Nov 24, 2010 21:11
I dont celebrate the day myself but to those of you who do, happy Thanksgiving or Tofurky day as we call it. I may head to the UU church with my sister to see Marian and Garrettand family.About 2:30-ish Afterwards, Ill probably offer some wine to the wights and drink the rest myself as I share with them what im thankful for.
Did better on this Macro exam about a grade or grade and a half better, and unfortunately I have to be satisfied with that. Hung a bunch of signs up for study group and just general announcements
Kinda flatlining today, not sure why.
Preparing for my winter weather walk I hear tales of the dreaded snow nearby and must make my peace with it or be even more miserable.
Reading Dharma Gai&The dinosaur heresies good books both but you need to be careful with the dino book. Ive gotton my 11 yr old niece hooked on dinosaurs,esp. feathered dinos. The whole bird thing fascinates her.