Fourteen Phases

Dec 30, 2008 03:02

Well. Busy times at home, very busy times.

Now that it's all quieter, however, I can get back to something that had been put momentarily on the back burner. It feels awkward or upsetting a little to be excited to get back to business after a short break. Perhaps because for myself business is not quite separable from pleasure.

That said, to the point: I'd like to get that shoppe running. If you're still interested, Hermione, Ginny, I would love your continued help. Yourself as well, Ron, though I know you've got more than enough on your plate these days.

I'll be holding a public tasting of offered charmed candies and local novelty foods, if we want to call them that, nearby the fountain in the afternoon and early evening of tomorrow. I hope that's alright-- I won't get arrested for soliciting or loitering or anything, will I? I never know.

And I still need a name.

I think I'm not very good at this whole thing yet.

Oh, that reminds me, Severus-- stop by in the morning, may I? To talk about those adjustments you're making?

who doesn't love a sucker, amiable werewolf is amiable, confused wizard is confused, i solemnly swear, take a fucking valium lupin, needs moar chocolate, needs moar wolfsbane, snape snape severus snape, loony loopy lupin, slightly underwhelmed, am i doin it rong, morning severus, honest day's work, behave yourselves or don't

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