It's the February Fic(let)-a-thon!

Feb 01, 2014 21:11

The challenge is now over. Thanks to everyone who participated, be it by writing, creating art, posting prompts, commenting, or reading. :)

Master list for easy access - updated February 25th with one new fill )

ficlet-a-thon, drabble prompt meme, fan fiction

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Crushed! flowersforchuck February 11 2014, 05:51:15 UTC
Luke hated being one of those people that always had their nose in their phone, but ever since Casey suckered him into playing Candy Crush, that was exactly where his nose was. He tried his best to only play it while alone or when he was waiting in line, but sometimes the allure was just too much.

That night, with their backs propped against either arm of the couch, and with their legs tangled in the center, he and Reid sat down to watch a documentary on baseball. And while the first was interesting, and Luke enjoyed how their feet lazily rubbed against each other, he soon became antsy and began to eye his phone.

"How long is this?" he asked Reid.

"Eighteen hours, I think?" Reid told him and then stuffed some popcorn into his mouth.

Eighteen hours, Luke thought, holy crap! Luke tried to hide his dismay, but there was little he could get past Reid.

Reid squeezed his foot and said with a grin, "I don't plan on watching it all tonight."

That was a relief, but Luke was quickly finding himself bored. Or maybe the pull of Candy Crush was just that strong. He held out another five minutes before breaking down, scooping up his phone from the coffee table, and began to play.

Luke didn't bother looking up, he could feel Reid's disapproving gaze, but he also knew Reid wasn't going to say anything. Years earlier, Luke had to instate a 'one rant' rule. Reid got to act like a complete blowhard when it came to the "insignificant" things that irritated him, but then he had to promise to keep it to himself from then on. Reid railing against Candy Crush had been impressive, but not nearly as impressive as his rant against Farmville. He had kept that one up for almost a full twenty minutes.

Luke spent three minutes completely crushing a timed level, only to be stymied by one of his most hated, the ingredient levels. He blew through four of his five tries and then found himself with a dilemma. Luke had one try left; he could either play and then wait fifteen minutes for another go, or...or he could hand the phone to Reid, which would guarantee Luke moving on to the next level.

Despite his distaste for those kinds of games, Reid was a idiot savant at mastering them. The last ingredient level had stalled Luke for a month, but it only took Reid one try, once Luke had caved. That decision meant Luke had to listen to another two-and-a-half minute tirade. Surreptitiously, Luke looked over to Reid and watched as he shoveled more popcorn into his mouth.

Frustrated by his own lack of patience, Luke leaned forward and held out his phone to Reid. “Here.”

Reid snorted and asked through a full mouth, “Seriously?”

“Just - shut up and do it, Reid. Come on.”

Reid made a mirthful sound. He took Luke’s phone with one hand and wiped off his other on his pants. Luke crossed his arms over his chest and watched while the narrator on the TV droned. It took Reid less than a minute. He swallowed the masticated popcorn and grinned broadly at Luke. “Here ya go.”

Luke watched in awed irritation as his icon bounced from one level to the next. “Okay, how the hell did you do that?”

Reid tossed a kernel into the air and caught it in his mouth. “I’m just that good.”

“Nuh-uh. Spill. How do you do it?”

A/N: Son-of-a-monkey's butthole! I'm, like, 300 characters over!


Crushed! pt 2 flowersforchuck February 11 2014, 05:53:26 UTC
Reid laughed impertinently. “Reason number one why these games are stupid: instead of using trial and error, or logic, you can easily move on with cash.”

Luke’s mouth dropped open in disillusionment. “You…? You paid?! God, Reid, I could have done that!”

“But you wouldn’t, because that’s part of the challenge for you. But since I don’t give a shit about some crappy game that was created to suck away what precious free time you have…” Reid shrugged and took a sip of his soda.

“All this time? How much?”

“Three bucks. Last time, it was six.”

Disgusted, Luke placed his phone back onto the coffee table and sunk down into the couch.

“You don’t want to play anymore?” Reid asked teasingly.

Petulantly, Luke simply said, “No.” For some reason, Reid’s reveal halted that indiscernible urge that had been dogging Luke since he downloaded the app to his phone.

Reid turned off the TV and stretched his arms over his head. “Then how ‘bout we go into the bedroom and play another kind of game?”

Luke sucked in a harsh breath. Reid could aggravate Luke like no one else, but there was one thing that could overshadow his less than desirable qualities: In some things, Reid was just that good. Puffing out his cheeks, Luke blew out the breath and nodded. “Okay.”


moerlin February 11 2014, 07:49:55 UTC
How do you do it? I was going through Luke and Reid's emotions all at the same time or something. And then I had to laugh at Luke's reaction to the proposed sex. Way to be enthusiastic, Luke. :D

But ugh, Reid, Reid, Reid. Using boosters is such a no go! Totally with Luke on that one. And yes, the ingredient levels are the worst. I hate it when you have to move ingedients sideways for them to be able to drop at all.

I know I say this every time, but I love love love domestic!LuRe. Just hanging on the couch, watching tv? D'aww. ♥

Thanks so much for filling this prompt!


amyafa February 11 2014, 19:44:04 UTC
I was jealous of Luke. Having Reid help him out with those anoying levels.

But Reid just cheated. A good thing to. Now they have time for better games.

great fill.


dpracket February 11 2014, 22:58:36 UTC
Lol. Love this. Reid buys his way through but then lets Luke believe he's just "that good." Lol. Love them. Great image of them just sitting on the couch, with their feet all tangled together. <3


scotianova February 14 2014, 23:13:04 UTC
YOUR way to write them...I can't repeat it just brilliant!


kccalgal February 15 2014, 02:38:39 UTC
I got a kindle fire for Christmas. My daughter immediately downloads this app. I can't believe how much time I spend on this stupid game. It's always "just one more try..." Buying the boosters is cheating for sure. I relate with both of them completely!

Great job on the fill.


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