~Fun Fic Friday~
TGIF! It’s the day before the weekend, and what better way to close out a long week than with a fun dose of ficlets and drabbles of Luke, Reid, or Luke & Reid? Or how about some amazing icons or graphics of the guys? (Don't be fooled by the name - Fun (Graph)Fic Friday just didn't have the same ring to it.) Here’s your chance to
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Reid took a moment to take in the scene. David was smiling warmly at him from across the room, but he wasn’t alone. Noah Mayer sat in a chair on the opposite side of the table, frowning and generally looking uncomfortable. Reid nodded at David, pulling out a chair and sitting down.
“Mr. Mayer, are you feeling alright?” Reid asked.
“I’m fine, Dr. Oliver. I just got some bad news.” Noah squinted as if to make himself look even more miserable.
“What is it? It can’t be about your medical condition, your prognosis is good and your surgery is already scheduled for next week. Don’t tell me you’re having second thoughts?”
“Not exactly, but… look, do you really have to shave my hair? Can you even imagine what I’ll look like bald?“
Reid thought it wise to keep his mouth shut.
“Noah,” David thankfully jumped in, “we’ve talked about this. We want to be taken seriously, and our viewers think it would add to the realism of the show if we shaved your hair before the surgery.”
“Please, can’t you reconsider?” Noah was begging now. God, this was pathetic. “I mean, what will the fangirls think?”
“They’re gonna give up on me, there won’t be good picspams for months! Look, you can’t do this to me! They’ve already turned away from me ever since I became blind and, and - you just can’t humiliate me this way!”
Reid couldn’t help but smirk at that. But damn if his good doctor conscience didn’t have to make an appearance right now.
“Look, Mr. Mayer, just calm down,” Reid spoke up. “I can and will perform a shaveless surgery on you if that is your preference. I’ve done it hundreds of times. It’s usually only done on patients with long hair who might suffer psychologically from a drastic change in their appearance, but this seems important to you and I don’t really care one way or the other as long as I still get to cut.”
“Thank you, thank you! You don’t know how much this means to me!” Noah exclaimed.
It just figured that after everything, that was the thing the guy would finally show some gratitude for.
“Well Noah,” David began, “it looks like you got your wish. You can go now. I’ll see you back here in two weeks.”
Noah scrambled to get out of his chair and made it to the door surprisingly fast for a blind guy.
“You do realize that you just turned down a major opportunity to knock your competition down a peg, right?” David asked.
Reid just waved dismissively. “You and I both know that he’s not really competition. And give me a break - as if Luke cares about shallow things like hair when it comes to who he’s attracted to. He’s better than that.”
“Oh, I agree. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t like to run his hands through a full head of hair if the opportunity arose,” David trailed off. Reid decided he really liked the glint in his eyes and just smiled.
“So, was there another reason you ordered me here?”
“Just your regular review, Reid. You’re doing a great job inside the hospital and out, and most everybody loves you. Of course your colleagues- “
“What? The ones who stop treating their patients the minute the cameras stop rolling?” Reid scoffed.
“They’re just not used to your personality yet. If you ask me, Jean has pampered them for years, but let me handle her. The important thing is that you’re doing everything right, so just take this as another rave review and enjoy the rest of your day.” David gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder.
Reid made to leave, but turned around once more. “Hey, do me a favor? When I get to kiss Luke again, can you stop the damn cameras for just a minute? It’s annoying as hell being watched all the time.”
David laughed. “I’ll see what I can do.”
Noah's precious hair!
David telling Reid about the possibility of Luke running his hands through hair!
The camera! Nope, sorry, Reid, we want to watch you kiss Luke ALL THE TIME!
I was thinking they came to a compromise where they got to keep the cameras on the kisses for like 30 seconds and then Reid got some not-daytime-appropriate tongue action in inbetween. :D I mean, they cut away from post-surgery kiss twice, it could've lasted 30 minutes for all we know. :D
Oh, and I don't think I mentioned it before, but I love love love this part:
Reid just waved dismissively. “You and I both know that he’s not really competition. And give me a break - as if Luke cares about shallow things like hair when it comes to who he’s attracted to. He’s better than that.”
Aww! It's got a touch of the old snarkiness but also a touch of seriousness, too. A very Reid-like combination, IMO. :)
I totally googled "brain surgery no shaving" or something along those lines and a journal article that had "shaveless" in its title popped up. :D
Fun fact: apparently not shaving the patient's hair is actually better in terms of risk of wound infection.
Aww, thanks again! ♥
And don't you DARE turn off those cameras David. LuRe kisses are what make the world go round. :)
True! Still amazing even on the hundredth (who am I kidding? Way past that number) rewatch. :D
Thank you!
“They’re gonna give up on me, there won’t be good picspams for months! Look, you can’t do this to me! They’ve already turned away from me ever since I became blind and, and - you just can’t humiliate me this way!” Noah, Noah, Noah. I don't think there are enough picspams in the virtual world to have saved you from the exodus of so many former Nuke fans once Reid arrived in Oakhell.
Poor Noah, I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
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