season's greetings

Dec 24, 2010 23:44

first the merry Christmas/yule/Hanuka/Kwanzaa or whatever winter celebration you do.
may it be blessed and all well with you and yours
my first christmas dinner with out father... was 20 days ago that he passed away... dinner went well if a bit to gloomy... mother's house is also gloomy... not even a single decoration... and oddly even the town is gloomy... only a supermarket put lights... and even the half assed house decorations are small and even more half assed than usual... what the hell
been at father's grave today... light up a candle... got to hold a bit with the knot on my throat and the water in the eyes... father always liked to get something even if he feigned uninterested... but we saw in his eyes he liked that... one month ago i was thinking... what i will offer father this year when i come out of hospital... and well... that what i though when i was standing near the grave... i wish i was not here offering you paraffin father (lighting a candle on his grave)
anyway... i think i was the only one in the house that despite all decided we should at least to give some gifts, do the best we can with the ones around us it would be only gloomier if i decided not to give something to close family... lol always better to give than to get ... but my stocking will be empty this year... no one offers to drop a candy or two there? oh yeah i always get a rock *smiles*
in the unlikely event of some one reads this and cares
be well, be fun, be safe, treasure your loved ones
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