katie in a tone that worried Reid. "You really should learn to be sneakier, Reid."

"What are you talking about?" said Reid innocently, though somehow he already knew where this was going.

"Oh, don't play dumb, I saw the way you and Luke kept smiling at each other all through dinner."

"What?" exclaimed Reid, stiffening. "You have no idea what you're talking about, Katie."

"Oh, I think I do," she insisted. "Just admit it, Reid. You have a thing for Luke, don't you?"

"I do not have a thing for Luke Snyder," he said firmly, crossing his arms defiantly.

"Oh, really? You two hated each other just a few weeks ago and tonight I see you talking and smiling at each other!"

"Yeah, well," mumbled Reid, searching for an explanation. "Avery and Natalie are practically attached at the hip. Plus, I work with the guy. I figured it's better to be civil than be at each other's throats all the time."

"I never would have imagined hearing those words out of your mouth," Katie laughed. "But I guess that's… considerate of you. I mean, he has a lot to deal with right now, with Noah and everything."

"Ah, yes, my patient the Golden Boy," Reid groaned, opening the car door. Katie paused.

"What was that about?"


"That tone."

"What tone?"

Katie sighed. "You sound annoyed with Noah. Did something happen?"

Reid let out a weary sigh, stepping aside as Katie began to put Jacob into his car seat. "Nothing, it's just… I don't know, I don't understand him sometimes. I mean, Luke is supposed to be the love of Noah's life, right?"

"Right," agreed Katie with a slowly forming smile.

"Luke's willing to do anything for Noah, including strong arming me here ahead of schedule, but Noah is willing to chuck it all away for I don't know what? Pride? It doesn't make any sense."

Katie just laughed, turning to put Jacob into his car seat. Reid stepped closer.

"What?" he pressed. Katie waited until Jacob was secure in his seat, quietly shutting the door before turning to Reid with a large smile.

"You've got it bad, Reid. Just admit it," she said pointedly, poking Reid in the chest before opening her own door and getting in before Reid could utter a word in response. She started the car, smiling and ignoring him as he gaped at her on the other side of the window. He stepped back as she put the car in reverse, watching dumb struck as she drove away.

The worst part, he realized in agony as he slowly made his way back into the house, was that as usual with Katie Peretti Snyder, she was right.

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: sripley, fan fiction

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