Making more jams

Aug 13, 2012 00:23

Another four hours spent making jams and juices. I made redcurrant (punaviinimarja) juice with a steam juicer (mehumaija), blackcurrant (mustaviinimarja) jelly and gooseberry-carrot jam (karviais-porkkanahilloa). The last one is the jam that my grandma used to make, which I mentioned last time. Mom remembered it when I asked her what jam it was that grandma used to make with carrots in it. It's also called poor man's cloudberry (lakka) jam. The color is right at least. :p Hopefully the blackcurrant jelly came out all right. It took ages to make. It'll probably taste great with chicken or game.

I had to bicycle to the store to get some sugar and preservative (säilöntäaine) before I could even begin. I didn't put any preservative into the jams or juices, as I just rinsed the bottles and glass jars with it. And now I'm totally beat after all that work.


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