Nine Phases

Dec 04, 2008 21:36

Well, a Dear Santa curse of some sort? The deities here are more creative than some of us give them credit for, surely. Perhaps not as creative as certain of Ron's brothers.

Though it has given me some nice thoughts and some very good bad ideas.

I am apparently not affected by the curse, and so I have only one wish to make for this Christmas, to Santa or whomever out there can possibly grant it. Were Neville Longbottom still here, I am sure that he would share the sentiment.

May I never forget
what is worth remembering.
Or remember
what is best forgotten.

christmas season, luna lovegood, amiable werewolf is amiable, neville longbottom, needs moar wolfsbane, snape snape severus snape, slightly underwhelmed, loony loopy lupin, gryffindor, behave yourselves or don't

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