Pine martens have been popping up in my dreams lately. I've always had a special "relationship" with Mustelids in general, but never such an intense focus on one species. Last night it was Martens and thunderstorms. And then I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep because of my back hurting.
The trail ride seemed to help Deli's back soreness. She still has abnormal muscle buildup in her lower back and a lack of muscle in her bum, but I can poke it and her pain response is less after a ride were I work to have her moving more correctly. Clearly, this is going to be our focus. I need to see if I can scrape together some money to have her massaged and adjusted, and I may use someone different from normal, because the massage lady I have been using is now more focused on the thermography. Which is USEFUL for information, but not part of the direct solution when I already have a pretty good idea what is going on. Also, she WILL tell me to give her time off and will not hear that she has had 2+ months off, during which time her back got worse compared to my light rides which seem to HELP.
So... there's that. Do my horse-friends think I have the right impression? I'm SURE she injured her hip while we were at Destiny Farms flailing around in her stall. Since then I've had vets check her out and they said she seems sound. Just atrophied and using the wrong parts of her body to move.
Like ME! My body has been so retarded lately. Essentially, I think I broke my neck and back when I was coughing horribly. Heck, I'm still having RANDOM coughing fits. It's all painful.
I need to get married so I can have health insurance. Yeah. I'm annoying because Brian's health insurance, while decent, is Providence which means NO BIRTH CONTROL coverage. As in, no help for Essure or other sterilization. Brian and I discussed it, and he's going to see if he can get a vasectomy from Planned Parenthood locally. It's around $300 versus $3k for Essure (I really wanted Adiana... but it looks like that's coming off the market even though it's safer and more effective because of patent issues. Ugh).
I've been having issues with my cervix being really painful for the past couple months. Along with other issues, it makes me want to remove the IUD so I could at least rule that out. I had full tests run, including ultrasounds, when the pain as really bad (luckily it's slightly better now, but still enough that it's making sexytimes less fun) and everything was NORMAL. Including IUD placement.
Grah. I want something permanent. I want BOTH Brian and I to be sterilized. I've been trying to get snipped since I was 17. Ten years of ridicule by doctors and I just want it to end.
I'm probably thinking about this right now because my parents are planning on having a "family dinner party" this weekend when I'm in SoCal visiting them. That means my Dad's side of the family, all of whom I don't like. I'll shmooze a little as my uncle's wife has connections to the EPA, which is a job I wouldn't mind having. But if my cousins are there I'm going to have to resist running away. I fucking hate those "kids", even if they are brain damaged little freaks.
I'm NOT looking forward to questions about our "wedding"; there are already issues with my sister demanding to be there or she will "have nothing left to live for". Ugh. Which means we can't get married when we were planning (beginning of next month) because that's when my sister starts college classes.
Having decided to elope clearly does not take away all the drama I want to avoid.
One bonus for this weekend is one of my best friends from college, Dawn, lives right near my parent's new house. So we are going to go on a nice long trail ride where I will ride her mom's horse, a Missouri Fox Trotter! I've only ever ridden a paso fino, so I'm curious to try another gaited breed. It will be fun to hang out with her. I wished I lived closer to all my best friends!