You guys, it's January 19! Do you remember what happened two years ago today? It was a pretty life-changing event (and not only for Reid), because that's when our beloved snarkiest doctor of them all first stepped into the bizzaro-world that is Oakdale. Of course, by now he can't even imagine living anywhere else, you know how it goes... so happy Reidiversary to all of us!
Reid's calling *you* to invite you to his anniversary bash
Such a momentous occasion calls for a celebration, so why don't we show this awesome character some extra love today? Be it in the form of GIF spams, your favorite pictures, quotes, fics that you thought got him just right... or if you feel inclined to write up how Luke and Reid would be celebrating this very special day, please share that as well. :)
And not to get all sentimental on you guys, but if you're still here, reading this, then that probably means that at some point in the past two years, along with Reid and Luke, some other lovely people came into your life through this fandom. I know that's true for me, and I'm very thankful for all the friendships formed. ♥
It also makes me very happy to see that this little fandom that could is still alive and kicking more than a year after the end of ATWT, be it here or on other communities and sites. A heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for that! :)
Now, to get this thing going, here's your opportunity to rewatch Reid's arrival in Oakdale again. Ah, the Mr. Snyders, the hanging up, the I don't like you - good times. :D
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