Two Phases

Oct 22, 2008 06:21

I just wanted to thank everyone who spoke with me the other day. Listening to all of you kept me as calm as I needed to be until Ronald came to rescue me from the cold. Your concern and interest was greatly appreciated, and I hope that we can continue speaking in the future. I'll re-pay your kindnesses.

To anyone I didn't introduce myself to, I'm sorry, I'm not the best at socializing like that and things as such have a tendency to just slip my mind! My name is Remus Lupin, I'm from England. Though I suppose that now I'm from here.

I don't know whether or not I should look around for work. I hear that this place doesn't discriminate quite like home.


I've read everything that I could get my hands on. I spent the night asking around the Underground, which by the way makes London's look tame, and gathered more colloquial information from individuals.

You are really dead, aren't you? From before you ever even appeared here?

Non-living to be more accurate if not more sensitive.

do not want, lily, amiable werewolf is amiable, regulus black, hairy little problem, needs moar chocolate, go to hell, snape snape severus snape, slightly underwhelmed, hold me please, gryffindor, morning severus

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