Mar 15, 2004 21:44
So Helen's in Mexico... I feel like a widow, or something... Cognatively, I know she's gone, but I keep acting like she's here... You know, leaving room for her stuff in the locker... Wondering if she'll get on my bus in the morning to ride up 5th street to school... Looking for her at lunch... You know how it goes... But then I hung out with Sarah, and that rocked. Jade got a camera phone. It's mildly frightening.
So... uhm... Two in-class essays in the next two days for sure in English. Oh well. At least there's some certainly in the matter... Oh, and I got another one of my aforementioned essays from the insides of class back today... C+. That class depresses me so much. I decided to take the English Language and Composition AP test rather than the English Literature and Composition AP test, because R-H would only count the latter as an elective credit, while the former might actually get me out of a class. And I'm all for not taking classes I don't have to. Plus, you know, I SUCK AT LITERARY ANALYSIS. This is basically the only thing I am aware of really having LEARNED from that class.... ;_;
Anyway, it's Winter in Harvest Moon now, so I have nothing better to do than mine in the lake mine and buy the Chicken Girl presents. I also bought a refridgerator. It's awesome. Let's hear it for the power of the Home Shopping Network!
Okay, I'm done. I guess.