It's the February Fic(let)-a-thon!

Feb 01, 2014 21:11

The challenge is now over. Thanks to everyone who participated, be it by writing, creating art, posting prompts, commenting, or reading. :)

Master list for easy access - updated February 25th with one new fill )

ficlet-a-thon, drabble prompt meme, fan fiction

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lure007 February 2 2014, 11:30:09 UTC
A/N: Written for scotianova's break-up prompt reversal request (original discussion thread here).
Have been short on writing time as of late, but as soon as I read the main requirement - the sad one in which they break up for good - the words just came spilling out.
Posting as a new comment since this is a fill for a separate prompt altogether.

The First Stitch - Sometimes, forever ends too soon. PG


Luke opened the door to a darkened apartment. He went to turn the lights on when the table lamp by the living-room couch switched on.

“Christ! You scared the crap out of me, Reid. What are you doing still up?”

Reid remained seated, immobile. “Waiting for you.”

Something in Reid’s tone was off. Luke approached him cautiously and sat on the edge of the coffee table Katie had bought them as a housewarming gift three years ago, facing Reid. He noticed the carry-on at Reid’s feet and frowned.

“Are you going somewhere?”

“Yes. I’m leaving you.”

“What?” Luke said, in an almost-whisper.

“It’s for the best,” Reid said firmly, his face impassive.

“Where is this coming from?” Luke was trying hard to keep his voice steady, to keep those treacherous tears at bay. Sure, Reid had been a little distant lately but Luke figured he was preoccupied with a new case at work. Or was it Luke who’d been was busy and unavailable?

“We’ve had this discussion before, Luke. And I’m not one to repeat myself or beat around the bush. I need you. I have needed you for a long time now. And you’re never there.” Not for Reid anyway. Luke was there for his parents, his siblings, his students, half of Oakdale... Heck, he’d even backed out of selling Grimaldi Shipping because of Bad Dad’s impassioned speech, adding to his ever increasing workload. But he was never there for Reid. Luke simply didn’t have the time.

Luke took in a deep breath, trying to desperately taper his rising fear. “I’m working on it, Reid. You know how crazy things tend to get at the university around this time of the year. I-“

Reid put of his hand up. He even managed to crack a small, sad smile. “It’s a little too late. I heard the same thing last year, and the year before that. This is who you are, Luke. You’re a fixer. But this is not who I am.” Reid grabbed his carry-on and stood up. “I’m not one to leave my heart out in the open and wait around, hoping for the life-saving surgery to be performed. It’s time for the wound to be sewn up, and I’m taking matters into my own hands. This is the first stitch.”

Luke was crying openly now. “Do I even get a say in this?” This was a bad dream, it had to be. He remained strangely frozen atop the coffee table, the part of his brain responsible for controlling planned muscle movements refusing to cooperate.

Reid leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Luke’s forehead. “You already did.” With that, he was gone.



amyafa February 2 2014, 14:05:50 UTC
Way to sad. But you wrote it well.


lure007 February 2 2014, 22:24:53 UTC
Thank you. It was difficult to write, since I don't believe something like this would ever happen to our boys.
It was just a bad dream, a really bad dream.


moerlin February 2 2014, 14:29:19 UTC
Oh, damn. Ouch. :(


lure007 February 2 2014, 22:37:11 UTC
Yeah. :-(

I surprised myself by writing for this prompt -- but in my mind's eye, it was all just a bad dream, a really bad dream, like the train thing that never happened.
Break-up? What break-up?

Thanks for reading.


hackysack01 February 2 2014, 15:06:26 UTC
Oh god I'm about 2 seconds away from taking a razor blade to my wrists. I came to this site to find the happy ending that ATWT didn't provide me with, only to find myself loving these "final break-ups." Loved it!
Poor poor Luke. It's interesting that in the process of keeping everyone else happy, he's gone from deserving to not deserving the man he loves. And as a result he's lost the guy he loves. I hope we don't see a vodka bottle make an appearance in the near future, or a squinty-eyed brunette.


lure007 February 2 2014, 22:52:03 UTC
Goodness! You gave me a right fright with the way your comment began. *takes slow breaths*

Thank you for such detailed feedback. Even though I wrote for this prompt -- surprising myself in the process -- I don't really believe our boys would ever allow their relationship to reach such a critical stage, no matter how realistic their day-to-day problems.

I deduce from your last few words that there is an expectation for more, maybe, but I don't really intend to add to this piece (sorry!).

Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment.


gypsiesheart February 2 2014, 22:33:08 UTC
What....what happened?You are going to fix this right? It can't end like this. *sniffles and wipes away tears.* it just can't. It's the start of a new multi-chapter story right? This is just the tease before the fixing begins? :'( :'(


lure007 February 2 2014, 23:02:40 UTC
Aww lovely, I'm so sorry! *passes the tissue box*

This was written as a fill for a specific prompt, so I don't really intend to add to the story. It was a tricky and difficult piece to write, especially since I don't believe something like this would ever happen to our boys. In my mind's eye, this was all just a bad dream, a really bad dream, like the train thing that never happened. Break-up? What break-up?

Hugs. xx


michaela1969 February 3 2014, 04:07:07 UTC
hi my lovely.... after going back and forth in between here and the LRO Board..... i finally did read the story.......after a couple of words from your story, my heart was stopping ( i could'nt believe what i was reading here)
it is so so sad and heartbreaking............ Sometimes, forever ends too soon ..... true can not do this in an partnership ( be there for others..... but not for your partner )
you are an awesome writer !


lure007 February 3 2014, 05:15:58 UTC
You are very sweet to have braved this, and to have left me a comment on both sites.

The prompt request was put out there and, somehow, for a few moments that morning, I found myself in a place where I felt capable of writing a fill for it; even though it broke my heart, and picturing it as just a hypothetical/dream scenario didn't make it any easier.

Thanks for giving it a go and your kind words. They touched my heart.


kccalgal February 3 2014, 20:04:10 UTC

I agree with your replies to the other comments. It was a bad dream.

Luke bolted upright in a cold sweat. He looked to his left to see Reid still there and sleeping soundly. Taking deep breaths he willed himself to lay back on his pillow. Things were going to change in the morning. Grimaldi Shipping was going up for sale. Mom was either going to move home or move to the Lakeview. Luke had to reprioritize his life

Okay I feel better now.... (OUTSTANDING FILL. Reid would be very terse and final just like this.)


lure007 February 4 2014, 09:21:39 UTC
You're a star -- I feel better now, too. Thank you so much. xx


dees6671 February 3 2014, 21:32:17 UTC
You scared me, glad it's just a nightmere


lure007 February 4 2014, 09:22:03 UTC
Hugs. xx


parishs February 4 2014, 08:33:58 UTC
o man, who came up with this idea in the first place ;-)
it's sad. Very sad. But well written.


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